Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5376, 5371? The strength of the Buddha

"No quantity!"

Double-handed 10, anger!


It's just a look, the giant of the ushered is actually not born.

The mysterious emperor is surprised, then strengthen the power again, and all the best.

Just instant, it is tens of thousands of palms.

When the Buddha, the Buddha is, but I am afraid, when I appear again, the whole body of the world is a Buddha.

There are countless queues, they are slowly lifted, and it is a light spot to take out.

All the giants all run, even the body of the mysterious monarch is also wearing it.

This means is very ordinary, not amazing.

It is just the power of the five-order peak, but he is a means of four-level emperor!

If this also proves what can't, the means of the body is definitely the means of the five-order peak, and many five-order emperor can be unable to display.

The body of the mysterious emperor is worn by the hole, and the body is destroyed. The source is even more vibration, which is obviously suppressed.

Just a trick, let his body injured, really if it is dead, I am afraid he can't resist a few tricks, the other party is the fact that the peak war is already true.

"It turned out to be hurt!" There is a high level of the six-order emperor. When you see the mysterious gods, the trembling of the origin is suppressed.

The mysterious emperor is somewhat unwilling, even if it is the same as the rumor, the battle will not be so exaggerated!

Do you say that those inheritors choose some peak emperors to challenge?

His guess is true, the inheritor is really challenging the peak emperor, and it is a strong person who is a whole hierarchy to challenge.

The mysterious emperor's eyes are horrified, and I just said: "Inheritors, really don't usually, I will see it!"


Nothing to enter the Diva Temple, especially the magic sound mountain, has changed the earth.

I have been killed by Tongtian, and now he once again broke out again. Although he did not catch up with Tongtian, there is also hope, do nothing is like it is like it.

There are countless shape gathering, and the mysterious emperor is in the center, then suddenly shot.

The huge Buddha statue is condensed, which contains the power to make mysterious emperors fear!

"You!" The mysterious emperor did not expect these inheritors to report, he didn't say a few words questioned?

No need to die!

Bang! ! ! !

"I will pay you with a palm, let you see what is called!" There is no quarantine Buddha's palm, the Buddha is full, and the power is shocked.

This sentence, let the sword have no double, "I know more than you!"

There is no change in the Buddha, let Hui Qing face change!

Once the Buddha, there is no light, but now it has become a model.

I really don't know, the emergence of this temple is good or bad.

He has a little missing to follow several masters, after the big man, the thoughts of the big donuts are still, but the people who die in the same year change.

At the palm, mysterious emperor's gods collapsed, only the precarious origin is supported, and it is fallen.

If it is not because of the sixth episodes, there is no quenteen Buddha, it is really a mysterious emperor.


Don't stay in Naran, he will directly except the day.

"Now, can there be an objection?"

There is no quantity of Buddha to see the crowd, and look up and look at the five-order.


The identity is very high, and it is related to the temple. If the sixth order episodes will be shot, it will definitely cause the disaster.

There have been happened to hijack the inheritor.

Finally, the new forces "Yuan Hao Palace" shot, all of the emperors of this matter will be killed, and the Tianguo Gate is uprooted.

The Sword Holy Land "Shang Qing Palace" was disgraced, and the ancestors of the Shang Qing have been got to the door of the veteran, and the door is full of mining!

This thing can be alive, who dares to touch this brow, although this is the land, the temple is influential, but don't forget, the things of Wanzang's forests have not been over.

See unmanned back, no quantity of Buddha sleeves, there is no Nalanti, left alone.

He is waiting for arrogance, if it is not because the task given by the tomb mountain, how could be flexed in the big summer.

That map, just a chip today!

He helped Daxia to get this auction, the big summer soldiers swim "magic Luo"

Are business!

Don't underestimate the value of this auction.

The auction will take half. Xia Mang's star is pulling the number of five-level emperor, and took out more than trillion gods, and these five-order emperor played a key role in big summer and magic.

If the big summer is like a broken bamboo, they join in and hurt the poodles together.

If the big summer and the magic are deadlocked, they are responsible for holding the four major people in the border, and they don't need to die.

This sale is too easy for those five-order emperor.

Not much dangerous, just thousands of years, earned five billion gods in white.

This means of Xia Mang, there is no double with swords, but the former is not too rich than the sword.

Thousands of gods, what the millions of monks are unified, that time is not a huge overhead.

Weake those families, whether it is a victory, the big summer royal family will not lose.

Winning, he has a credit, lost a few big towns, can't lose, more than 20 five-level emperor, and it is easy to suppress a thousand years.

After thousands of years, he has other means.

The Emperor, the means is the extraordinary person.

After returning to the room, re-recovering the appearance, Xia Mang's star is busy, "the strength of the brothers is fine, the inheritor is exquisite."

This sentence is not a praise, that is the fact.

When I saw no quarantine Buddha for the first time, he can still fight with the innate Buddha, and now I am afraid it.

Xia Mang's war is generally, much better than the mysterious emperor.

With the proof of the inheritor, this map also has a credibility.

It is only a few people who need it.

However, I thought of this Tianding has secretly notified a lot of six-order emperor, but they have hidden strength this time, and the outsiders cannot find it.

Within the VIP room above, at least there are ten six-order expectations, at this time, the price starts soaring.

Their price increase is not that billion level, but in millions of units.

The price will rise trillion quickly.

Xia Mang's star looked at this, some doubts, if this map is treasure, why did the old ancestors bought privately?

His position is not usually, there are a lot of gods, which can be mixed in the gods. It is the most abundant resources, but the time and space is confusing, and the sixth order emperor will be lost, and it is easy to come out. difficult.

The most important thing is that the special life inside is too powerful. The six-order emperor who go in is not dead in the hands of the special life, which is sealed by those obligants.

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