Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 540, the sword is unparalleled, you can see death!

On the battlefield, killing is still going on.

The sword has no hands holding three kills, spreading the blood river field, and the 18th golden sword soul of the 18th feet behind him is also a sword.

The sword is unparalleled. In this mousse group, the mousse group is rushing, and the monsters are all avoided, but there is no demon and dare to fight with him.

"Musou brothers, good!"

"team leader!"

"Captain, I love you!"

The captain of the phoenix, the third hundred teams, including many sergeants, one is excited, excited.

They have been in Jinlan before, they are ready to fight, but they don't expect the swords and suddenly erupt, and they have ease their crises with a self-cultivation.

Now these monsters still have to kill them, but after all, they are scattered, they should be paid, naturally, it is necessary to relax.

"Be careful, don't want it." The sword didn't have a double, but his eyes were in the big gap on the big group.

This war monster is too much, and the most important thing is that there is still a constant monster from the vulnese, and the movie is not blocked. These monsters are really endless.

"This movie must be blocked." The sword did not have a double eyeliner.

"You are more careful, I will block the gap." The sword was unparalleled with the green fire and other people said, then the figure was moved toward the mouth.

But his steps just took out a few steps, but suddenly heard a drizzle next to it.


"The dead thing is dead!"

The sword is unparalleled, this look, his eyes do not help with slightly.

I saw the battlefield next to it, I was originally rapidly escapped out, I didn't know when I was stared by the four monsters, and now he was attacked by the four-headed beast. Four monsters, there are two eight-order monsters, and two are seven-level monsters, and their situation is bad.

At this time, Thalon also saw the sword next to it, and the eyes were on immediately.

"The sword is unparalleled, save me, save me!" Jinling shouted, the sound was eager.

Although he is also a second-level god, he is a son of Jin Sni, and the sacrifice is excellent in weekdays.

In the murdere of the monster group before, he was fearful. When he was lamelled by the four monsters, he didn't have a good look, and the war has not been completely played. This will be The monsters are forcing to this point.

In fact, with his strength, as long as it is cautious, the four monsters want to kill him, nor is it simple.

"Hurry to save me!" Jinling saw that the sword is unparalleled, but it is actually roaring.

"Save you?" The sword was unparalleled and cold. He looked at it. He went to the body and went to the mouth.


"The sword is unparalleled, you can see it!"

The scream of Jinson rashed throughout the battlefield.

Many of the sergeants on the battlefield have heard Jinling roar, but these sergeants look at the eyes of Jinling.

Even the sergeants of the hundred teams under Jinling, the same is not given to this gold.

Just that scene, they all see clearly, the sword is unison, but what did the big fair have been exchanged?

Now he is in the crisis again, but also want the sword to save?

What is the true sword is not a fool?

"The farmer saves the snake, the anti-being bitten by the snake, this thing is enough, it is absolutely no longer a second time." The sword is unmainted.

This is the heart of this golden, and there is no difference with a poisonous snake.

The sword is unparalleled without saving this golden, and the sergeants around the surroundings are also cold, no one will save this game.

Even if it is the cold and cold body, it is a leader, and it is aware of the identity of Jin Ling, but it has flashed a shilly, but he is facing the eight-step monster, and because the injury is not completely repaired. The relationship, even if you want to save, there is no better resistance.

"Breast, bull!"

"no no!"

Jinling's scorless voice is in the ear, in the murdere of the four monsters, he is desperately struggling, but when there are two seven-level monsters in the surroundings, Jinling is completely desperate.

This is desperate, but gradually evolved into crazy, evolving into a grievance.

"Sword is unparalleled! Sword is unparalleled!"

"It is you, because you!"

"You dare to die!"

"Wait, I am dead, don't want to live!"

The roaring roaring in Hyster is issued in Jinling, and a monster is big and a golden brief, and it is directly biting the entire left arm of the golden and bite the whole left arm.

Jin Ling self-knowledge is undoubtedly, at this moment, the arm of the arm is turned, took out a piece of message, and crushed directly.

That is also transmitted with the sound of endless resentment.

"Father, I am dead!"

"It's a sword where you are, it is he killed!"

"He didn't see it!"

"Remntrual revenge for me!"

"Killing him, must kill him for me!"

This crazy is full of endless comprehension, vibrating the world, making many people around the world, can't help but shock.

I saw them, I saw the eight-order monster next to the Jinling, the claws slammed, taking the heads of Jinling, this Jinling's head is like a watermelon burst, The vitality is instantaneous.

But although he is already dead, he can pass the words before death, but passed through the tab.

The sword of the movie is unparalleled. If the rear of the golden is, it is clear, and his eyes are also sharp, but it is not in the heart.


The sword is unparalleled, and there is a sword in order to make a sly sword. When the sword waves, then the two monsters that have just been allowed to enter the battlefield, they are killed by swords.

Subsequently, the sword is unpacking alone in this gap. Those who have the monsters outside the big car, even if they are afraid to have to rush into the battlefield, but they can only let the two monsters come over, but single monsters, The sword is unparalleled, you can easily kill.

Just a sword, the sword is unparalleled, it has already been completely blocked, there is no monster to break through the sword unparalleled defense and then break into this battlefield.


Not far from a stream of flow, it is a humanized sergeant who came to support.

"The army is coming."

The seventh collar on the battlefield, the sergeants of the sixth collar are all over hope, and they will join hands with the assistance, and start to kill the monsters on these battlefields.

The situation, when it is clear.

In the fourteenth region, human camps have occupied absolute advantages.

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