Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5399 5394 ??? Star Court

His strength is general, just an ordinary second-order emperor, but his father is not general, it is the strongest fourth-order episode in the stars.

Star Cape Saint Gong Miyong, eyes are slightly red, in the face of the most disgusted people before, she can only leak a smile.

Don't look at the look of her weak woman. Since her mother's palace is back, she began to plan a way.

Star Cabinery Main Business Number, treasure countless, it can be comparable to the five-order emperor of weakness, hundreds of billions of gods.

These treasures, but a big fat meat, don't say internal power, even if the outside of the outside world, I want to take a piece.

How can she sit to stand.

In the three elders, the only female elder and her mother loves the same sister, naturally follow her, secretly recruited three four-order top emperor from Tiannan, and even hosted the people of the Mono Guo.

Recently, the West Sea is not peaceful.

Of course, the strong people of the Magic Region can't see her home. The only holy woman in the Star Pavilion can make the Mono Stuor's strong person.

The beauty of the Holy Palace is peerless, and it is famous throughout the West Sea, and her mother is long, even a lot of five-level emperor is full of coverage.

Of course, no one knows that she has a leg with the five-level emperor, anyway, the five-way scatter in the West Sea, no one dares to provoke this starge hoven home.

It's just to run, and now I'm staring at the Star Chensong is not for the hometown of the Gongqi.

The funeral was held for three days, and many so-called big people came. Among them, the fourth-order episode had hundreds, and many people opened their eyes.

The Schimen Cave House in the Star Pavilion.

Miyongyi is a black long dress. At this time, she didn't have an outsider. She didn't have to disguise, pick up the veil, and the mist of the atomization was completely appeared.

Her face is really like her mother, and the beauty of beauty, even in Heaven and south is also the dissection of the people in the country.

"Yan big brother, will you help me?" The palace is a little red, looking at the decadent man in front.

Yan Changqing, a famous strong, four-order top.

She ranked three emperors in Tiannan, now only two, it is estimated that I saw these days, I didn't want to be involved in disputes.

Yan Changqing is a bit moving, soft. "" Reassured, I am, the old guy does not dare to do it! "

It is naturally the old age of the Star Pavilion.

The older is very big, and when her mother fell too fast, she didn't have time and furnished, leaving this rotten stall.

"I have this sentence, I am relieved!" The palace is intimate in the eyes of tears, and Yan Changqing, is very sad.

Swallowing the swallowing water, Yan Changqing voice said: "Wonderful, it is better, it is better to let me go! Leave the West Sea, we go to Tiannan!"

The palace is re-banded on the veil, the bottom of the heart.

"Do you let go of your nephew?"

Yan Chang Yin, the eyes are also removed from the face of the uterine, "she?"

I thought here, he was a bit embarrassed.

However, he likes the Miyongyi. Since I saw the Miyong, he was fascinated. If the wife behind his wife is tough, he has already give his wife.

"Well, I don't think so much. Now the most important thing is the jade simple, my starge, the most important thing is the jade simple." The uterity is leaking a smile.

There are already a long old old four-level episodes, plus stars.

The third-order Emperor, she also tied a lot of years, many of whom were also because of her appearance.

"How is Deng Bo, how is the candidate?" Gong Miao saw the coming, his eyes flashed.

The old man who was previously taken in the town, the old man, slowly came out, did not speak, just nodded.

The Miyong is still a long breath, and the sound has changed some serious, and the opening said: "Late will change, we will start today."

A group of people flew to the sea, and her goal was the vortex waters.

There is a Dongfu waiting for her to open, that is also the biggest relying on her mother left her.

Eddy current sea area.

The sword is unparalleled, my killing, has passed the past 100 years.

I haven't take a break in a hundred years, and I am hunting in the sea.

Nowadays, the eddy currents have dropped sharply in the eddy currents, and the sword is too unparalleled. Under the increase in the field of the beast, it can be used to describe countless.

The light is stored in the bracelet of the sea demon, there are already tens of thousands.

"not enough?"

The sword is unparalleled.

On the sacrifice, the Bai Jun king is sitting on, the eyes are fierce, and the voice is low: "It's enough!"

That color this source has been completely condensed.

Under the power of the sword, there is a unparalleled force, it has been completely stable.


The sword is unparalleled, and it is a smile. "You are squeezing my own source. If it is not my own source, I am afraid that I am not enough to give you enough."

His origin is strong, but it is still very difficult to help the Bai Junwang agglomerate into the present source.

"Haha, rest assured, I will have someone else, I will have it!"

Looking at the strength, I will restore the peak, and the white monarch is very excited.

The origin is successful, and he finally does not need to store the home of the source of the sword.

Feel your own origin in your body, the madness of the Bai Jun Wang laughed.

This is a complete source.

Although I saw the source of the sword, my own origin is that, I am better than not good!

At the beginning, he walked the body route, the origin is dead, the silence is also the source of disability, don't want to go to the top for a lifetime.

Nowadays, I will re-ignite, and the sword is unparalleled. It is his regeneration parent. Although all this is also helpful, the god is for him, it is also a block of stumbling block.

It is just to be vowed, he can't break free.

However, as long as the strength can become stronger, he has no regrets!

"Now, the meat is with the body, and I don't know how the god adult is prepared for me."

The sword is unparalleled, and the flesh of a middle-aged man appears in front of the body, and then a silk is scattered from the fingertips.

The flesh is very general, but it is also enough.

After the body enters, the moment is increasing to 10,000 times.

Bai Jun Wang is also welcome, he is waiting for this day, the source is stationed, and the whole person has changed new spiritual face.

That is the white hair king, arrogant.

A slightly semaphore, an overbearing breath showing undoubtedly.

"This body is too weak, and that is only enough for you to play the fighting power of the fourth-order peak. It is too strong to crash." The sword was unparalleled to remind, and then took out him before. After using the treasure.

Bai Jun king nodded, smiled "Haha, too enjoyable, still waiting for the flesh and body of the gods to give me, but I can feel that my existence is enough, I am a lot of years, I can finally be thin. Let's go, go, let's go to the Shinish Island, hehe! "

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