Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5391 5386 ???


A third-order Emperor explored in the deep pit and touched the rounded stone, but the next moment was cracked.

Everyone's eyes are slightly tight, the next moment is split, it is even hollow!

There is no colorless inside.

After seeing there is no matter, everyone relieves a breath.

Ancient Tong did not send it, there is no performance.

The sphere of the remaining deep pit has also been split, and hundreds of spheres are cracked. Only 18 rounds have an ancient foot, and the rest is the first one, it is hollow.

"This is a mailing, throw it!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it can be finished.

The scenarius broke out of a road, and the surrounding permanent range was covered.

"Ask for help!"

The first of Ancient Tong crushed the token, looking back to the town Yuncheng.

At this point, the huge city behind him was gone.


Many Emperor Junqiang understands that it is.

The space is blocked, even if the news can pass, I am afraid that the power of the town Yuncheng can not find them.


The sword is not a pair, it is enough to calm!

Couting your body, looking at the turbid water in the foot of the foot, just calm, now you have begun to gradually streak.

This makes him rank together and look forward to the front.

Although the mentality is unable to see any changes, his flesh is extremely powerful, the observation of the naked eye is much stronger than the emperor. When you see a scene from hundreds of millions of scenes.

There are countless creepy reptiles that are crazy from here.

" !"

The sword is unparalleled, a flashes, retreats to the people.

The recruiting emperor has had a conditional reflection on the quartz word, instantly gathered to the sword without double, and Luo Yu battle assembly.


A simple voice, from the magical mouth of the god.

"Luo Wei!"

Xia Mang crown jade fried hair caused a champion.

If you dare to do this, you will take it out, you can take it out, you can be the emperor, plus this place is now blocked. If Xia Mang crown, Ancient Tong is also difficult to escape.

Next, Guantong stunned, the mud in the swamp in the distance, and I don't know what the thing has arrived.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

I can't manage so much now, no matter whether there is news from the town Yuncheng, they have to take a look at the front.

Sixty thousand troops, one word is released, and many big arrays begin to assemble.

Ancient deceased, modern gods, and strong emperors have rising.

Soon 60,000 troops gathered into a few hundred and ancient power.

Everything is the fighting power of the fourth-order episode.

The ancient generals stand in front of him, he and the strength of the strength, now the top five-level emperor, is the strongest person present.


The killing, the void reptiles in the mud, also broke out, waving the claws and rushed toward them.

The sword is unparalleled, there is a battle in the back.

It is still not the time he handed.

Let the emperor in front of the front of the front, say too much, if it is consumed, it is not very good at escaping.


The two sides handed over, hundreds of big arrays, the gods or deceased, and it is easy to smash those fear of ugly tear, seeing this scene, there is no fear in the sword.

This is the same as that of Qiuhuang City, resisting millions of swallowed magic, but these reptiles are more powerful than those who swallow the magic, more violent.

If there is a few five-order emperor, he will not be afraid.

These reptile strength can be generally general, but the quantity is more terrible.

And many of them are the level of the emperor, everyone can slaughter, but they are also consumed.

When they consume almost, those tribes will rush again!

The sword is unparalleled, and it is deep.


At this time, I don't help, wait for these people to end, he is afraid that it is difficult to protect.

This time, I didn't think of a few days. I didn't see anything. I met this tricky ambush in the first time.

I hope that the town Yuncheng can come up with the countermeasures!

Otherwise, you have to explain this.

Luo Wei battle, very suitable for the Summer Nest of the Chammian Crown Jade, one step is a million miles, and the body shape is very incomparable. A punch is a deep pit.

call! what!

Every time, it is like playing on the mud, weak and weak.

This is simply a small use of large materials, and a little kills the chicken.

"If you don't work, it is better to let those Taojun."

The sword is unparalleled, soon discovered things wrong.

As an ancient ancient Tong of the empire, I have long found it, but now it is a big loss, it will lose a lot, in case the method just collapsed, the enemy will appear!

The more the sword is unparalleled, the more it feels weak, and a bite is directly scattered.

"You take people to the edge, I stay here alone!" Xia Mang crown jade turned around several emperors.

The escort leader is not at ease. After seeing the sword is unparalleled, it is still turned to the edge.

The sword has no double forgetting his identity. He seems to be a way.

The next moment, the sky is coming, and the eight arm is the sky.

The enhanced beast is suddenly rising, and the body is soaring to 20,000 times.

Eight arms exude a dazzling light, cross the battlefield.

Gu Tongli, the sky, the mountain, the crown, know that no to withdraw the big array, consume too much, they really have to finish.

"Everyone will weaken the magic, and the emperor will shoot alone, and the Dao Jun is born in the rear!" Ancient Tong is also a university, directly ordered.

The endless void reptile is like the ocean.

The sword is unparalleled, smashing countless reptiles, and those who are crackled insects seem to be colorless, but there is a piece of silk void in invading this space.

Originally, the emperor has to spend great effort to break the void, and now you can destroy it.

"this is?"

The sword is not bored, and it took a breath.

The white monarch in the body exclaimed: "They are destroying the empty!"

Destroy the void, this is to pull them together!

This trick, enough!

No wonder they will fade with these people, and the Tianqi family will be able to defeat them. But why not see the Tianqi family?

Obviously, you have to look at them.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled to see the back of the back.

Sure enough, there is countless army to come.

It is Xuanyuan Dasheng to bring the army, and the number of people exceeds 10 million.

This juncture is unidirerative, the outside world is easy to crack, but it is very difficult to go out.

"The grandfather, we are upright!" Xia Mang crown jade shouted, and then rushed over.

Xuanyuan Daries also found void changes.

After so many strong people entered this space, many voids have begun to break out the dark slices, and they are spatial countercurrent, and their danger.

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