Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5385 5380 Chapter? Sheep 3

Ground, big summer.

It didn't have a six-order episode, and there was a six-order episode, and it was a look of Xia Mang's ancestors. It took advantage of memory together and re-sit down.

The coming people are not outsiders, and it is a three-purpose sheep with the sword.

Now Yang Sanmu, has broken through the sixth order emperor.

A battle is extremely horrible!

Zhu Yi slaughtered a six-order episode of a chaotic domain, so that the three eyes of the sheep were disguised into the other side, and sent here.

Instructed in the fence, the sheep of the laugh in Xia Mang, leaking a smile.

"Little guy, your day, not good!"

In his opinion, the growth rate of swords is not declined, but the environment has changed a lot.

When the sword was unparalleled, the sheep had a buds.

Now he can see that he is intact, and the strength grows very quickly, of course is happy.

Not only the boiled sheep, three people are happy.

The sword is unparalleled.


The emperor "Xia Mang Meng" sent a lot of treasures that cultivated the sky.

The Tiang Moon, the treasures needed in the front four hands are very small, and the treasures that the six arm needs it will be much.

When the six-arms of the six-yang people can be able to ill vide out six rounds of sun moon, the power is endless, the treasure spent will not be less.

Nowadays, the emperor of the summer, sent treasures that can practice to the eight-armed sky, and the sword is unparalleled.

He has seen the magistrack giant, and he used to mort out eight arm Tianmia. Although he can only persist, but the strength turned ten times.

Now his Tianmo's work is still cultivated to the eight arm, but it is almost almost.

"Haha, it is really good news, you don't think it is to refine the beasts, people have found it, and the other party directly agreed!" After receiving the news, he told the sword without a pair.

The sword has no double leaks, and I quickly asked: "What is the requirements of the other party, as long as it is not too much, I can help me integrate now!"

"There is no requirement to refine the beast, he is very happy, this is one of the most brilliant nine-pointers in the ancient times." The excitement of the Bai Jun Wang said that it is unparalleled for the sword. Remember the brilliance of the beast.

The nine big beast soldiers were in the end of the long-term long-term long-term long-term.

The prestige left is too powerful, so that many people hear these three words.

The sword is unparalleled to not so excited. He is somewhat unsaushed and freely integrated with the beast.

It is not costly, and it is important in this source.

"What is the bottom of the other party?" The sword is unparalleled. It is normal. He is not tricky, but he is not worried. Don't say that these Quege's elders are old. What do you do with his beast gods?

Candlelon Wings, the eyes of the candle dragon, the Candlelong A.

These pieces of scattered accessories, single money, can have the power of eternal to treasure if they are together.

The defense of the candlelong armor is comparable to eternal to the treasure.

If you add your own source, the value exceeds the ordinary eternal tobao, and now the beastist is a discarded part.

However, once the integration is integrated, then refine the new animal native source, it will not be the same.

At that time, it is an abandoned beast, or is half of the beast.

The rest of the candlelon heart, the claws of the candlelon, the arms of the candle dragon, and the most important candlelong body.

These are not too easy, and now there are still fews in the four major secrets.

He can know, others can also find it.

Just like tearing Tiandao, I have found the existence of beastists, I am afraid I have been looking for the rest of the accessories.

Bai Jun king faces, there is a bit serious, saying: "This person comes from chaotic domain, it is the heart of Zhu Qing, there should be no problem, Zhu Qing and I have a era, she will be barely than me, there is nothing wrong with my heart. problem!"

"Can you guarantee it?"

This sentence is unparalleled.

He has some entanglement, first letting the White Jun Wang contact the other party, if the day is asking, he may not doubt, but do not ask for returning, simple just is itchy, this is a bit unlikely.

The sixth order emperor is not a fool.

Silence a one, the sword is unparalleled, "this way! Let's go to pay again, then talk again!"

He does not dare to bet!

The beast god soldier is a big treasure of the future, and he will change to him, he will not change.

Bai Jun Wang also knows Xiao Yan's unparalleled worry is right, and nodded and started to contact the six-order episode that camouflage became Xia Mang.

If you can, the sword is unparalleled and doesn't want to drag.

The breath of war is getting stronger and stronger.

The war between Da Xia and Mono will soon break out.

However, before this, there was a unclear thing in the Huangcheng. The inheritor Hui Qing has left the big summer and went to the big summer border.

Originally he was ready to follow the army, but some bad things happened between the royal family, leaving the apprentice.

Just that the girl named ginger, it is only a vanity hundred years ago. Now it has been there, if it is not Hui Qing's light too much, it will surprise.

In just a hundred years, I have to be a derivative.

No one knows what is because of what.

The first year of the new era, the fall!

This day, autumn rain, the air contains cold, many more early, and there is a rumored winter, the moon will come to the magic.

Although Xia Mang crown jade is very high, I don't know if it is true.

After the Lady lost Huaqing, the prince was lost, and it ended at a time.

During this time, the second emperor is followed by the first commander of the big summer "Summer March" drills, and the power of one party.

Hui Qing is gone, no quantity is not going.

The sword is not very surprised. The other party has been in the game, I am afraid it is the task, otherwise it is not too likely to stay in the big summer, there is no touch opportunity, it is going to go to the place where it is in the field. Will grow.

Stepping on the rain, the sword is unparalleled to enter the palace.

This old lady personnel personally led him into the hole of the big summer temple.

Just that the eunuch did not follow, just waiting for him outside the transmission.

After re-entering the hole, the sword was unparalleled, and the pasts were all camouflage, and they fly outside the fence.

The squadron of the moutem became the six-order episode of Xia Mang's ancestor, and he was waiting for him on the stone table outside.

Unlike the outside world, the season here is constant, the same is the same as ever.

"The late people is unparalleled, I have seen the predecessors!" The sword is unparalleled, although there is a white monarchy, the superior and old support, can not be too rite.

Sitting on the old man next to the stone table, in the eyes of the eyes, the light is light, saying that "no more gifts, casual!"

The sword is unparalleled, it is very sensible, go to the stone table, not sitting down, but standing outside the place.

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