Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5394 5389 ?? Army

What is the outer object, only the strength is strong, is a real thing.

In the future, he must not only master the treasures that are strong than the beastists, but also to get a more powerful to treasure than the beast.

After waiting for about a moment, the Bai Jun Wang shook his head.

"The gods did not reply, should not tell me!"

The sword is unparalleled, don't take some sincerity, the god will not take him at all.

It is like the sincerity of the other party, just like the Bai Jun Wang, give the other party.

This is not.

There is no way, he personally entered this black hole.

Of course, it is bleaching, he dares to let the book go in, in case, he can be stupid.

The fingertips are uncomfortable, and a shadow with the sword is unparalleled.

"See this respect!"

"See it!"

The two seem to have a conversation, but it is actually self-speaking.


The sword is unparalleled, and it is obviously someone. It is obviously someone. When you restore the appearance of Xia Mang crown jade, it is directly jumped into the black hole.

Just turned to see who is coming, I found that after the moment of swallowing, he almost swallowed, and quickly retired from 100 million miles after a flashing.

The branching is the deepest place to follow the power of swallowing into the black hole.


The army came out in an instant. After seeing Xia Mang crown jade, he took the lead.

"How do you do one under the Ninth Hall?"

It is not the first person, Xuanyuan Dashang has brought millions of army, and several five-order emperor came together.

Ancient Tong said, Xuanyuan Datuan took people in front.

The sword is unparalleled.

Said that the eyes of Xia Mang crown jade became popular, some oxel.

As soon as I heard this, the person takes the lead is not asking, but it is just a few words.

The black hole disappeared, and Xia Mang crown jade did not have to stay here, followed by the army again.

Just waiting for these people to leave, the entire mud began to return, and the space is completely broken.

Previously there was ancient Turkish town, now no one looks like this, the space of this place has fallen into death.

The space collapsed and became the Jedi.

The five-order emperor will fall in it.

In no time, the two big army will be together.

The left army of the other road is also here, and now the 50 million troops arrived in the nest of the Magic State border.

The old nest set up in the border is a huge war fortress, which is the same.

For example, the leader of the leadership of the leader today.

This is wrong with the old age!

Doesn't these people enter the swamp?

The elders of the Magic Region, who hooded in the depths of the void, also frowned.

The black hole disappeared, just took one away!

"It seems that you have to rely on yourself!"

Don't forget, he is a sixth order.

Dashi this time, the strongest is the five-order episode.

Can he be afraid?

As a magic, you will be afraid!


A withered arm was explored in the pool, and gently looked up, and sharp fingertips set a polar light.

This Aurora then broke out the rays like the sun.


At this time, the sword is unparalleled in the body, the white monarch Wang is roaring: "Go, there is a strong power!"


The sword is unparalleled, and the strongest person of the Magic Region is not a six-order peak?

Daxia's old ancestors have six-order top war, not afraid of each other.

How suddenly there is a strong power.

The next moment, the dazzling sun comes.

Everyone slammed breathing.

The five-order emperor has eternal to treasure. I have hid into the treasure palace. The sword has been following Xuanyuan Dashed, the first is hiding.

Other people in the outside world are miserable.

Just just a light, the big army in the summer is falling.

Hundreds of four-level emperor, only live a few, the five-order emperor fell to a number, after all, not anyone had eternal to treasure.


Whether it is Xuanyuan Dashang, or the cold or ancient times, there are four signs.

In the case of the sixth order, they have to be able to escape.

"You can't let them go, you can take someone to chase, my magic rival's main force will also dispatched, but I can't shoot again." The old man leaving a sentence, and invisible in an instant.

It seems that there is no existence of this world.

The horizon in the distance, the old lady in a red suede appeared, and there was no shot, but slowly returned to the town.

"How can it be?"

The strength of the old lady is only a sixth order, if you add the treasure of the body, you will have the top sixth top, like the old ancestors of the big summer.

This time, the big summer, there will be no six-order emperor hidden in the town.

Just I didn't expect, there will be a strong power.

Only three of the three strong strong people will be the whole day, one is a nation of the Nalan family, has fallen.

There is also the dominant "Zhu Qing" in the chaos.

The last one is the country of the United States, and it is the strongest in the sky.

Now that you are still alive, how can I have a mysterious?

Is it a chaotic domain?

There is also this possibility!

Daxia and several super power teamed up to curb the expansion of chaos, and may be angered the domain of the domain.

Can be the status of the other party, don't use this!

If you are out of the top, it is the old man of the magic Ronor, I am afraid this battle, they really have to finish.

The sword who is crazy again is unparalleled.

Why is him at him, others are chasing.

It is not important to go this time.

In the big temple, Xuanyuan Dashed to operate to Baoyong, and there are still a few lucky four-level emperors.

Fortunately, this time the Xuanyuan family came to Xuanyuan Dashang, or today's non-dead son is not.

The sword is unparalleled to sit on the stone seat as comfortable.

The bottom of my heart will ask the white king!

"The other party is really a good?" He is somewhat, if it is a pleading, I am afraid that it is difficult to escape today.

They can have no assistance.

If it is a six-order episode, I am afraid that there is also a preparation over the summer, there will be six-order emperor to take the town.

It can be a strong force, and there will be no more opportunities in Daxia.

Zhenyun City has to escape.

Almost the same, today's townhouses and the remaining two big cities remain in the border.

Ready to run together.

After the old lady found that the mysterious people were so powerful, the news sent the news to the Huangcheng in the first time.

Time Royal City Wind Changes.

There is no strong stronger, and it is a strong force of the magic rival.

This level of power can change the super power of the Southern Situation, can't get through the whole big summer.

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