Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5386 Dog Emperor

The white Junwang in the body changed, turned into a solid body after all, appeared on the seat.

"Dog!" Bai Jun Wang leaked a smile.

If it is the past, the dog Si is to give the bamboo clear face, but now it is to ask for people, naturally want to be honored.

"White premature, don't say more, if you don't worry, you will go!"

The Yangjiao's old man has not been completely integrated into this new identity. When the first dialect said, after all, after all, he said.

Now I can only leak a unpleasant look.

He is also speechless, did not expect things to make this, good heart as a liver lung.

Who of Bai Jun, why, negotiating naturally, heard this sentence, taking the tone: "You also have to be angry, we come here to come with sincerity, find someone to help, how can you give a paid!"

The voice fell, and the sword was unparalleled and respectd a small box.

There is only one mustard!


Bai Junwang made a posture, the face is full.

The old man, picking up the mustard, slightly, almost laughing.

One thousand billion god!

Originally he didn't have any concept to God.

After you get the memory of the big summer, he also knows this.

One hundred billion is a good wealth for the five-order emperor.

But for the sixth order, it is some garbage.

Even the eternal to Bao, I can't buy it.

The sword has also seen the other party's disdain, and even the opening: "The seniors are relieved, this is just a meeting, what else, what can be done, I will go to the fire."

The camouflage as the dog, then disguised into the Yangjiao, the old man, the old man, the old man, feels a bit faint.

When you don't waste, you still have a sword where you have a sword, followed by a black god.

"Don't talk nonsense, directly down the universe vows, so you can rest assured!"

The sword is unparalleled with the white monarch.

So direct, so happy!

"Right, this vow, I have been working with the white predecessors, you are still not qualified." Yang Yao's old man has always complained about this white monarch.

Bai Jun Wang doesn't matter.

Soon the vows fall.

All happy!

Yang's old man can help the source, but the sword is unparalleled to refuse, and there is no force.

Refining the source of the source, the sword is unparalleled has grown for a long time.

I have some grasp of it.

It has the blood crystal of the golden beast.

The gold represents the space, and the candlelon is a space beast.

The two still have contacts.

The golden beasts have a lot, not necessarily the blood crystal of candle dragons, but the host is the same.

In this regard, he is grasped.

The key, his strength, just right, all things around the space.

He also has a bigger planning.

Since the source of its own path corresponds to the space, he can directly use direct home, transform into space home, and use mental illusion to new beast native.

All of this has to be able to experiment after the beast gods.

"You are waiting here! I use time flow rates, almost one time is good!"

The sword is unparalleled!

The fusion of the beast soldiers, I am afraid that every thousand years cannot be done, but the other party uses an hour, I am afraid it takes 100,000 times the flow rate.

Almost all the years.

This time, extraordinary, the fifth level of the mood is still unable to make gentle.

After the heart sword can't keep his improvement, he is lacking for his heart.

Today, the fifth floor has been working for a long time, and there is no change in the mood at the beginning.

It seems that his road will go to the head.

Heart, mind, swallow, everything, a ring buckle.

Recalling the year of the mastery, his strength is flying, and some forgetting it for a while.

It can still be suppressed in the past, but now it is a bit fluttering.

The sword has no double turn, looks at the temple, and the eyes are also awesome.

It is awesome, otherwise the road, he is an unexpectedly false.


The door of the grass house was opened, and the sheep came out from the inside, and there was a light red ball in his hand.

After glanced at the White Junwang sitting next to the stone table, he said:

"You try it!" I will throw it to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the powerful breath is contained, so he is stunned.

Because the Bai Jun Wang is not in his body, just in the first breath, it will bear a picture.

That is Qiuhuang City.

This is unparalleled in the sword.

Look at the eyes of the sheep thresholds change, and finally respect, did not say a word.

"Okay, try again!" Yang Yao's old man put his hand.

The sword has a strong touch, directly throwing the ball in half, and the whole person is suspended, and the atmosphere begins to gradually increase.


The ball is broken, and it is a pair of wings. There is a scarlet scorpion above the wings. The wings are wrapped in candle dragon.

He turned into a streamer, directly with the beast gods, this moment he was like a lottery.

Without the source, the beast god field has not been improved.

Today's beast god soldiers, just strengthened some relocation, but let this treasure improved a grade.

The previous role is general, the candlelong lobby is comparable to the eternal tobao, the arms are comparable to eternal tobao.

Some of the eyes of the candlelon.

If in the outside world, you can reach the body of the body, it is still a good treasure, at least enough for the third order.

But in the four secrets, this ancient inheritance is piled up.

The role of the beast god is very small, and it can be improved in only 100 times.

Give a little excess.

This also makes it a lot of money.

Now, after it is integrated, the end of the candlelon in the eyes of the candle dragon is even more thin, and it is urgent to support.

Only the origin of the candlelon is resumed, and the beasts will be improved.

At that time, his combat power, I am afraid I can go straight to the fourth-order peak.

Divine road, he is hard.

Thousands of gods, if they are aligned, maybe 30,000 times, they have been able to do it.

Most of the five-order emperor, also this level.

The sixth-order emperor will arrive at around 40,000.

The six-order emperor who really walks the body route is 50,000 times.

When the old ancestors of the magic gates, the twelve anthers were magic, and 50,000 times will be sufficient to have six orders.

I really want to break through 50,000 times, the terrorist level of the white monarch can not be simple, the secret law of the universe is needed, and there is more suitable treasures.

The five-section treasure forges, just for the basis.

After all, the practitioner is not a natural life.

Like the sword is unparalleled, there is a special life, it is more important to be special.

Since the eyes of the eye, the sword is unparalleled, and the Wan Daojing is a more horrible inheritance.

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