Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5406 5401 ?? Enter the body

It's just later, I have been paying attention to the source, and there is not much walking in the aspect of the body.

Now the strength suddenly skyrockets, but let her somewhere have some support.

The sword outside the main hall is unparalleled soon, I discovered this, when I was angry: "Hand!"

In the fourth-order peak, even the complete road, it will be almost the same as the present, the sword is not in the eyes.

Two people teamed up, and they went to a uterio or more.

The swordsman shadow began to appear, thousands of phantom swords, liter.

" !"

He went to see, this hometown's strength is low, anyway, the other party, and the murder of the present.

It is necessary to know the origin of the White Jun, but according to the secret law created by the god, plus his power, a silk gives the blood.

The opponent's small forces have this source, especially after picking up the passage, this source has become more powerful.

The sword is not in the bottom of the heart, no matter what, I have to win this palace today, I have to study research.

These four secrets, with him, I heard that it is still different.

Now, he feels.

"You!" When the Three people played together, the uteridity stared at the sword without double leaking a surprised look.

The first sword is unparalleled is not really shot. Now it is undoubtedly, and the strong host pressure is from the chest, and the breath is somewhat unstable.

The origin of the Bai Jun Wang is able to compete with the host of Miyu, which has made the Mono.

Her mother told her that the origin in the body is the strongest source in the four secrets. Now I have just inherited, I have encountered a strong person who is almost the same.

Then there is a more metamorphous, sword, unparalleled, exceeded her several levels.

If she is the source of her, the source of the sword is unparalleled is a Wangyang Dahai.

Although the origin is pressed, the mountain is now the biggest relying on the bloodline in the hand, and a bloodline is broke out, and the white monarch is bound.

The sword is not a double brow, the figure is like a ghost, instantification is a thousand, and the four is escaping.

The binding force of the blood color line is amazing, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a pair of wings behind the beast. The field is suddenly coming.

His body began to skyrocket.

20,000 times!

20,000 times!

20,000 times!

207,800 times!

In an instant, the body broke out to an unprecedented degree, the wings were shake, and there was a simple and long sword in his hand.

That is the imitation of the eternal tobao sword.

The Bai Jun Wang is entangled, and he is a strong person in the god line. Nowadays, the body is not there. It is empty, there is no cross-study, and the practitioners dealing with weakness are okay, it is tricky, he is also very helpless.

And there is nothing on his body, just a naked four-order peak strong.

Rely on the power of the source to struggle in the bloody line.

"Don't struggle!" The sword was unparalleled again, he found that the Bai Jun Wang was struggling, the tightening of the lines.

Bai Jun Wang stunned, and then understood it. After all, it is an old card, the reaction is very fast.

This kind of blood color line is very restrained, and the existence of the big multiplication is relatively weak for the sword.

After again entering, his figure is like a ghost, the cold Jianfeng cuts countless number of blood color lines, and the threat is not impossible to the sword.

The long sword ring is empty, the sword is unparalleled, and I look at it. The structure of the whole space appears in front of you.

On the three floors, the middle three floors, the lower three floors, and the slight space is mixed throughout the world, while the blood color line is inserted into the nine-layer space.


The sword has no double shadow disappears throughout the nine-layer space, and even the breath disappears.

The bloodline threatens not to him, but it can block him.

He is consumed here, he has to hurry to take the hometown.

Late is alheng!

Originally, after helping Bai Jun Wang recovered its own source, even if there is no flesh, how can I have a five-order epidermount!

As a result, it was a gray face of the uterine, and he had to rely on him.

At the end of the space, the black hole.

The sword is unparalleled, like a ghost.

This is the move of his refreshment from the black hole, the body hidden in the void clip will be found, only entered the black hole, is really isolated everything.

In the deep space, the sword is unparalleled is a black hole.

In the face of the sudden disappeared swords, the uterus is moving, she actually noticed that the sword is unparalleled!



Miyong is relieved by light loss, Wan Dao bloodline is surrounded by itself. She does not dare to determine whether the sword is unparalleled, and the space here is opened separately, not the hole can tear the space.

The space in the Dongfu contains nine-storey space, and the five-order emperor will not go, but don't say that the sword is unparalleled.

In her heart, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, although I am mysterious, but I have not left the five-order episode.

This prevents still caught anti-point.

10,000 blood lines are surrounded by nine-slice space, and the non-five-order emperor is not broken.

Bai Jun Wang was entangled, angered: "You are angered me, you will die!"

At this moment, he recovered the fierce, and the palace was scared, and the person who went to this strength, who could be scared.

"Oh, you will first get rid of me again!" The Miyong's mind is not on the Bai Jun king, and it is simply perfunctory.

If you really don't fight hard, she is not the opponent of the White Jun, but she has blood loss, just suppressed with Jouchi, stabilizing the Bai Jun Wang's stability.

The sword is unparalleled is true.

Moreover, the ability to capture the opportunity is particularly strong. When the Miyong is separated from a whitening, his figure is a spatial gyne, and the body is close to 30,000, and the agglomerates become a point. A miniature black hole.



A powerful suction is scattered with the awareness of the Miyong, and the blood vest is just stimulating the power, and if you want to wear the black hole in the sword. However, it is close to the sword.

Without consciousness, blood loss has lost gloss.

After the blood color line disappeared, after the white Jun king took off, the shape was rotated, a punch, accompanied by a strong storm.

"Do not!"

Miyong suddenly awakened, eye hole contracted.

The upcoming punch is stopped.

This time is not a white jun, who is pity, but the voices of the Gongmine is very strange, or it is very familiar.

"You are a sword, there is no pair?" Bai Jun looked at the palace, some couldn't believe it.

The Miyong slowly dessert, followed by a difficult voice: "I entered her body!"

The sword is unimpeded to granules, and after entering the hometown, it will directly occupy her source.

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