Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5378 5373 ??? Dragon

Hui Qing is because of the noctuous mountain, heard the dragon talking, coupled with Hui Qing and Taoist relationship, two people are more familiar.

The same is that the hemp's sword is unparalleled, but it will not know this Dragon Temple.

It is also a white monarch reminded that he knows the identity of each other.

"Qinglong Temple, Dragon!" The sword muttered himself, and then thought of the Lord of Zhu Yixian, the Lord of the White Temple.

Xuanwu Temple!

The sword has no double eyed!

"Xuan Yi!"

How is this possible.

After the first time was disappeared, he entered the big Sad Domain, and wanted to find a clue of Xuan and a teacher. Clue.

I once thought of this name again, and he goddened.

I didn't expect Xuan Yi, which is actually a palace in the Diva Temple.

Of course, this is just a speculation, he doesn't dare to guarantee whether it is the same name.

I started to know that the Lord of Zhu Ye, I thought about it when I thought it was, I didn't dare to determine. In case the Qinglong Temple called Qingyi, Xuanwu Temple's protagonist!

"What is the strength of this person, it is true or a body!" The sword is unparalleled, and the Lord of the White Hall will be able to fight with the White Junwang, and it will always win.

If it is true, I am afraid that the White Jun Wang has finished early.

When the Bai Jun Wang took the breath at this time, he replied. "It is true, and his strength I listen to the gods, the first hall, I am afraid that I am three strokes in his hands!"

"Strive!" The sword is unparalleled!

Or is the white monarch?

At the beginning, the madness "Guangwei Tianzun" but the discriminates sat down a hundred and eight messengers, and the long river in the ancient times can be ranked in the first few hundred six-order emperor. He is not the opponent of the White Jun.

It is conceivable that the peak of the White Jun is more powerful.

Even he walked three tricks in the Longyi Dishi, what is the dragon to be strong.

He has heard of the most reversed emperor, that is, the people who declined to cloud, standing at the end of the time and space, I am afraid that it can be compared with the dragon.

The city outside the city rises!

Xia Mang's old ancestors have not opened, and the opposite of the Long Yi Temple can't help with the big array of Huangcheng.

"This big array is a bit mean, I am a bit embarrassed to destroy!" Said that it is very arrogant.

The old ancestors standing on the opposite side of the old ancestors smiled, and the old lady was smiling, and the voice was very quirky.

Xia Mang's ancestors were stable, and the breath was hidden. She said: "This Taoist, I don't know what I have, if I need help, even though said!"

"It's very good to talk, in fact, it is nothing to do with you, just come to find a group of people, take it back!" Dragon said very casually, but let the summer mang have changed.

He also thought that the dragon said that the map is that if it is a map, the other party is not related to the Tomb.

Think of this, don't dare.

That map he had long known that it is a hot salamination. I dare not buy it. Now I really have to go to the door, but he dares to put the other side. In case in the emperor, the country of their big summer is over.

"You, can you give the old man, a face, I have a city, I have no matter what!"

Dragon is shaking his head, "No, there are too many people in the city, one by one," "

"This!" Summer Mang did not know what he didn't know. He is still very grasped against the big array, but he doesn't want to defend each other.

In the country, although not afraid of the people of the Temple, the other party may be a tomb mountain, he is easy to get sin.

Most people who are not afraid of the temple, most of them are alone, and they are of course not afraid of hanging without hanging.

But his old, you can't fight hard.

There is a wolf before, there is a tiger!

He didn't know how it was good for a while.

"This makes me very difficult!" Xia Mang old ancestors eventually shook his head, obviously don't want to put it in.

Dragon is confident, the eyes are also stunned, and the sound is low: "Since it is difficult, then don't do it!"


Next, directly.

Xia Mang wanted to block, but found that he could not even move his body, and the old lady also leaked a surprised expression.

Qinglong, the roaring voice is deafening, a huge Qinglong is only a broken emperor.

Those sixth-order emperors who watch the show, suddenly the face is bigger, even the Lanci is also shocked, the big summer is still quite understanding, that is, his father came, it is not too easy to break, How can people in front of me?

I broke the big array, but I didn't have the supervisor of Xia Mang and the old lady. All this is too strange.

The six-order episode of the show, suddenly sagging.

Too strong, this is not a hidden old mock is the people of the temple, now there is no chance to escape, etc.

Long Yi broke the array, one stepped into the imperial city, looked at the emperors who fled, very calmly stunned.



The space shocks, the general tribeters of the entire big summer are already treated on the spot.

Hui Qing and the quantity Buddha know the dragon, so there is no escape, and it slowly flew over.

"Huiqing, no quantity, see the Lord of the Longyi Temple!" The two people met.

Breaking, the desperate Xia Mang fighter did not escape. At this time, he saw Hui Qing and no amount of Buddha to know each other, and loosened a sigh.

He is sighend, you can't see the situation in the current situation, the Lord of the Longyi Dynasty is not working on the old ancestors, obviously not for their big summer.

The dragon leaks a smile, the audience: "Hui Qing is, see it!"

Then I saw a little bit of a little bit.

Hui Qing is a bit embarrassing, on the tomb mountain, the true spirit has a fidelity that said there, because he is optimistic from the original star, so much less a little difference.

The four major temples, even the Lingli people can see that now in the inheritor, in addition to the ultimate emperor, the most favorable of the true spirit is Hui Qing.


That is the rule of the discovery of the discord.

It is possible to inherit the temple.

Inherited the Temple, they naturally have to mix with the new owner, and now Huaqing has a lot of people to inherit the Temple.

It is not that Hui Qing's potential is much higher than that of the ultimate emperor, but the ultimate emperor, not suitable for inheriting the Polysman, more suitable for inheriting the position of God.

So they can say that it is very high.

"The Hall of the Temple, I don't know this time." Hui Qing looked at the dragon.

Dragon refers to the above, then speak: "Little things, kill some people, grasp some people!"

These are very fierce, but they are very random in the dragon.

He took the bloodthirsty continent for a long time to see these indigenous emperors, they never made these indigenous emperors.

This is also the cause of the strong people on the bloodthirsty continent, and the resistance of the rebellion are killed by him, leaving some obedience.

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