Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5389 5384????

He heard that in the temple, Xia Mang's old ancestors were summoned by Xia Mang crown jade.

Originally, the competition between the Prince and the Second Emperor, now the nine emperors are also protruding.

It also has a small advantage.

Daxia's royal, want to get, at least the strength is too hard, at least the five-order Emperor's strength, then it is your strength.

It is half-time that can be accommodated to live in the summer.

The rest of the big summer is also required.

They don't know, today's old ancestors will change people.

Nowadays, sheep has camouflage, and the sword is not intentional to the throne. As long as it breaks through the emperor, they can go to the grass.

Why do you have to do any of the bodies of the Prince.

Zhenyun City, from the outside world, there is not much, the speed is fast, from the Crown City to the north border, only take several days.

When the Cham Mang fell to the army, there was no way to move.

I have prepared a big army that has already begun.

Big summer border.

Mud swamp.


On the day of the town Yuncheng to arrive here, the Magic Madao swept again.

One by one, the devil, the foot, the battlefield.

The third city in the big summer is also in jeopardy, and several five-level emperors who are sitting in the town.

Now I can only abandon the city and kill it.

However, the outside world is covered with the gods, let them bet.

Killing can't kill.

These gods are all three-level emperor, they are built by hundreds of thousands of Jun.

The number of unclear gods can be thought about, and how many strong people have been governed by the Mono State.

"Fast, sleepy, the rest of the people enter the city, one does not leave me to kill!" The emperor of the magic Ronalu is crazy, and the hand is killed and broken, and the body of the big summer is directly in the mouth. chew.

The city owner of the third city, the five-order emperor of "Ruishan" is desperate.

Everyone is falling down, and he will be left now.

"You are all of them, give me death!" The five-order episode of Rui Jian family, turned into a round of sun, joyful, and rushing into the magic army.

It's all destroyed.

In the end, this round of sun, began to gradually dull, until it was completely extinguished.

The third city, broken!

The army of the magic Ronali is free to smash the battlefield, and completely break the roots in the city, and begins to retreat.

Magic Region, frontier first big city.

In the middle of the middle school, the bonfire rose.

"The old age, the third city broke!" A five-order episode, whispering.

Sitting in the highest position, the trembling picked up a cup of tea, drink a little, voice, the sound of the sound: "Let the striker withdrew the plain, the middle army cover, the rear of the tribe, from this evening First city. "


There are dozens of five-order emperor, no one.

They have never disappeared from the long history of this magic rival.

The reason why Mono State has been today is because of the long and old "prisonen"

According to legend, he was just a slave, and was "prison" by the owner.

His owner is the magic royal family today.

The strongest in the royal family is a few five-level emperor.

The prisonen is the sixth order, and the existence of the dog is heavy in the chaotic domain.

He is willing to assist the Mono Royal "Luo" home.

In the main hall, in addition to these five-order emperor, there is a fourth-order peak emperor, the magic flames in his body, powerful.

It is the absolute heir, the big emperor "Rosa"

It is also a person who has a candle arms.

The rest did not open his eyes, some angry.

"The old age, my magic army is now like the rain, withdrawing so far, let those tribe struggles, isn't it falling me!"

The rest of the man secretly shook his head.

The old man pulled his eyepiece, looked to Rosa, slowly opened: "The Hall, the battle is not in the moment, the air transport is also left, just like the air transport in the temple, the old man can turn over!"

"Hey!" Luosha is not stupid, just dissatisfaction.

Cold snoring, directly retreat, left the hall.

He will not know how to do it, not to keep strength, and incense.

Big summer people are not a fool, I really thought that I would rush in to kill him.

The most critical or this big old, too broke-out.

The whole magic country, except for the grandmother, no one dares to refute his order.

He would rather not now, but also the Magic Region of Luo Family.

Can he reverse it?

Turned to a hall, and finally hate, with his else, before going to the plain.

After the big emperor left, the old man in the temple was a little lonely.

Some of the remaining five-level emperor, I dare not talk more.

They are aware of this older person.

"This token is delivered to the leader of the Tianqi House. After three days, the jade clearance will open, and you will follow the jade skills!"

The old man is strong, and the voice has a little majesty.

The five-level emperor next to it, even busy pick up the token, the figure gradually returned.

The movement of the magic Luo is very small, it seems to be ready.

The elite army quietly retired.

Only some of the wild tribes and slaves have been left.

These people can be too much, and there are hundreds of millions of people.

Magic Region expansion forces, plundering countless slaves, the tribes of the rebellion were stranded, and then split into slaves.

Really only a small part of it.

The next day of the Monorant army retired, the town arrived.

The mud swamps becomes a blood red.

Movement of countless strong people!

Cuts may be just part of the reason, and greater reasons are the ambition of the magic rival.


Zhenyun City began to expand, turned into a large size, just like a war huge beast.

The four-week fog of the exuberant shock, leaking out the skeleton in the mud.



The angle sounded, the North City door opened.

Nowadays, four major cities in the border are broken.

There are very few residues left in the two cities.

"See the handsome!"

The general general is full of pale, and now the strength has fallen to the lowest, and there are several five-level emperor, and more than a thousand people behind.

Xia Mang armed personally boarded the North Tower, glanced, and the eyes flashed.

"Let you suffer!"

The voice is a bit trembling, and he will fight for the soldiers from a child, love the soldiers.

When you see this horrible, you have to be sad.

"Well, settled!" Xia Mang squatted, showing everyone.

Xuanyuan Dashang and other generals do not send, standing aside.

After ancient Tong returned, Xia Mang's arms went to a shadow, but the big angered: "What is the eating, the magic rival is so large, and there is no hearing!"

"The big handsome, Mono sent troops, even the emperor of the magic Luo did not know, all the old people were distinguished." The shadow is a little unwilling, he is also helpless.

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