Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5392 5387? Virtual Remedy

It is possible to come out from it else, and the spatial crack is directly blocked.

And there is also a strong force of swallowing, obviously has the strength of the universe black hole.



"Leave it here!" Xuanyuan big rose.

There have been many ways to swallow into the void, and everyone will not leave all people.

Gu Tong turned directly, see Xuanyuan Dashed, anxiously said: "Xuanyuan brother, there must be some people in the space, if we are late, the town will come over."

"Well, there is the general of Laogu, I will bring people to the source, you are here to guard!" Xuanyuan Dasheng said, Shen Li wrapped Xia Mang crown jade with millions of army.

Staying in the ancient eyes of the original place, there is nothing to say, a hand can play, the space is instantly calm down.

The void crawler is very weak, and it can't stop the army.

Xuanyuan Dashi also commanded, and he may not kill these crawl.

The army covers the sky, all the way.

The Tianqi strongman far in the source of the void has also found a huge breath is approaching, and the eyes are flashing.

"Let's go! They have broken, according to the long-standing old command, the border!" The three collections said with turns.

Many people have unwillingness, why is it left for a family?

Even if there is this backhand, thousands of big armies attack, they can still hold, but they can be behind!

Zhenyun City.

The Chinese Army.

The brow of the Cham Mang's battle is condensed into a knot.

Today, Xuanyuan Datuan has gone a time, and there is no movement, which is how it is good.

The Tianqi family will never swallow the soldiers directly.

This is what conspiracy is there.

"I told it, the five military camps are dispatched, bypass the junior straight to the magic old nest. Left army bells, led the left army to enter the nephew again."

Double tubes.

First, I don't want to give up the people in the combo. Second, go to the old nest of the magic border and explore their virtuality.

He is three major people who have one of the top left generals "Zhong Cool".

He feels that this time is incoming, the statement given inside the empire is to cut, but it can go to the ambulance of the magic rival country after the battlefield. Even if you don't think about it!

Now the Magic Region mains the army back to the Shura Plain, it will be refunded to the big camp.

Just leave the tribe of the Tianqi family, they do their dizzy steering.

If you don't want to go, this time you don't say, it's not bad if you don't have a whole army.

The commander also has a big problem.

At this time, it also risks the risks.

On the battlefield, there is only one person to listen, even if he puts forward the objection, he can't reverse what is the key moment.

The army once again mobilized, and the army of the town transported a few times later.

The five-level emperor who was exhausted were more than half.

Xia Mang blame, take a piece of jade, look at the ancient writing above, the heart can not understand, but can only follow it.

The old nest of the magic border.

After the old man retreat, the strongest person here is the big leader of the Tianqi family, the top three-level peak, and there is a five-level emperor.

Exquisite war is less than 10 million.

This person, if it is hard to hard, do not stop the three thousand battles of Xuanyuan Great.

"The big leader, Xuanyuan Datuan has rushed out of the mud, and the five military camps of Zhenyun City will not arrive!"

The scouts of the message respectfully passed the news.

The leader of Tianqi is steadily sitting on the high platform, and his eyes are cold.

All of this is actually a long and old man, but now he has not seen it, and the big elderly seeks to arrive.

Constantly attracting big summer main force into the mud, now I have been half, and I am going to them, or there is no matter what happened.

This is so far, they really have been desperate.

Now both sides have been passive.

I don't know what to do next!

Xuanyuan Dashed, has arrived in the source of the void.

That is a black hole in the sizes, endless swallowing.

The sword is unparalleled.

Black hole?


If this black hole is moved to the home of the source, he does not agree to increase the space in the main world.

Several levels of space in the spatial source.

The first is the cohesive space, this sword is unparalleled early.

Space formation is a star realm.

Subsequent space condensed countless stars, as a small number, reaching the Taiyin realm.

Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled is too yin realm, the sun and the moon appears, the space is stable.

The next layer is the big charter.

Black hole.

He has the power of swallowing, a lot of understanding of black holes, and if you want to enter this realm, you need to spend the energy.

After the black hole, it is a virtual universe.

That is the space of the universe.

Once the universe is condensed, even the peak of space.

It is also a realm.

Stars, Taichen, Black Cave, Universe.

Four realm.

Generally breaking through the emperor, you can master the space of the Space to reach the star realm. In the outside world, second-order emperors need the second-order episode.

As for the Taiyin is the fourth-order emperor.

There are many five-order emperors in the city.

Black holes are five-order, six-order emperor can control it.

As for the universe, it is a need to control the most peak emperor in the sixth order.

The sword is only a road, and it can reach the Taiyin realm. The five-order episodes of many cities can come to this level.

Even if some of the four-order peak emperor of the outside world is also this level.

If the black hole is swallowed, it directly has a black hole realm, and he stepped into the big realm.

It will be more smooth in the future.

Countless fragments in the sea from this source are like a star, two huge fragments are more than too yin, and now it is a black hole.

If these debris finally condense digestion, these debris will finally become a black hole.

But it is too slow.

The sword has no double leaks a smile. I didn't expect this time, and there is such a big championship.

When I turned to Xuanyuan Dashed, I would like to have a life: "The grandfather, here is the source of the void, those reptiles are running out here, I am willing to stay here."

Xuanyuan Dashen looked at the black hole, nodded, he was a five-order peak, but he did not master the black hole realm. It also understood this. Xia Mang crown jade is willing to be at this point, and he seems to be because of the front The power is not anger, and I am afraid that there are many dangers, it is better to stay here.

"Okay, Yue children pick some people, just sit here!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the four-level episode of dozens of three-level emperor and the tens of three-level emperors are selected.

These people were taken from a breather, and they were the old nest of the Mono State in the border, where there was a hundred times more dangerous than this.

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