Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5405 5400 ?? Bloodolic

Now I have mastered the scholars, she found that she is more powerful than her mother. She now feels enough to fight, and the four-level emperor is not a problem.

This is also the reason why she has a different fourth-order episode.

Once the inheritance is received, the strength has skyrocketed, which is comparable to the fourth-order top emperor. With many treasures, they are not afraid of several emperors.

It can now be encountered that the sword is unparalleled and the Bai Jun Wang is an accident. The two people are deeply unspeakable. She has skyrocketed, and she does not dare to act rashly.

The sword is unparalleled in the same place, and he is not allowed to give the strength of the other party. He turned his head to see the other side to see the other side.

For this requirement, Bai Jun Wang naturally has no objection.

"Little girl, you can be a little special!" Bai Jun Wang did not look close to it, scared.

When I was doing, the hall suddenly started shaking.

After the sword is unparalleled, I will leave, I will leave the main hall.

A powerful breath is rising, not the strong, but there is a birthday to the birth.

This breath spreads far, even in the outside world.

The eddy current sea area.

The four emperors of the magic Ronali have floated with a team of magic rivals in the sea area, and the neighboring practitioners have no baked.

Most of the West Sea monks, most of them are scattered, very small, the country is even more.

Like the level of the magic rival, the West Sea is the general existence of the hegemony.

A group of hundred emperors, there is a five-order emperor exist.

Luochuan frowned, the two fourth-order episodes have fallen, according to the location, he found it here, but did not find anything.

Even the five-level emperor who followed him will find it.

"His Royal Highness, there is absolutely no monks exist, I have seen it in the bottom of the vortex sea. The only federal king of the first five-level emperor is being killed by this will be killed." The only five-level emperor in the team. " Twist your brow.

He was originally patrolling in other sea, and the result was pulled by Luochuan, saying something to kill.

The result was a day here, and the figure did not see one.

There is something dissatisfied with you.

It is also the emperor, the big emperor continues to fight, and fight meh.

Can be four emperors, empty, don't do anything, these veterans are looking at Luochuan.

It is also the identity of Turtle Island disciples and a bit.

This is still the old man, and the Turtle Island is the opposite side, and the four emperors are disciples.

With this identity, the status of the four emperors in the royal family is also very super, after all, the strength is fundamental.

But the royal family is still very different from the military, you can't stay in the military to be able to be based on the royal gains.

The military is not only the strength, and there are military power.

This big emperor Luosha can be said to be the ultimate, it is possible to kill his own else from the big old man, and now it is a big army of one-fifth of the commander magic, and the five-order emperor has ten.

And the four emperors did not have a soldier in the military. In addition to the royal family gave him a few fourth-order emperors, they received some servants in the West China.

Now in the face of the five-order episode of the military, although the other party is not very giving a face, Coco is not guilty.

"The general of Kun Tai, my intelligence is no problem, and then, wait, this time, the other party is a big fish!" Luochuan leaked a smile and appeared very close.

What is his intelligence, but he told him a position, he rushed over.

For that heard, he can't see it.


There is this portrait in Luochuan eye hole, and the mouth is lightly evoked.

This time, it is for the Miyongyi.

The other party is special, if it is a double repair, he helps him break through the five-order episode.

This is the key.

Boss Rosha, now is closing and breaking through the five-order, the two will compare each other from small, and he will never be backward.

Although he doesn't have any interest to the throne, in the royal family, everything is strong enough to get more resources.

On the Turtle Island, only lectone, do not teach.

He can break through so fast, is because of the treasure of the family, plus the teachings of Turtle Island, the two are not.

On the left and right, he is better than the big emperor Luochuan.

At least, he is good.

It will never be like Rosha and the long and old hard, with the army to leave the magic Luo, come to the West Sea.


A breath broke down, stir the sea water.

Luochuan's face is happy, and take people directly to go through the sea.

Inner cave.

Bai Junwang has recently, but he can't play it again. He can feel that the atmosphere is on the hometown.

The breath is pound, although it is a treasure of the breath, but it is also indispensable.

The sword is not a double eye hole, and the scent is high as it: "Let's go!"

"Walk? Do you think I will let you go?" The hegemony of the cold voice sounded, and the palace was a little blood.

Black robes are in an instant, leaking the close-fitted red inner armor, wrapped her exquisite body, bumps, long hair dance.

The jade hand lifted gently, and the hand-visible bloodline on the arm was outlined to the finger fingertips, the palm was slightly opened, and a bloody crystal ball floated in the palm.

"Fourth-order peak!" The sword was unparalleled.

He didn't think of it. This time the ditch turned a boat, let a little girl gave them two people.

After the Bai Jun Wang retired to the sword, there was no double, lived in countless years of old monsters, and looked at it.

No wonder what conditions have been raised, and the Miyongyi promised one by one, it is waiting for this moment.

Miyong is the first: "I don't want to kill you, but you can see too much!"

Originally, she is ready to bring the sword unparalleled and wait. At the time, I just met the four emperors of the magic Ronor, killing people, she took the opportunity to escape.

The sword is unparalleled with the white monarch, and she has a pre-hunch, it seems that the sword is unparalleled, and she has this association with her.

She hasn't found it yet, but after the end of the hand, he will become unsatisfactory, and the three-level emperor who is not sword.

Taking this adventure, take the initiative to take out the treasure in the inheritance.

Eternal to treasure "blood loss"

This is still the eternal to Bao, which is the price of invaluable, is the peak to the treasure in the four secrets, and the six-order emperor will not have it.

She just controlled, it took directly to become the fourth-order peak emperor, and the strength has increased hundreds of times. Now, don't say the fourth-order peak emperor, even the five-order Emperor can fight.


The Miyong is relied, and she is in the influence of her body, and the body has a lot of cracks.

Although it is just a small forces, she can have a lot of treasures in her mother, although they are fluid, but they will take some breakthroughs, and they will break through the gods of the palace.

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