Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5390 5385???

As the top of the emperor, the news is not allowed, he is a big sin.

But the other party is the sixth order emperor!

In the martyrdom of Xia Mang, there is a color, continue to ask: "Tell, how is it now!"

"The big army of the Magic Region of the Magic Region is also lost. After the army has opened it, he will refund to the Shura Plain. Nowadays, there are some tributers in the front line, and there is no one." Shadow The strong is as real.

Sham Monitor is a heart, and it is a bit.

Exquisite returned to the old nest, the plain, leaving only some tribe to resist.

Is this going to insert an enemy?

This means is too low.

late at night.

North City is as good as white.

On the first day, I first analyzed the situation and build a transfer array with the second first big city so that I can do it from time to time.

It has been in the seventh day, and there is still a movement in the city.

This day, the righteous sword is unparalleled in Dongcheng.

Or usually, the army is still the army, the army is in the military camp.

I am free to sway a circle, and the sword has just prepared the wall. I found that the sky is suddenly hanging on a color, then countless meteor is smashing, turning countless stream light, and huge deep pit.

"Enemy !!!"

The roof of the horn is blowing!

The sword is very calm. That direction is the North City Wall, not far from the distance, there is a quiet summer mangle war will definitely find that nothing is now no one out of the city.

But everything surrounded, I am afraid it is in the mastery of Xia Mang, otherwise his commander is not doing.

"Walk, return to the army."

The sword is unparalleled with people with people.

I have just gathered a lot of people when I arrived at the Military House.

Several generals in the temple are taking the throat discussing out of the city.

"Shuai, now the army staying here, there is not much, it is a great opportunity!"

"Hey, is it still not explained? This is obviously the counterparts, if the city will definitely be ambush!"

Xuanyuan Dashang and other people have no idea, not out of the city, so there is nothing to say, keep neutrality.

Sitting in the master of the hometown, grasping the token in his hand, if you think.

He has just received the information, the movement of the outside is related to the leader of the Tianqi family, and things are not so simple.

The argument of the quarrel is the understanding of the sword.

Although the strength is not good, it is a thoroughness.

The inside of Mono has a relationship with Queens. These years have developed so fast, and it is not a long-lived credit.

Nowadays, the old ancestors are all replaced, although there is no cleaning inside, but the high levels of both sides are related to Queens. This battle will be depressed.

Fortunately, in the old man of the Yangjiao, it has become a talented person.

He mentioned that this time, the reason is to fight, that is, for the arms of the candle.

Big summer is absolutely supported.

Mono Guo is directly coming, connect two major cities.

Now, you can solve it if you eat the army of the tribe.

If the Magic Lon thinks that the big army of the frontline tribe, it will be returned, then it is simple.

Shangshang is over half a day, and finally choose today!

Go to see the city movement.

First, the big summer is elite.

There is a hundred emperors, and a four-level emperor leads.

These people are of course not enough.

The is impulsive, and the rest of the three thousand battalions and five military camps are shot.

"The five military camps are 400,000 troops!"

Xuanyuan Dasheng as the strongest in the three thousand battles, low voice: "Three thousand camps can have 200,000!"

Three fourth-order emperors, plus six hundred thousand troops.

Emperor has hundreds of people.

"This time, who is willing to take the troops yourself?" Xia Mang squandered.

Without a five-order Junjun, these people are a plate of sand, not as good as those tribes.

"At the end, I will be willing to deal with sin, and I will go to the exploration and become an asynchronous!" Talking is an ancient Tong Tong that recovered strength.

Some movement, only one out of the city, and then dispatched ancient Tong's ancient Tong's ancient times, is it a small material.

Xia Mang squad is not asked to discourage, only to nod to promise.

Then everyone returned.

The sword is unparalleled with Xuanyuan Dashang back to the Dongcheng military camp.

"Migong, this time I am willing to take people to go to the city!" The sword is unparalleled to ask for life.

Xuanyuan Dashang has a little accident, first persuaded some, see Xia Mang crown jade has been determined, and it is not blocked.

"At the top of Xing Daolong, this time, this time, the city exploration is different ........"

Finally, the big army was complete, from the might of the North City, the town of Zhenyun City.

The first 10,000 scouts have already been out, and now the 630,000 army has been released, slowly marching near the way.

The general general is in person with respect.

Xia Mang crown jade is special, followed by Ancient Tong sitting in the town of China.

His thousands of private army did not look at it. If it is a battlefield, he is the second power of this line.


"General, already proven, there are a Baizhang grayish stone ball in the deep pit!"

The ancient flock is not very moving, and I said: "Discode!"

The army slowly approached.

In addition to the power of asynchronous, the strong people of the sky are hidden in the void.

There is still a unclear imperial beast in the swamp.

"Three leaders, are these different beasts really rushed?" The strong in the void is a little unclear.

The three leaders were very sure, and the Chinese smiled: "Hey, don't underestimate those magic stones, it is the favorite thing for these voids."


In the swamp, the triangular shaped void crawler issues anxiety sound, and it is extremely horrible.

These crawle do not have any breath, can only be discovered by the naked eye.

At a glance, there is no boundless, all of them are level, including some emperor level reptiles.

"Well! Some people started the magic stone!"

The tangle talent is hidden in the void, shouting: "Fast, void crack!"


Those void reptiles hidden in the mud, even shaking the body, you can tear the space, and they are more voids.

In fact, it is the breath of the void.

On the other hand, the army surrounded 100 deep pit and started to send people to see.

The sword is also standing in the edge of the deep pit, looking at the stone in the pit, curiously ask: "White old ghost, what do you know?"

"Don't know, never seen it!" Bai Jun Wang shook his head.

He lived in ancient times to now, what kind of scene has been seen, but this stone really doesn't know.

Even the white monarch did not know, the sword has a bad feeling.

The ground inheritance is the most like ancient times, especially those tribes, each inheritance.

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