Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5384 5379 ?? One step again


At this moment, his Tao took again stepped out, and his eyebrow was even more purple halo.

Next to the shadow, the face changed, because the breath of just Huiqing has exceeded him at a moment.

After a long time, Hui Qing calmed down, and finally collapsed the sword unparalleled body, turned to see a wooden house.

Xia Mang had a hatred, he also had a hatred.

The sword is unparalleled, his account can be unclear, after the road, you will have to report this great hatred within 10 years.

The shadow leaving Huanqing.

Xia Mang retired out, followed by swords behind.

"This person has hatred in the eyes of this person, and it is a step, the potential is amazing!" Xia Mang faintly evaluated.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Bai Jun Wang also leaked the vain.

"If this time is not saved, I am afraid that this summer will not easily put me easily!"


Xia Mang turned into a change, recovered the original appearance!

"I don't come to save you, Xia Mang will also let you go, just this opportunity is rare, whiten have a ancient country!"

People who change, they have become a woman, national color sky, beautiful moving.

In the dark red scorpion, there is no endless killing!


The sword is unparalleled, I can't help but move.

"I will not stay this place. I have been in the position. There will be someone to take over later. Little guy you help me this time, I really can't repay you, do you want to go with me!"

"The predecessors of Zhu Qing have not been replied, you have not repayed your gain, and you will add trouble to your seniors again!" The sword is unparalleled.

This seeming glamorous woman, but the true big devil in Tiannan!

The chaotic domain is created by her hand.

In the chaos, she is an absolute king.

Queen of the people!

Ordinary emperor, seeing her to poison and die.

These characters, he still doesn't go.

However, he is really a bit movement, and the cold and noble can't afford, and there is a smile and hook again.

The sword is unparalleled, this person is fixed with the gods.

I also looked at the White Jun King and the other person smiled.

"Zhu Qing, you don't tune this little guy, we have the story of the gods of the gods. I have the opportunity to go to your gods, and I will be able to visit!" Bai Jun Wang's words are not leaking, helping the sword Surround.

He is a knowledgeable, unparalleled magic, for the beast.

Zhu Qing's eyes have a white Junwang, sad: "When you go, the strength will restore the peak, you can don't bully little women!"

After that, he leaked a smile, then the body was born into scarlet mist, disappearing in the world.

After people go, the sword has no double long.

In the heart of other people, he has not fallen yet. Now it is completely fallen. Just Hui Qing took his body, it was a furnish, but others couldn't see it true.

I am afraid the whole of the districts, but I can find embarrassment.

He can't believe that the kind of true spirit will care about this.

If it is true, he will not be thrown by the White Junwang.

Pony temple.

The sea of ​​this source.

A tile blood news!

The bamboo clearance that the sword has just met has actually appeared here.

It's just that her look has changed.

"True Spirit!"

People who talk, have changed into the main hall of Zhuzu Temple, Zhu Yi!

The true spirit did not change, and she said: "Sit!"

"You are not in the ground, how do you suddenly come to me!"

The true spirit has some doubts.

Millennium Millennium, he adjusted four secrets because of the unparalleled things.

He is the controller of the Disposal Temple, and it is in his own hands.

Otherwise, inheritors will not be so comfortable.

Although the real killing is, it is also arranged on the tomb mountain.

As long as the inheritor exposes the identity, there is no one dare to provoke. This is also the gimmick of Wu Zuo, killing countless people heard the inheritor, just pinched a cold sweat.

In addition to the light shock, the most important thing is to pull a lot of rebellion in the dark.

Just like Zhuqing, it was originally the owner of the chaos, but he was derived by the true spirit, and then a perfect responsibility for Zhu Yifa, which was controlled to the sky.

At the beginning, the god jumped, not to pack each other, it is not necessary.

If it is moving the inheritor, the true spirit is not so good, directly from the top weight of the gods.

The leaders of each region quietly changed, although the following layer constant, but as long as it was a message about the inheritor, it will be sealed.

If it is still the same as before, the inheritor is now extinct.

The true spirit knows that Zhu Yixia is nothing, it will not come, and ask: "The country is in an accident?"

"This is not!" Zhu Ye shook his head.

The sword is unparalleled, and she is not clear. It is not something big.

However, the jadeboard in the sword is unbenched. She is clear, and the true spirit can give this matter unparalleled, and there is other intentions, so they don't dare to conceal, and now I will come to the sea.

In addition to this, there is a sword that is unparalleled to join the Quay.

She is clear, the sword is unparalleled is being hit, this point of the true spirit should be considerate!

"Adult, the sword in Millennium You should remember! He is still alive, and joined the Queens!" Zhu Yizhen.

All the swords are unparalleled, all said it.

Things to include the white monarch.

The expression of the true spirit is that she is unexpected, there is no surprise!

"He is still alive, I have long been known, the last dragon went to the ground, told me."

Long Yi did not know the sword and unparalleled, but the jadeboard of the disagreement was coming back, he immediately said with the true spirit.

At that time, I had already known, as for the sword where the sword is unparalleled, I don't know.

Although he is open, he has not reached the inendering situation.

Like the sword is unparalleled, it is impossible to see the future.

The true spirit is faint: "Like expected, he can live to be wrapped. Everything has to look at his creation, but if he wants to go back to the tomb, you can see his own skills."

"Yes!" Zhu Yixeded, respectful.

The meaning of true spirit is obvious, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is self-destruction.

If you have a back, you will raise it, you can't resist it.

Tombing the Tomb, that is not a small thing.

At least five-level drama, the fiveth order is all cannon.

The sixth-order emperor did not grasp, unless it was a strong force.

Today's sword is unparalleled, the strength is indeed, with ordinary fourth-order emperor's skill, want to reach the five-order drama, after the code should be successful, it is a long time.

It is not a simple thing.

Especially the ultimate.

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