Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5401 5396 ?? Open Bronze Gate

The two sides were slightly stabbed, and the Miyong was relieved after the Qi Qiang had a strong foreign aid.

The vortexed seabed, bronze gate is very quite quite quite.

The sword is unparalleled with the Bai Jun Wang standing on the side, waiting for these people to open the door.

Mi Miao can promise them to explore together, the sword is unparalleled without accidents, see the other party's expression, he can guess that if you can't take it, you will have a strongman of the magic Region.

Just don't know how much fish caught.

If it is the emperor 'Luosha', it is simply lucky.

Just an arrow double carving.

The treasure behind the bronze door, he doesn't care, but if you can get it, it will not be too much.

There is a lot of places where the treasures are needed later, he has not reached the point where there is no need to resource.

Even if it is the case, it will not care about these resources after sixth order.

This is also his kindergirl in the body of the inheritor, even if it reaches the sixth order, there will be treasures.

For example, powerful eternal tobao, or singular treasures like the Sen of Wanzang.


There is no double brow, and the bronze door is opened by the palace, and the breath of a pound is spread.

Among them, there is a five-order level.

From the outside of the door, the quaintness and corrosion of the inside, this cave is obviously time for a long time, even the white monarch felt a familiar feeling, that is the breath of their era.

"There should be no danger inside, this is a bit mean!" Bai Jun Wang smiled faintly, and he was more interested in these.

After the origin is restored, the Bai Jun Wang jumped the gods, just waiting for his flesh and the body, it is true to return to the peak.

Completely fighting, with him with his peak, his war will be comparable to U.S.

The treasures of the four secrets are not attractive to him.

Also, some special, he is not well exaggerated.

Now he is very interested in the little girl named Gong Miyi, maybe the silence of the source of retransmate, let him face, and there is a young man in the heart.

The sword is unhappy, but I haven't worried, but I took the shoulder of the white monarchy, the sound road: "Don't be big, the danger is not inside, outside!"

Some excitement of the Bai Jun king, obviously there is no sword, no double, so calm, have not found the relationship between the palace and the people of the Mono State.

Dongfu opened.

Miyongyi is very humble, turning to see the sword is unparalleled, soft: "You, can you enter?"

She is also here for the first time, otherwise it will not even have a location.

Let the sword are unparalleled, she is also very confident, even if the wolf is entered the room, it is not very careless to recruit the strong people of the magic rival.

Because her mother left a piece of jumping jade, the above recorded all the secrets on this place.

It is her is her, whoever can't take it.

I know that there is not dangerous, the sword is unparalleled naturally, and the cold snorted, with the White Jun Wang directly entered the Dongfu.

When you pass by the Miyamia, the greed of the Gaun Wang's eyes did not cover up, so that everyone is very surprised, all four-order peak, how is it did not have seen a woman?

The two strong people in the magic rival are nothing, and there is too much quilty in the magic road. It is not blame.

Yan Changqing is a bit angry, spraying in the eyes, and it is straightforward, and it is dark.

On the side of the uterus, there is a felection in the god of eyes.

Fortunately, she left the backhand, I promised the conditions of the four emperors of the magic.

She doesn't want to fall into those old monsters, I am afraid that life will be tortured, live in purgatory.

After growing, she also walked into the cave.

After all people entered, the bronze gate was reheated and disappeared in the vortex seabed.

Just when I entered the Dongfu, I left a touch of power in the outside world. This is a coordinate.

Under the four emperors of the magic Ronor, according to this coordinate, it can be easily found.

When the sword is unparalleled, it has to face the magic rivals that are blocked outside the door.

West Sea.

"Turtle Island" is separated by several waters from the sea.

There is a huge islands, which can be comparable to a planet.

On this island, there is a top forion in the West Sea.

In fact, it is impossible to say that it is forces, because the owner of this place, there is no disciple, and the strong who sits down is even less poor.

In addition to the disciple, some servants are.

Just like these people, there is a lot of giant islands in the West Sea, and no one comes to the offense.

All the fate of this is because of this owner, his strength is almost too late.

It is a famous sixth-order peak emperor in the West Sea.

One person is a forion, no one dares.

The sixth-order emperor sat down with six disciples. Everything is the strong, the weakest is the fourth-order peak emperor, the strongest five-order peak.

Two of them have two disciples, from a family.

Magic Royal Highness!

"Under the four temples, the strong people in the dispatched army must be allowed by the main hall!" A five-level emperor who worked with armor, stopped the four emperors.

The four emperors "Luochuan" lived in Turtle Island in Turtle, and now the big brother is not big.

Luochuan snorted, angry: "This is the army of the magic, is not the private army of Rosa!"

The big capital invaded the West Sea is in Turtle Island.

Without the big summer, the Magic Region all the way to the west, expanded doubled, and the army has doubled the scale.

Nowadays, the elite army of the magic rival is in the hands of the big emperor.

There is also a part in the hands of the royal family, and the remaining people have gripped in the old man, and the five-order episodes of the magic royal family are not a few, which can be worker.

Rosha can master one-fifth elite, because of the small followers, step by step, climbed to this position.

Invasion of the West Sea, he also promoted the commander, the leader, no need to look at the face of the big elder.

Now he is closed in Turtle Island, preparing to impact the five-order emperor. Once his breakthrough, his status will rise again.

Although the Mono Register did not play Taizi, the name of the people saw that the strength can be related to the relationship between the big emperor.

If it breaks through, it is not the problem of setting up the Prince, but it is ready to give his father to the upper place.

Today's Magic Regional Emperor, the strength is general, can also be general, otherwise it is not so poor.

Luosha had a great burden, from a small battle, but also went to the Dynasty, and then worshiped with Turtle Island.

A lifetime of fighting, a partial domain, a well-known well.

In the Magic Region, prestige can take the top three.

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