Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5393 5388 ???? Black Cave

Left-behind here is a good thing in them.

Looking at the back of the army, the sword has no double leaks a smile, turning the head to follow him to stay in this place.

Since the death of the time, the evil atmosphere in his home is retreat, and it is considered by him.

Nowadays, I will look at these lambs, and the evil breath gradually rises.

I saw some hair of emperor, leaking a surprised eye, seeing Xia Mang crown jade to say: "The Hall, it is better to rest, I will wait for a while, I will wait!"

"No, this is your!"


The appearance of Xia Mang crown jade began to change, and the original appearance was restored, and the breath of breath was strong and swept around the surroundings.

"Oh, I haven't used this trick for a long time!"

The sword is unparalleled and laughs: "One thought!"


Tiandi rising, breath reincarnation.

The space in the million miles is instantially swallowed, which is his world.

The Eastern dazzling sun rose, the West is gradually rising with the power of the extremely cold.

And swords are unparalleled, like a black hole.


"He is not Xia Mang crown jade!"

The first riot of the four-level emperor who was unparalleled by swords, they were most afraid of death, and they have never been willing to vote from swords. It is just for God stone.

It is a bit of a pity that Luo Wei is fighting, I have been practiced for so long, I don't use it once, now I have to kill chicken.

Morting these people, actually improving how much, mainly these people are too embarrassing, he wants to swallow the black hole.

The Bai Jun Wang hiding in the sword is also a heartbeat acceleration, but these people are on the blood sacrifice!

"Hey, no matter who you are, dare to take out the emperor of the big summer, dare to wait for me, you will first take him again!"

There are dozens of emperors present in the scene, including several fourth-order emperors.

If it is before, the sword is unparalleled to really take so many people.

But now!

The mind is condensed the universe, and the devour the condensed black hole.

The power of all things is the power of the universe.

Xiaoyu Jun, dare to violate the intention of the universe, just looking for death.


The sword is unparalleled, and the void in thousands of miles will burst collapse. These four-level emperor can't resist it. After all, their strength is generally only four ordinary levels.

One of the universe is the biggest chassis of swords, dealing with these semi-hanging emperors, is really not hard.

The universe is formed, and these emperors who oppress them can't move. Those who are Dao Jun and some weak emperors are flying directly.

Also, those four-level emperor, can also resist.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eight arms are the magic.

The evil breath rises, starting to eaten the origin of these people.

This scenery Baijun Wang has been habits, and when you see the sword where you are so skilled, you can't help but feel cold.

Especially when I saw the sword, I was swallowed. I didn't intend to plan the blood sacrifice. I wanted to remind you to see the sword without the bispic scorpion, or gave it back.

Just three breathing, the owner of the scene will be squeezed to the sneaked net.

The evil is surrounded by the Thunder.

The power of a goddess is smashed out, and the explosion of the sky is issued, and the battlefield is clean and clean.

The sky is more condensed except for the silk rain.

The previous emperor will have some somewhat from the origin, but now don't say that the source is fragmented, even the emperor is not sick, and it will be swallowed by him.


After spitting a sigh of relief, a universe came to an abrupt.

These people can only be a cup of tea before meals, and the real big dinner is the black hole.

Looking at the huge black hole, the power of swallowing is much stronger than him, I don't know how many times.

If only the force of swallowing it is only, I am afraid he did not swallow the other party, and he revealed into it.

For a time, the sword is unparalleled, I don't know how to shoot.


The power of the swallowing, but also has endless destruction, the power exceeds the five-order episode, not the sword is unparalleled to compete.

"History?" The sword was unhappy, and the huge mental force accompanied by the force of swallowing into the black hole. He was also destroyed by the force of destruction.

Condensing again, it is also wrapped in the power of swallowing, like the power in the black hole, attempts to mix.

This time I didn't enter the deeper level, even the sword is unparalleled, I feel that I have entered another universe, but I haven't waited for him to follow, and the idea is destroyed.

Think of the power of swallowing, the sword is unparalleled, there is only a power of all things.

Wanners, like all things that are swallowed with black holes.

The meat bag is playing dogs.

The sword is unparalleled to completely fall into two difficulties.

This black hole is like a table of a table, but he can't get it.

The Bai Jun Wang has always stared at the black hole. He didn't have anything about it, but he looked at this black hole, the more familiar, and finally it exclaimed.

"Is this?" He thought of the abyss perched on the gods at a time, and it was very similar to this black hole.

Although there is no power of the abyss, but when he is above, it feels that the power is not in this world.

At that time, he didn't dare to ask more. If there is no abyss, he has already died.

The sword is unparalleled: "Why, you have a understanding of the black hole."

Although Bai Jun Wang is walking, the origin is not weak, and it should have reached the realm of the black hole.

After all, it is a strong force, leaning against the body, then the source will have a black hole in order to have a black hole.

Just like the power of the local route, there is 30,000 times weaken.

Even some double repairs, the body is 50,000 times, and the source can reach the realm of the universe.

This is the strong.

The final source of the ultimate emperor is faster, like the sword is unparalleled, I am afraid that the five-level emperor will hope to reach the universe.

The only ultimate emperor of the original universe is exaggerated.

At the five-order, the main realm has arrived in the cosmology, and then it is even more condensing the universe.

Now entering the sixth order, I am afraid that I am afraid that I am from the temple.

The sixth order ultimate emperor, the source has come to the point, and there is no opponent in the Division.

The sword is not a slower.

Compared with the ultimate Jun on the tomb mountain, it has exceeded them.

He can now kill the fourth-order emperor.

If you swallow this dark hole, he can reach the black hole when he is Daojun.

But now it is here.

I have a bit helpless for a while.

Bai Jun Wang Hang is not willing to say, the sword is unparalleled, and there is definitely related to the god.

"You ask me to ask the gods. Is this black hole relationship with him?" The sword is unlucky or not dead, and he is not willing to give up.

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