Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5382 ?? Zong Temple

However, when it is behind, each is the emperor, and the old ancestors of Xia Mang, the emperor can enter the defiter.

The land fairy can enter the family tree.

This is also the reason why Xia Mang's continuation is now, and there are countless power.

I don't want to see the emperor, I have no face to see the ancestors.

After the atmospheric death, the post generation can also give them in the temple.

After their visitors, they just had a temple, and hundreds of people followed their families.

In the Royal City, there is a 10,000th person, more than 10,000 of the Deman.

This has to be worshiped at night.

There are a small river outside the temple.

The other side of the river, there is a simple village, where it is the place where the old ancestors live.

Inside the village, the horizontal road is very chaotic.

I walked through the village and went to a small courtyard in the mountains. Everyone stopped.

"Seventy-fourth generation of eldest sons, Xia Mang meteor wins the old ancestors!"

Xia Mang's star took the lead in worship.

Only the old lady, still standing there, watching this quietly.

These four weeks of the environment allows swords unparalleled.

The old ancestors of big summer.

The chaotic ancient country opened, is also a queen in the crowd, how can you live here.

After the end of worship, the sword was unparalleled when he turned back.

From this location to the temple, the field of view is very open.

There is also a hill in the top of the Temple, or relying on the position of the half-mountain waist, there is a fence.

I am afraid the meaning of Xia Mang's ancestors.

If you don't get it, you are a childhood of some emotional experiences!

The folk customs here is obviously the crowd, which is different from the domestic environment in Dadia. It is estimated that when Xia Man is drifting in Tiannan, I went to other countries.

Said to see, I didn't see it.

Xia Mang's star turned and took a few words to be prepared. At this time, the old lady said a few words, no one can hear, just see the lips slightly.

After listening to the old eunuch, Xia Mang's star will leak the doubt, and then some shock!

Finally turned to look at Xia Mang crown jade, and his eyes were very gentle.

"Yuer, the ancestors said you to see you, and the evaluation of you is very high, you have to grasp it, that is, the old ancestors of our Xia Mang!" Xia Mang's star is very valued, there are a lot of explanation.

The sword is unparalleled. Suddenly I thought about, but I said that he said a later generation, how could I refuse, and I am busy with the sound: "The father is rest assured, I know what to do!"

Looking at these people to leave.

The sword has no double leaks desperate eyes.


When Xia Mang was spoken, the Bai Jun king told the sword unparalleled. The six-order Emperor had already sent it to the White Junwang, let them go to the house.

"Don't be afraid, I have already told you the zhuma, he dares!" Bai Jun Wang did not panic.

If you really have to do it, the sword is unparalleled, he also has finished.

He has passed this matter and passed to the gods.

Superprints in Tiangan, will come to you!

It is not very far away, the location of Daxia is also a central area in Tiannan.

Almost one time can arrive, the transportation of the Queens established in half of the border, which is convenient to escape.

Save this or the first time.

Because there is no such rule, I have encountered a desperate crisis, that is not enough, no one will help.

But this time is different, the Bai Jun Wang is the life of the gods, and the future plan will be held when the white monarch will restore the peak, but it can't be fallen now.

Moreover, the sword is quite worth the money, and it can't give up easily.

A big summer ancestors, the top six-order emperor, still can't make any strength, if it is the family of the Nalan family, then it is not good.

After all, it is also a strong force, and the other party will not sell this face.

If you want to mobilize more combat, it is not realistic. If a person in the White Tiger Temple gives a network, it can be lost.

The sword is unhappy, I have a cold sweat, I can only walk in the scalp.

Try to calm your own breath, then the appearance has changed.

In the face of this power, continue to conceal the true look, it is big.

After the appearance changes, the breath is also liter, the powerful thing is full, and the power exceeds the third-order episode, and there is already the five-level emperor's power.

Let the other party understand how strong itself.

So, the Taojun, not he can kill.

The last time the dragon is so many people, so polite to Hui Qing, these days can have many strong people to meet Huqing.

The royal family also puls forward, the status of the Prince also rose high.

There is also an amount of identity, but the dragon is in a general attitude, and there is no queue, some people go to visit, and I don't see it.

Huqing is a colleague.

"The late generation, sword is unparalleled, have seen the predecessors of Xia Mang!" The sword was unparalleled. He didn't even have a tomb, and he was afraid that the other party was not happy.

Speaking of the tomb mountain, it is to force people.

If there is a Deman, kill his consecutive generation, still playing horizontally in front of him, even if the background is big, you have to educate.

A long cold voice sounded, and the sword of the shock retreats after a double connection.

The chest is dull, and a hot blood has just arrived at the mouth, and he is swallowed back by him.

Hold your double punches and tolerate the intrusion of follow-up.

The face suddenly changed, there is no blood color.

"come in!"

When I heard this sentence, the sword was unparalleled, and I dared to move slowly. I had to pass the heart to the white monarch, but I was interrupted.

On the local debris in his body, the Bai Jun Wang is busy, and the sword is unparalleled.

Since it is possible to find the white Junwang in his body, this sky is not to be underestimated.

Such close-to-distance emotions are likely to let Cham Man found.

However, the Bai Jun Wang gave the gods, but it was extremely secret, and even if it was a strong force.

After the golden fence reception, a quaint-dressing, like an old farmer, trembling from the grass house.

The sword is unparalleled, not dare to look straight, and again.

Xia Mang is very slow, the sound is even ducklery, "You know, the arrangement here!"

The sword is unhappy slowly, and the head is swayed.

Although he kept a memory of Summer Mang crown, he did not know the big summer. After all, it was just a quement. If the emperor searched him, he may not know more.

"Here is my home when I opened up big summer!" Xia Mang's voice changed, and he had a little memorization in his eyes. He was really not the richest man.

The sword is unparalleled, and he is most annoying that the strong is recalling in front of him.

Then in the reconstruction, some of the practice to him and concealed him.

Not happy at all.

Xia Mang went to the stone table, sat down alone, gave himself a tea, and the eyes changed to the sword without a double angry: "Home, it is the only obsession after the road, you kill me later generation The children and grandchildren, sneaking into the large summer, and their sins are just! "

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