Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5388 5383???

Luo Wei battle, with his mastery of space, you can explode four-step peak, even comparable to the five-level dragon, which is a big reliance.

"The Ninth Hall, the His Majesty, all the people, speed to the palace collection!" Some sharp sounds, sound, then leave directly.

The sword has no double withdraws, and the book will come out from the house.

The escort leader is waiting for it.

These people are absolutely loyal to Xia Mang crown jade, but I don't want to go to the battlefield.

"Bare car, go to the palace!"


For a time, the entire royal city is floating.

"The magic suddenly attacked the fourth city, the ancient general is seriously injured, the fourth city declares that it is broken!"

"The second city guard, the city patrol, 30,000 people were destroyed, there was no living!"

Just three days.

The border is falling for 100,000 troops.

The fourth new city is also broken. The general of the three major people of the empire is seriously injured, and it is urgent to return to the emperor cultivation.

There is no major in front of the front.

The strength of the preference is not weak, but in the command of the command, there is a lot of lacking.

When you come to the Qing Palace, the big figure has not been dragged, actually more faster than they come.

On the hall, the emperor "Xia Mang Meteor" is sitting in the town.

The first place is Xia Mang.

The first battle of big summer.

The five-order limit, which is comparable to the six-order force.

"Since people are Qi, with the North City military camp, immediately open the camp!"

The voice echoes, majestic.

Everyone respects, the armor is also on this.



Sky black cloud pressure.

This time, the war, there are 10,000 people, all four-level emperor.

It is the big family of Huangcheng, which dispatched three thousand fourth-order episodes and formed a three thousand battles.

There are still five thousands of Daxia 's.

The last remaining two thousand is the real elsewhere, and the Cham Man is led.

The battle has to rely on these people.

The so-called five military camps in the king, and the big family forms three thousand battles, all of them are all in the battlefield.

Out of Huangcheng, standing in the air, the military camp outside, and saw the endless.


Sham Men's star waved, a huge city descended from the sky, and the long and wide and horizontal will not see the end.

The upper contained power is even more shocked.

"This is the top eternal to Bao, Zhenyun City!" Many Fifth Order I recognized this big city.

Xia Mang's star looked down to the army of the military camp, and the voice is very serious.

The voice just fell, and the heavens and the earth were condensed, and the whole town was transported into the city.

"Commander, Xia Mang, printing!" Xia Mang's star said, and handed the big print of the town Yuncheng to the Cham Mang.

He is the owner of a country, there is no need to personally go.

The brothers, a responsible to fight, a responsible for stabilizing the world, each of his duties.

On the surface, private is privatous is commensurate.

"It is not expected to be expected!"

Sham Men took the lead in responding.

Whether it is the general army below, the army below, and shouts Qi Qi, the sound shot the sky.

The powerful momentum has appeared, and Xia Mang is nodded.

Under the two people, the atmosphere was also condensed.

Then the army entered the city.

Eight city gates opened, including hundreds of millions of army.

In fact, directly flying in faster, the rules are rules. Rank in the city, the meaning is not good.

The big army entered the city, and Xia Mang was quietly detached.

Xia Mang squadroned in a thistle, and his hand was in the "Zhenyun City".

This super-city is to create a tailor.

In addition to a brilliant hall of the top, the rest of the four are flat, and now the military camp has been stationed.

Xia Mang armed personally divided.

At this time, the general army is Xia Mang, and everyone has heard, and the defense of the military order can be a big sin of the nine family, and no one dares to affection.

Even if it is a few princes, I don't dare.

Originally arrogant, now there is an extreme convergence behind the arms of the championship, even the emperor can't shout, just like everyone, collective.

The Prince Xiamang Championship is the same as the army of the Cham Mang, but the right is the difference.

Command, supervision.

In addition to these two, the rest is the two generals, the two major commanders in the three major talents, and the army of the two thousand battles.

The rest of the people are not divided.

Five-order Emperor, a total of 60 people.

Sixty generals, in addition to their respective private privileges, there are still some families without the five-order Junjun, and are also goded to those five-level emperor.

The sword is unparalleled because of the relationship with the Xuanyuan family.

Xuanyuan Dasheng's strength is not general, and the five four-level emperor, and then there are some hands, and there are ten fourth-order episodes, and millions of three-level emperor.

Although it is well.

But the five military camps and the three thousand battles have their own hills.

For example, Xuanyuan Dari is located, the three thousand battalion, has already given Xuanyuan Dasheng as the general.

Xia Mang's arms nature see clearly.

Three thousand battalions are responsible for Dongcheng, watching a city wall, after all, is the world of capital, and the gap is normal.

From the five military camps from the world, the gap is big, and the hill is standing, but there is no strength and background of Xuanyuan Dashang.

The remaining North City Wall is the left and right army.

There are not many strong people needed, and the two five-level emperor will take a person to see, mainly the market is a problem.

Nowadays, North City is set up into the first export.

Tell them, you can't get people on the North City wall, you can come here.

They also know that this time is to weaken the power of all localities, it is beaten.

However, they really want to win, the battle must be won, and the bottom chassis is the first tolerant.

"Okay, just this way, everyone is now in place, start starting!"

Everyone gave loudly and retired.

The sword is unparalleled with Xuanyuan Dashed to leave the hall and came to the military camp that was divided.

This place gathered millions of monks.

"That told, all emperors go to my account!" Xuanyuan is cold.

When turning to the sword is unparalleled, leaking a smile: "Yu Chi, this time, it is a great time to stand the Herfu war. This token is harvested. You didn't kill an enemy, you won the battle. "

The sword has no double picking the token, respects: "The grandfather, I will go back first, and I have a few days away from the border, I have to prepare it."

"Go!" Xuanyuan was swaying, and the eyes included a smile.

Although the grandchildren surnamed Xia Mang, the character is very similar to him.

In addition to protecting the family forces, he has to help this grandson get some war.

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