Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5379 5373 ??? Nalan

Everything is obedient, he is very important, treasure is picking up, talent is not right, obedient.

This is why he can be in the vanish world, and the bloodthirsty mainland is his back garden. He has countless identity, never high.

Which is as tired as it is white.

"Come back!" In this space, the dragon said that the four of the four emperors returned to the original position.

On the wall, the Prince was full of horror.

He originally thought that Hui Qing is a Putut's inheritor. I didn't expect to be so high. Even the power of the kind of passenger passenger.

This makes him from the heart, I don't dare to have a good self, for this huge inheritor, and those who don't know how to take over the same level than him, he must have a good job. But you can't deliberately.

Jiang Wei, who was originally located next to Huqing, did not know what happened, his eyes looked at Huqing in the sky.

Just all people did not find that after this space is parked, in addition to Huqing and no quantity of Buddha, there is a third person to move, then ginger.

It's like she doesn't belong to this space. It is very magical.

The strong man who escaped, in addition to participating in the auction, there are still many emperors.

Only those emperors who participated in the auction will be collected by Qinglong. Everyone is again gathered together.

In the face of horrible dragons, they don't dare to have any resistance.

Xia Mang, the old lady and the old lady, found that it has restored freedom, even busy, not dare to make a second, but the eyes of the old lady have been not good, especially when he heard Hui Qing and the unity shouting the dragon .

"You are Nalanti?"

Nalanci is moving, and even busy leaking smile, respectfully replied: "The late Lan Lan family Nalan, I have seen the predecessor!"

Knowing her name, then saying, her father is also the power of this level, more less little will give her father some face, will not be difficult for her.

"That's right, finally put your old and uncomfortable." Long Yi's expression is a bit unsatisfactory.

He went to the old ancestors of Tiansheng to catch Nalan family "Nalan left hand!" Then I ran to the boundaries of Tiannan, caught the old man of the Nalan family, "Naran is useless!"

When you go to the sky, some troubles, kill tens of thousands of people, caught Nalan's left hand, in the nannan border, the Ranan useless more trouble, the billionalan family, one by one is too trouble, good in the true spirit Said, the killing was killed.

He launched the blood of Nalan's left hand, directly through causal, put all people of the Nalan family.

Finally, Nalanti is left.

Catching her even if the first task is completed, the rest is to recover the treasures that don't dare to scatter.

Nalan heard the dragon one.

Long Yi's cyan squamquop, directly grabbed Nalanti neck.

"You have been celebrated, the old quaile, is also killed than him, you are a little special to catch live!" Long Yi leak a smile.

Unfortunately, he will be wrong, the true spirit is to be Nalan left hand, not Nalanti.

The dragon is one thought that the true spirit old is to be Nalanti.

Sharp paws, punctured Nalantian neck, golden blood flows along the neck.

This horrible scene, let those six-order Emperor can't breathe.

Cut Nalanti in one hand, Dragon turned to look at the rest, smiling: "You don't have to be afraid, just take it out of the treasure bought on the auction."


Everyone glances.

Do you still need to rob their treasures?

Can you dare to ask!

When all the mustard is all, we will start, countless treasures appear in the sky.

The map that got a huge price is now, I haven't mentioned it yet, and what I have in comparable to the life.

Huan Qing waved, took out a mustard, it was the mustard of the role of the grass, ready to pay together, he knows that this is true spirit, the true spirit has great env, of course, to cooperate .

The drain is a swing, saying: "You don't have to use it."

Others are still good, the sword is unparalleled.

Many treasures, he used it at the time, how did it come out now.

You can't pay yourself!

Dragon He looked at those emperors, the face changed, and he walked: "I don't take it out, I have to die!"

This sentence has just fallen, and many people have smashed a lot.

The sixth-order Emperor's five-level episode, knowing more, knowing this is fled, most of the fourth-order emperors still hold a lucky attitude.

Sweeping an eye, my heart, but I found that there is still a variety of causality related to Nalanti.

Then explain, there is still a treasure that will bought a auction, and has not been handed out.

Dragon is too lazy to see, and let's go, kill.

It is the direction of the big summer nine emperor "Xia Mang crown jade".

With the end of the emperor "Xuanyuan Anhui" around Xia Mang, "Xuanyuan Anhui Water" is sank, but the body can't move, and the urgent woman is coming out.

This is the only son.

Xia Mang did not change anything, his son, not care!

Seeing the murder, the sword of the crown jade, and took out a jadeboard, took out the thumb.

"Well?" Dragon turned his head and looked at it on the spot.

The body of the discriminates, jadeboard, he knows, and there is also a breath of the discriminant, false.

This product was in the sword. He listened to the Guanggui mentioned, but after the sword did not have a double drop, this jadeboard was gone, and now again?

Sword is unparalleled?

Long Yi just said, but he heard the sword unparalleled voice: "Long Yi Temple, trouble hidden my identity, now there must be things, it is not convenient to expose the identity."

The sword is unparalleled, he doesn't know the dragon, and I don't know if this jadeboard can give the other side to a face.

The rest of the treasure, he has already taken it out, but the animal gods absorbed, it doesn't come out!

With the mood of the , after the time of the three-five interest, the dragon turned the head and didn't look at Xia Mang crown jade, so that the sword was unparalleled.

Xuanyuan is also put down.

Sham Men's star leaked a doubtful expression.

Why didn't you do it?

Is your heart?


He didn't worry about Xia Mang crown jade will not be killed, but why can you keep it!

The other party is that the sixth order episodes are like pinching ants, how can they be soft.

Today, he is trying to ask this son.

"Hey, there will be some things here, but you don't think of it!" Long Yi took out Nalan's mustard, forcibly destroyed, there were countless treasures and gods, according to the causal relationship, all things Returning to the original owner.

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