Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5383 5378 ?? Death Crisis

In this way, the sword is unparalleled.

The killing is too strong. He is the back of the instinct, and the crisis has come in the moment.

A blood column is sprayed, and the blood is like spring.


The sword is unparalleled, and you can't afford it.

It is very small to win, but it is directly seriously injured.

But this is what he wants. If Xiaomang does not fight, I am afraid I really dragged him out to give it.

The face of strong people is most important.

Kill others, how could I talk about it.

"This is just a small punishment for your crime!"

Xia Mang said, a mouthful of tea.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a small trouble for him, but it can't easily let go.

The disguised is up to the inside of the big summer royal.

At the very least, you can do what the sword is unparalleled.

However, he did not tell others to others, only him know.

But the power of him, is not all in the big emperor.

Nowadays, some people are in the Daxia Huangcheng. She is in recent years.

The air gradually aggregates.

A black shadow with a mask, after the summer, then took a piece of jade, disappeared again in the air.

Grasped the jade, Xia Mang regardless of the sword of the flood, self-probation: "You should be in the past 100 years, recruiting the private army, expanding the arms, and uses the name of the Sham family in the big silver. Many gods have been mortgage, your practice is not like a heritage! "

Although the inheritor is mysterious, it has been a good one in this country in the big summer.

And it is very good with the royal relationship!

Therefore, the only identity of the sword, for him, not so scary, although I saw the existence of the existence, but after the attitude of Huiqing, he could see it.

The inheritor also has the points of your expensive.

Just, he and people visited Huang Qing, waiting to let Huang come over.

If the only status of the sword is very high, let Huqing take away, it is a face to Huqing.

If the status is general, it is not so familiar with Huang, it can be just as simple.

The strength and potential of swords are amazing, or they are sinful, or they are sinful.

It is also a scourge.

Slim, the sword is unparalleled, and it will finally climb.

Just then, not to seriously hurt him, so late, because people arrive, he didn't have to install it.

"Oh, it is not installed, showup!" The sword didn't double the blood donation of a mouth.

Xia Mang is leaking a doubtful expression!


Datun Huangcheng.

Dongcheng, an uncomfortable secretary in a certain place.

Hui Qing just sent a few emperors who came to the argument, and the face was very strong.


Black clothes!

Just turned around, there was a person behind him, and it was the shadow of Xia Mang.

"Huiqing Hall, you are in trouble!" The shadow leaked real appearance, but the whole body is still a breath or in the face.

Huiqing is a bit surprised, but it is not panicked.

Although the other party is fiveth order, it can be treated calm.

"This predecessor, I don't know what to find!"

The shadow took out a portrait, and the top is even more sword, and then the whisper said: "Don't know if this is a hemp inheritor!"

After seeing this picture, Huqing faces a shock!

Sword is unparalleled!


His relatives in Tongtian Buddhism are a few masters. The way is to degrees to the big downtown. Now the master is falling, and the road is crushed by a no amount of Buddha.

Fortunately, he recovered the ultimate path of the past, Zen machine!

The black robe represents his avenue.

, representing the past!

Future and once!

He lives now!

Binding both.

All this is because the sword is unparalleled!

It is also because of the concept of swords.

Millennium Millennium, he has not believed that he has never believed that he heard the sword unparalleled news, no one is more happy than him.

"I know!"

The sword is unparalleled with him to kill the body of the corpse. When he is frequent, let him go a step.

Today's downside halls.

The people who have been gradually moved from the Tongtian Buddhist world. If you say that now is the best, I am afraid that there is no sword.

Help, never forget.

When the girl ginger is standing, after seeing the face of Huiqing Master, it is also a bit moving.

He listened to the master taught the sword.

The sword is unparalleled for Huiqing, and Yi Yousi.

No sword is unparalleled, he is too early, no sword is unparalleled, maybe he will continue to reincarn.

The two entered the Polyson Temple and fight side by side.

Life and death friendship!

"Where is this predecessor?"

The sword in the painting is unparalleled, which is in the Xiaomang Hospital.

Huiqing is a bit moving, and I am busy inquiry.

The shadow is strong, and it has seen Hui Qing's excitement and his heart has an answer.

If Hui Qing performance is general, I am afraid he will not mention this matter again, but Hui is so, he has to bring Huiqing.

The shadow strongman said: "He is coming to me! He is within the imperial city."

"it is good!"

The two people have a flash, directly left the small court, leaving only one of the ginger.

When there is again, the spatial changes have reached another space in the Datiff City.

The temple of Xia Mang, is not in a space with the emperor.

Here belongs to a movable cave.

! !

After the shadow of the shadow arrived in the cave, his eyes suddenly changed, just to open again and calmed down.

Although Huqing's strength is strong, it is impossible to capture the five-order emperor.

"What about people?" Huiqing swept around and found the scenery in the portrait.

Obviously it is just passed out!

But now, there is no shadow of swords, only Mang old ancestors sit there to drink tea.

"People are killed, let you come to tell you!" Xia Mang's ancestors changed, the eyes were very cold, and the breath is more than the previous one.


Huiqing face changed, then the fuzzy was furious, this is his first time, anger: "Do you dare to kill the inheritor?"

"Hey, why not dare, he is just a Daojun, killing my descendants, sneaking into the imperial city, stealing treasures, he damns!" Xia Mang old ancestors said to teeth.

Hui Qing is suddenly skyrocketing, and it is different.

This makes Xiaomang's surprises, and immediately stands directly, and heroes: "If you don't speculate, send guests!"

"Right, collect his body!"

"Give him to the whole body and give you the face."

After leaving this sentence, Xia Mang has left the grass house.

On the ground, there was a saddleless body, there is no trace of vitality, and the origin is broken, and the origin is exhausted.

This is like the original in the wild, very like!

Hui Qing double eyes red, hands slowly, the silence: "Good!"

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