Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 541 of the fierce results

Tianhuo Plains spread all over the fire.

Countless monsters, with Dongying's sergeants, killing, this killing, extremely fierce.

In the past half a day, the positive battlefield is surrounded by the little man in many monsters, and the retreat will be reached.

After the order is issued, these monsters are also performed immediately. I saw those monsters that were shocked by the human territorial in the flames. They also stopped the pace. The territory is withdrawn.

In the history of the entire human group, this is rarely crash.

On the front battlefield, a large number of Dongying's serves, and those topped strong people gathered together.

"I finally retired."

"This battle, our Dongying losses is too big."

"We are big, but these monsters are killed by us!"

All those generals are talking about, just on the front battlefield, they also have a fierce battle, they even include the two temples, and kill a large number of monsters, and now, these generals are brought. Holding a tired.

In these generals, there is a middle-aged man with a face, a middle-aged man, a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe, and the whole person looks up, it is quite cold, and it is daunting.

This golden robe middle-aged man is one of the kimono, one hundred and eight gods, Jinzun Jun.

"Hey, this group of monsters can be so crazy." Golden Snake God is surrounded by dense numbers of mousse, there is a blood flow into the river.

"Right, Ling Jun's news." The Jin Snake Emperor suddenly took a look and took a message.

Just he received the news of Jinling, but at the time, he didn't come to see the heart and got to find it until he now explored.

This finding immediately, there was a hysterical that passed the endless voice.

"Father, I am dead!"

"It's a sword where you are, it is he killed!"

"He didn't see it!"

"Remntrual revenge for me!"

"Killing him, must kill him for me!"

The sound echoed in the ear of the golden snake god, for a long time, but the message is directly burst.

The golden snake gods stood there, but there were some empty holes, and the head was also a bit.


"Ling Er, dead?"

The golden snake monkeys mysterious, but it gradually became twisted, and finally, it was even more distorted.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The three words were made from the golden snake gods, and the killing of the sky rose, and then this Golden Snake God was directly in the fourteenth area where the sword was unparalleled.

Some of the generals around the surroundings have taken note of this scene.

"What happened to" Golden Snake? "

"Strong kill, but he just is still good."

"Is it a very important person who died?"

These generals have doubtful.

"I will go see it, this war has just ended, my Dongying is a big injury, I don't have more changes." A black old man said, then immediately followed it.

This black dress is before, in the seventh leader, the sword will come out when there is no double and the cold hand, and the general of the cold.

At that time, the sword was unparalleled. Fang Han or other sergeants saw that the old man is a bit unparalleled.


The fourteenth area.

Those monsters outside the big appearance have begun to retreat, as for the monsters in the big array, they are all almost the same as those of human sergeants.

"Is it finally retired?"

The sword is unparalleled to see the big appearance, the demon group of the demon, and the bottom of the heart is still slight, and at his feet, the mousse of many monsters, accumulated into the mountain.

These monsters are all desirable to break through the gap, but they have just taken out from the gap, and they are swimming in this sword alone.

For this long time, the monsters who have been killed by swords in this gap have been reached with hundreds.

At this moment, many sergeants have begun to sweep the battlefield.

This battlefield, but a huge treasure.

After all, what is the fierce that just killed, sometimes it is hunting the monster, and I can't take the other's demon Dan. I can only fell by the opponent's body, and some human sergeants are killed. Then, their Qiankun Ren is still going to the ground as their body.

It can be said that this battlefield ground is quorning.

"Wong Double Brothers." The green fire came to the sword. There was no double, and the face of the green fire was a little pale. It was obviously that he had just hurt.

"How is the harvest?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It's not bad, I will finish the battlefield, those who have the unparalleled context according to everyone's position and the situation, and it can be obtained, and the harvest is very big." Qinghu said.

The harvest is very big, and the virtual green fire should be happy. It can actually be happy, no matter whether it is a green fire or anyone in the field.

"It's too fierce." The green fire shook his head.

"Blood monkey, Shishan, Gongshun sheep ... they are all dead." The name of the green fire has a name, these names are the sergeants of the swords, including the team, but in this battle Always kill them by the monsters.

The tenth of the sword is unparalleled, a hundred sergeants, and finally live, only forty, and almost all seriously injured.

This is also good, like the seventh collar number of hundreds of teams, there are all talents, the sixth collar, a thousand sergeants, only one hundred people left, why are it? ?

"This is the war between human beings!"

"It is also unfortunate that human beings in the demon continent have entered the bones of the monsters." The sword was unparalleled.

This battle, purely the monster provision, and the human group can only passively hide in the big array to find ways to resist, each with a large number of sergeants will fall.

However, in this way, they can only passively resist, even without any counterattack.

No way, after all, the overall strength gap is too big!

The sword is unparalleled, but it is at this time ...


The horizon of the distance, one carrier, the murderous figure, in the amazing speed, rushing here.

The person is not yet, but the murder of the shocking is already swept.

"this is……"

All sergeants on the 14th World Battlefield, they couldn't help but look up at this moment, and looked at the people who blunding.

Fang Han's eyes have grown up, and people have been recognized in the future.

"Golden Snake God!"


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