Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5375 5370 Chapter? Map Air Family?

He hated that it was not complete enough. If it was all the power of the fragmentation, it was the sea of ​​all things, and I was probably that he was directly the ninth floor, completely satisfactorily.

The breakthrough in the realm is completely successful.

But the path and the swords are seventh floors, and they have not arrived.

If this time is closed, it can be successful, and the chance is still very large.

But there is no more powerful combat power.

After all, the road and the sword have not arrived yet, and the heritage is a lot.

External strong, resource lacking, some of the strong people in the second product, I have chosen the same way in the seventh floor, which is also helpless.

Who doesn't want to succeed, the resources that can be needed are too large.

Today, these people enter the Polysman, which is to make up for the heritage.

Otherwise, the true spirit can't see them.

"Are you so afraid?" The sword is unparalleled to see the white junwang behind the last source of the ultimate path, leaking a smile.

Now he is really happy, the poorer is finally broken, and the power of the phagosis is completely shovel.

Those who haunting his evil are also beginning to disappear.

Nowadays, there is no spicy, but it is very followed, but it is gentle than the control of the road.

Bai Jun Wang raised up, and after seeing the sword is unparalleled, it will relieve a breath.


Some doubtful Bai Jun Wang just want to say anything, but I think of the vows that have been vows, can't ask more, and swallow it.

The sword has shaken his head, saying that there is nothing, "there is nothing, all things are contained in space, I have already known this, but I didn't expect the seventh floor, it will be a space!"

In this space, there are still many pieces, need him to absorb slowly. Only through these fragments are swallowed, and the transformation is a strong force. His poorer is perfect.

The white monarch is surprised to nod.

After a thorough breakthrough, he didn't bind it again. The next thing is constantly improving the source and preparing for the right.

It is not very far from the distance.

Unlike previous, there is no direction, only the route of cultivation.

Breakthrough, go to Magic.

First win the gods, and then help the White Junwang aggregate the source.

The most important thing is the two things.

The scarcity of resources makes him very toward the tomb mountain.

He has to go back there.


When this is a long, when you open your eyes again, you will leak a variety of light.

The next auction is not much related to him.

The Bai Jun's root is the bones, and it took eight billion, and it was deducted from 50 billion.

3 billion gods, can't take treasures at all now.

Especially the item, the base price is from 50 billion.

The last eleventh treasure, the bottom price is billion, is the nine robbery, one thousand, each is the size of the fist.

Related to the Thunder, it is possible to help cultivate the flavor, and finally the three billion steadily took it.

This time auction is a success.

Originally prepared to leave, but after seeing the treasure of the ten auctions, I decided to see it.

Because the treasure of the tenth auction is a mysterious map.

This is a map of the Tomb.

In the map, there is a route to the tomb mountain.

This item is out, there are countless powers, and the base price is reported to a god stone.

The coming is questionable.

"Nalanti, this map fidelity?" The sixth order emperor, the emperor directly condensed a huge head, appeared in the hall.

Nalanti smiled and said: "" My belonging is guaranteed, and my father has already explored true. "

Her father?

When I heard this, the sixth-order emperor was a little fear, and immediately retired a huge head.

Nalantian father!

That is a very existence, which is quite equal to the strength of the White Jun, is the peak in the land.

He has gone to find out, others naturally don't dare to say anything.

However, there is also a little, Nalantian father "Nalan left hand" is a strong strength, he can find the tomb mountain, which also has his strength factor.

Others are probably just entered the gods, not encountering special life, just encountering those Lingling people, directly killing them, the dangerous coefficient is too big.

Moreover, many inheritors these years have appeared from the tomb mountain, and the strength is strong.

Most of them are invincible in the same order.

Among them, five-order episode, can also fight the sixth order.

Dao Jun is even more reversed to kill the third-order episode.

Of course, these are rumors, and there are very few people who really encounter inheritors.

Nalan saw no people dare to bid, once again opened: "If you still have worry, I can let the inheritors who serve the map come out to solve it."


I heard this sentence, countless people leaked the curious attention.

Dark summer emperor's room.

Xia Mang suddenly turned to look at the no amount of Buddha, said: "There is no brother!"

There is no quaternity of Buddha's eye, slowly getting up, and the appearance has changed in the process of getting up, and even the breath has changed.

"Promise you, I will do it, you don't forget to promise!" After the Buddha changed the appearance, he left a sentence and walked out of the room.

The appearance of the change of the Buddha is very ordinary, and I really wait for him to go to the booth, many people still leaked.

Nalanci has a countermeasures, saying: "If you don't believe, the five-order epidermount can be tested at will!"

By the battle, there are not a few people in the ground.

Especially the fourth-order emperor, the fifth-order episode of the battle.

The mysterium who was previously called with the sword didn't get up, and I watched: "I have long wanted to see the so-called inheritor. There is no rumor. Today, I will try it today!"

Nalanti waved a small space, which is a very large cave world, enough for them.

Take millions of people at the same time, look at the world.

The sword is unparalleled and is very curious. Once only three-order peak is now much.

After thousands of years, I broke through the four-order, even if the original source of the outside world is complete, it is not easy to defeat the five-order emperor.

And the strength of the mysterious emperor, is weak in the five-order, at least the top level.

There are no more than a few years, how strong it can be broken through the four-order.

The two people in the world have no nonsense.

Although the mysterious five-level emperor is gentle, but there is no light enemy.

Just happened, it is a palm that contains space.

This prostitute will shock the heavens and the earth, and the golden giant captured is straight.

Standing in the void, the noble Buddha of the hazag flying, the eyebrow is condensed, just a bit, a huge force raised.

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