Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5400 5395 ?? Yellow House

"You!" The sword is very much very much!

In the two people, they are ready to leave this vortex waters.

At this time, I suddenly trembled, an ancient bronze giants showed that they were shocked.

The sword is unparalleled, and I didn't expect to be happy today. I can accidentally encounter the remains.

"Haha, let's see it, don't worry!" White Jun Wang saw the idea of ​​swords, ordinary treasures he couldn't see, but the sword is unparalleled is still Daojun, and there is still a lot of trends. Naturally, I have to go.

And he hasn't been shot for a long time, and he also wants to enter the hot body.

"it is good!"

Two people rushed to the bronze door.

Not far away, holding a jade hometown is flashing, cold tone: "Here!"

The direction of the crowd enters the eddy current.

The sword is unparalleled, and the bronze giants are gently touched, and they want to penetrate into it but find that they cannot enter.

"See the way, it should be a five-order Emperor's cave, the array of fellows is not normal!" The sword is unmarkarized, some disappointed.

Originally thought that the Yellow House of the Sixth Order Emperor.

The Valley of the Five Order Emperor is not too big.

The most important thing in the remains is not treasure. He is still not lacking to the treasure, and the beast will be enough for him for a long time. Eternal Huobao is now not used.

The general inheritance is even more worthless, he has a complete day, the body is not unconcerned.

This source uses the power of all things, and it is also necessary for the growth of the source, and he is now able to create a self-study.

His spatial origin is coming to the black hole.

That is the branch of the black hole, although it has been adopted, it can be constantly enlightenment of black holes, and there is no way to pass the black hole for him.

The cave of the five-order episode, the sword is unparalleled, and now it is in front of him, he will go in and see, otherwise he is too lazy.

Before the White Jun, he was just right, and he felt a breath is approaching.

In the seabed, the demon is very heavy, I want to find a strong breath, it is difficult!

The sword is unparalleled, and it is very sensitive to the breath of the White Jun.

Sure enough, the next moment, a robe masked person went to his eyes.

"I didn't expect, there is still a person here!"

Cold sound, is the first woman, and people are being hometown.

A group of nine people.

Three fourth-order emperors, all are top-level powerful people.

The remaining six are all three-order peaks.

However, the sword is not weak, and the breath of the white monarch is stable, and it is also the first to top. Of course, if all the battles, the flesh, can withstand the fourth-order peak.

And the sword is unparalleled, also exposed the three-order peak.

For a time, the two sides were stalemate.

"Two Taoist friends, this place is open ..."

If you don't wait until the other party, the Bai Jun Wang takes a step, it is directly a deliberate boy, and the sea in the miles drums a huge vacuum bubble, followed by outbreak.


When you don't say, you will do it!

The sword has never thought that the Bai Jun Wang has just restored its source, so!

But I have been doing, but he is not doing it.

"Stop !!"

Just when the sword was unparalleled, the Miyong was busy shouting them.

The Miyong took out the jade simple, the cold channel: "This cave is indeed open, no jade silk, you can't enter!"

This is also her unlucky, just opening the cave, encounter a tricky opponent.

The Bai Jun Wang just broke out the war, with the fourth-order peak, and their groups are still not necessarily opponents.

"Miss, the third-order Emperor, I have seen it!" The old man took a step forward and watched the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the other's identity is also recognized.

The old man saw it, and the other emperors found that the sword is unparalleled is the leader, and the white monarch is more like a guard.

Perhaps the sword is more likely to be a host, or the child of the big family.

After this guess, they didn't dare to do it.

The fourth-order peak emperor is a guard, the sword is unparalleled, and the at least a family of the big family.

"Dao You, don't see you for a hundred years, the old man who can be considered!" The voice of the old man's old man is extremely mild.

The Miyong is a sutter, which is very important to her. It has been followed by her, and now I have encountered a child who is suspected of a big family. It is difficult to step by step.

The sword has no double-shaped elevation, and the people are opposed, and the sound: "My memory is not so bad, I still talk about the cave!"

He didn't have a curious heart, but there were two four-level emperors in these people with the breath of the monk of the monks, which made him very interested.

"Taoist, I am the woman of the main owner of the Starge, this time it came to gave me the chance of giving me, that is, the cave!" Gong Miao is standing, picking up a spacious coat, leaking Waiting for long hair, and the eyes of the eyes are unparalleled.

There is no eyesight of the sword, although there is a veil, but I still see the true capacity of each other.

However, the beauty has been immune to him, but only look at it, there is no surprise, slightly slightly said: "Oh, this way! That is a clever."

The hometown is happy, thinking that the sword is unparalleled to hear her belief, there will be some role.

What made her didn't think of it, the sword was unparalleled, but it was an unusual harsh.

"Just" is also to open the family's senior hole, today I have encountered acquaintances, then I am generous, we have explored it together! "The sword is very unparalleled, even if it is a fool, this cave is He doesn't matter, it is to play each other.

Bai Jun Wang leaned, and smiled. "You said that you are you? I also said that your little girl has an leg!"


Free Zhang mad!

The Miyong is unobstructed, but it is now playing, but it doesn't fight these two people, and it is very likely that she will fight with them after opening the cave.

Fortunately, I have been preparing for the Miyamianship, long to suck one, and stood, but the secret is already the strongman of the monk.

"Two predecessors, I promise your conditions, the treasure of the Star Course, I am willing to take half of the dedication to the emperor, and ....... I have a long-term freedom!" When said this sentence, Her voice is slight.

The sword is unparalleled, discovered, and the other party still has a backhand, but just listened to her belief, the Star Course is not big for a big force, even a five-order emperor is not, he is not afraid.

He is more care that the strongman of the Magic Region, and it looks like it is already in the voice.

Like the sword unparalleled speculation, the two strong people of the Magic Region heard the sound, and the opposition was regarded as the young master.

"The temple, the Miyong is promised!"

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