Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5380 5374 Chapter ?? Gold Beast God! !

This also makes everyone loosen.

It is equal to this time without auction, there is no loss.

When the sword is unparalleled, when the gods in front of them, they found that there is still a mustard.

Be careful, open it, instantly flatten your breath.

Beast god blood!

And it is the blood crystal of the Golden Beast, and there are twenty in the foot.

It was previously the twenty blood crystal of the beast of the wind, but now it became a golden beast.

Just when he was confused, the mysterious emperor who was previously interested in the Buddha's hand, some asked: "Seniors, I have less blood crystals, you see ......."

"You are questioning me?" Dragon is surrounded by an eye.

In addition to him, there are several five-order emperor, and I also found less, but I didn't dare to do it.

There are some treasures for the ultimate path.

They were sent to the sword unparalleled and Huiqing by the dragon.


The mysterious emperor, the body fell on the spot, and even the origin of the origin is full of flying gray.

"Who else comes?"

Long Yi swears everyone, no one senses.

Less only one of them, the rest has got the original god and treasure, naturally there is no opinion, but also the treasure of this horror, very admire, such a massive treasure, but not all sent They.


The treasures that were confiscated were all received by the dragon. He didn't have a little interest in these treasures. What map places are for him, I don't want to go, I want to go.

"Long Yi Temple, this map!" There is no amount to take a token and hand it to the dragon.

After reading a token of the task content, he handed the map with the token to the width of the Buddha.

"Hui Qing, I will go first, I will see the tomb of the tomb, you can also pick me up to the bloodthirsty continent!" Long Yi is very enthusiastic about Hui Qing, but there is a little bit of a little, even the ultimate path No, the natural status is very low.

There is no amount of Buddha standing on the side, the surface smiles, but the heart is swearing. In the future, you should step on his people at the foot.

And look at the eyes of Huiqing, have changed.

Original Hui Qing is just the little sand it under his door, but it is because of his thoughts, it will go to the largest domain.

As a result, halfway encountered the six-way road to catch these recovery. Hui Qing did not know how to take an end, it became the ultimate Dagan. In front of Tongtian Buddha, he did not dismantle it, and now there is no need to dismantle it.

As such a small sand, now the status is actually higher than him, which makes him feel a good self-respect now began to shake again.

He is the first breakthrough in the same order, the strength is also the strongest, even stronger than the four-level emperor who came in the beginning.

After all, it is not a few people who can break through the five-order episode.

He believes that he is enough, it should be recognized by the Polyson Temple, and I didn't think that the other party was not cared at him.

These people are still more careful to the ultimate tribeters!

"Hey! I can't do the ultimate way, I can become an emperor, all of them are six-order emperor!"

There is no amount of Buddha sniper.

After the dragon, the strong people in the Huangcheng resumed freedom.

The sword is unparalleled.

Dragon is going back this time, he will tell the true spirit!

In fact, this is good, he doesn't have to explain it later.

He is not a violation of the vows.

One fell again.

Lost, Xia Mang's star looked at him, did not say anything, Xuanyuan is rushing over.



After this change, the strong in the Huangcheng, or leave or stay, soon this matter spread throughout the sky.

Subsequently, something more shocked is to split at the sky.

The original powerful talents are now there are few strong people.

Plus the split, with the stage of the peak forces.

The Nalan family is in Tiangan!

No one survives.

The side support is destroyed.

After this change, the date of the big summer soldiers "magic Luo" was postponed for a few years.

Daxia New Era.

The feast of the clan.

After the last thing, there are many low-key in the summer.

Perhaps it is seen that such a strong Nalan family instantly gray to smoke, it has a new cognition for strength.

After the big banquet, he was left by Xia Mang's star, and his father and son were talented to the knee.

Looking at the back of Xia Mang crown jade.

Sham Men's heart thinks, he has a little more about this son, but the character is still a little understanding, but now he will find this son is a big talent.

The bid of the Prince is just a virtual.

Establish a prince, you can inspire other princes.

Like the second emperor, the potential is very powerful, and now it is the peak of the fourth order, this is what he is willing to see.

If there is a suitable candidate, he certainly wants his son to inherit the big position.

Just this time is still very long.

Either he broke through the sixth order episodes, or the big summer expansion is successful. He can also make it back, go to the outside world, and pursue himself.

Prerequisite, there is a suitable pass, whether his son is still a consecutive generation.

It seems that Xia Mang crown jade is also a very suitable candidate, but now the strength is too weak, so I have to achieve the emperor.

After the sword was unparalleled, he told the people of the temple and sent a batch of resources to the Wangfu of Xia Mang crown.

Plus the treasures sent from Xuanyuan, the sword is unparalleled and white and white.

The treasure of the body breaks through, and it has been got it, and now his body has reached 12,000 times.

Now that the emperor sent a lot.

Many of them are treasures that he cultivate the norm.

Today, his day magic work has reached the hexapper level.

Fragrance is extraordinary!

The body is unpredictable!

Let him cultivate this and other sods.

Nowadays, there is a certain tactics, and the power of the body can be comparable to the third-order emperor.

Foot 15,000 times.

The six arm increased three thousand times.

In addition to some treasures sent, there is a hundred billion gantry on him.

There is also a blood crystal of golden beast.

The sword is sitting in the king of the knee, and the face is laughing in the face.

The blood crystal of Golden Beast, he has never dare to use.

This is much more powerful than those five lines.

The five elements of this source have long been collected.

It seems that it is too wasteful to use these garbage refining beast.

Refining the blood crystal crystal of the god of the golden beasts, it is perfect.

"White old ghost, help me ask the Queens near the big summer, have a strong thing that is good at refining to the treasure source, I can pay huge consideration, but people must be reliable." The sword was unbounded through a shower.

Refining treasures, nor is it an old man?

Amuse of the elderly of the four secrets, there are still many masters of Masters.

It is not necessary to wait, and now he needs strong strength. After the blood of the Golden Beast, he only needs some assistance to refining the origin of the beast. These years are sacrificed. The source of the source has learned a lot.

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