Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 539 broke out!

Jinling's move is obviously that everyone has not thought of.

Even the sergeants of the hundred people in Jinling, just the beginning of the next consciousness, the order of the orders from Jinling, and only after a while, these sergeants also responded.

"Captain, how is this?"

"People saved us, how can we don't care about their safety, just take care of yourself?"

"team leader!"

These sergeants have stopped a pace, and some sergeants are turned to the sword without double they plundered. It is intended to resist these monsters together with the sword.

"Escape, escape!" That Jinling did not ignore this, and a madness fled.

"This bastard!" The green fire broke, and the tenths of the troops were angry with many sergeants of the third hundred people.

"Musou brothers, what should I do?" The captain of the thirty team of teams came to the sword.

"I want to go to life." The sword is not double-sided.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

Many monsters roared, under the leader of the magic five of the purple black scales, the sky, and the swords and other people rushed.

In most of these monsters, they have just emerged in the battlefield from that emotion, although only short film work, but still gathered more than thousands of monsters.

Most importantly, these monsters are very high, the light is eight-order monster, there is a hundred and the seven-level monsters are hundreds of people.

Such a horrible monster group, directly pounced to the sword unparalleled.

"Fast, let's save them." Fang Han screams, he is also the first direction of the first fencing.

The entire seventh collar, even many sergeants of the sixth collar, they are unparalleled with swords.

Everyone wants to save, only Jinling, I want to escape.

"The sword is unparalleled, and you will die." Golden face is so cold to the extreme, and he will turn it around and look at the rear.

The sky-covered monster group, is already overwhelming with the sword.

It is at this time ...


A horrible sword is awkward, but it is a sudden outbreak.

I saw that a golden figure began skyrocketing in the amazing speed under the many monster parcels.

At this time, a golden shadow is rising from the sword without double, and it has been climbed to the foot 18 feet.


Still the strongest sword soul.

Since the fall of the demon spirit, this is still the sword. The first time I use this sword soul vain.

Eighteen feet high, high, exclusive sword soul vain, appearing in the world, is like the world of Ga Shi Zun.

"what is that?"

Many of the sergeants around, including those monsters raised their heads, and looked at this golden sword.

And the sword under the vain of the sword is unparalleled, with the power of the Sword Soul, and the momentum has suddenly skyrocket.

"Give me!"

The sword is unparalleled, the three killer swords in the hands, with a vast power, sword directly at this moment.

With his sword, the 18th feminine fierce soul fictitiously behind him, the same slowly waved the sword.

A huge sword appeared in air, horizontal.

~~ Sword light, like the monster group that is crazy, the sword is unparalleled, and the first time is swept by this sword.

Although these monsters also show a strong attack or means, they want to resist this sword, but this sword, the power is shocking.

! ! ! I saw that the sound of Jianfeng was hit by the body. The monster who rushed to collide with the sword unparalleled and others. At this moment, it was awkward.

These monsters, there is no signs in the void one by one.

Time and space seem to be completely condensed.

Strusted, the body of ten demon beasts, squatting is unable to fall directly down.

The entire battlefield is in a short silence at this moment.

Everyone on the battlefield, including those monsters, all of them.

A sword, kill 10 monsters.

Task, in these monsters that are killed by swords, including eight-order monsters, and six seven-level monsters.

"This battle ..."


"How can it be!"

Many human sergers around them are shocked by one by one.

Not only them, even those monsters who come crazy, they also shocked.

"Is it so strong?"

The magic five also looked at the sword. "This person is not a god, but it is definitely the top two gods, the war, and the general gods of the human ethnic group, it is estimated that it is not too bad. many!"

"The death, this group of human beings, there is a strong person?"

And the swords stared at the owner are unparalleled, but the suffocation of a face, his eyes are also cold.


A cold word suddenly issued from his mouth, kills the sky, on him behind the 18th golden sword soul vain, the unparalleled sword is straight, and the sword is unparalleled A cross, the long sword is again swept again.

This sweep is swept in front of the six-headed monster.

The six-headed beast is a seventh-order monster. At this moment, it is also Qi Qi, which is under this sword, this seven monsters are full of eyes, but the sound is directly dissipated.

Another sword, directly killing six seven-level monsters.

The horrible war, the murder of the sky, so that the monsters that crazy shocks come could not survey, the body that was rapidly rushing was also fierce in half empty, and it was clear that the sword was unparalleled. .

The leader of this group of monsters is that the devil is popular, and it is also afraid of the sword. The sword is unparalleled. It is a cold: "He is stronger, but it is just a person. It doesn't pay attention to him. To kill all other humans. "


This group of demon beasts roared, and if he responded to the magic five, this monster group was immediately scattered, and the sergeants around him were crazy to rush down.

"How could this be?"

That Jinling has been staring at everything that happened behind. It was originally thought that the sword is a must, but he saw that the sword was unparalleled and suddenly broke out, swept the eight parties, so that the monsters were scared.

"Betting, can't you die?" Jin Ling is a haze.

And at this time.


I have a beast. This game is in front of this, there is a monster, this monster is the old, and it is still a hundred-order monsters. This monster appears, will be gold Ling gave it down, and the monster group was scattered by the four scattered four sides of the sword.

Soon, there is a successful body of the monster in the body of Jinling, killing him directly.

"not good."

Golden face has changed.

There is a monster before and after, and the strength is extremely strong, which makes him fall into the crisis.


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