Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5407 5402 ?? Desperate

Starting, I also thought about being swallowed directly, but later he found that with it, it is better to raise slowly, such efficiency will be higher.

On the hometown of the Miyong, the sword is sitting there without a double pan, standing in front of the Miyongyi.

"If you want to live, you must be obedient!" The sword is unparalleled. He is a black hole behind him.

In this source, it is a powerful mental force.

Although the Orchestra is strong, but the mental power is generally, the sword is unparalleled, and it can destroy her home.

"what are you going to do?"

The sword has shaken his head, ask: "What do you want to do?"

The inheritance of the pickup is so special, and it is unheard that this is not in the original star, where the inheritance is true, and it can be said.

Just like Hui Qing's reincarnation, self-contained, I can't see it, or Huqing told him to understand how powerful.

It is naturally not general to let the end of the road to practice.

It can be pitiful in the four major secrets, the origin is rare, how can the ultimate Emperor's junior school.

Is it true that the true spirit is intended to be here?

Obviously it is impossible, Qiu Huang is clearly expressed by the old man of Yangjiao, and people in the four secrets cannot be used.

Otherwise, it will not control the four secrets like a pig.

Miyong is thoroughly panicked, now she has no way to go, now I can only save the sword whenever possible.

"This inheritance is my mother left me. She has never been able to explore!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the palace is directly in front of his eyes, and the eyes are very beautiful in the eye, beautiful!

"If you dare to say a fake, I will let your flesh in the vulgar pig cage, your gods will be refined to become a turntable, your source will be tearing and swallowed!"

This time, it's not a scarning of the other party. If you don't open too much useful information, he has to fight.

The palace is in front of the sword, and the body is slightly shaking.

The mother has just fallen, she was squeezed in the Starge Hall, and she had to rely on the four emperors who blew her body. Now, it is more in the sword. It is a clean, I am afraid that she will not have End.

"You kill me!" The palace is alive, this time she is not a pitiful, blind.

This time she is a determination to die!

It's not too good to say that death is not as good as it is, and it is casually tortured.

Looking at the peerless people in front of his eyes, the sword is unparalleled.

I didn't expect that the other party didn't eat him, and it was also a must-have heart.

The sword is unparalleled directly, the cold channel: "Okay, it is very!"

In this case, there is nothing to say.

The sword is unparalleled directly, and her own origin is suppressed, and she controls her hometown.


See what you want to say.

Controlling the sword of the palace is unparalleled: "Let go first!"

This time, the treasure is not yet, but I still can't afford it.

Now go out, you can also meet the strong people of the Magic Region, with your own identity, he is also mixed by the big emperor Luosha.

! !

Two figures appeared next to the Miyong, this is the sword unparalleled, and the source is arbitrarily changed. It is two four-level emperor.

The uterus took a breath, which was more horrible than the sword unparalleled, and the sword was more horrible.

"You also come in!" I thought, the sword was unparalleled to call the White Jun.

After returning the Bai Jun Wang, the sword is unparalleled, suddenly turned to take a palm of the palace.

A scarlet heart blood spurted, the sword was unparalleled, and smiled and said: "This is more like a little."

It is very busy on the hometown of the hometown.

The triple disk is sitting in a circle.

Some of the swords will tell the white monarch, and there is no such thing as the Bai Jun Wang.

The secrets of themselves, the Bai Jun Wang knows that it can't kill each other.

Bai Jun Wang listened to the straight frown, rushed to the Miyou: "Are you asking for death?"

Seeing the Mao Miao, it does not answer, the tone of the white monarch is cold, and the evil said: "Since you can't only use we, then you will die, you will also destroy your mother's flesh Saved very well, you can rest assured, I will take care of her old man! "

The rest of the hometown is not careless, but when he heard the mother, her eyes flashed a different.

She is completely panicked.

Missing she can't, but she can't have someone who has no mother.


Bai Jun Wang took the top of the palace, and the magic secrets were captured.

This is not a simple search soul, but the subconsciousness of others can be collected, and the means is very high.

The sword is unparalleled to see it.

"He is still dead!" Bai Jun Wang turned his head and went to sword unparalleled, leaking a trace of evil smile.

This is a bit too much.

Gongmia is shaking.

Even the sword is unborn, the Bai Jun Wang will be so embarrassing!

"The scene meets the scenes, it should be very touching!"

Bai Jun Wang also looked at the palace, and the two were only regarded as a look, leaking out the color of desperation.

She compromised.

The sword is unparalleled, and the sigh: "It seems that I am still a bit."

outside world.

The Dongfu began to shrink, and the palace was dragged by the two fiercely pairs of swords, and the palm of the horror was taken.

The huge palm directly smashed the sword unparalleled, and only retained a single source awareness.

"General, the general, this woman is mine!" The four emperors stood out.

The Kun Tai face changed, and after watching the two people who suppressed, he felt that he was already played.

When you come, Luochuan is not so told him.

The huge palm is a force, and it is directly connected to the last source.

Luochuan is leaking a smile and walks to the uterine.

He got it, as for the crime, he didn't care at all.

He is not in the military, he is sinned.

Waiting for him to break through the fifth-order emperor, I will be afraid of the general of the military.

"It's okay!" Luochuan's hand just touched the shoulder of the uterine, and the completion is a change.

The uterus is in turn, and it is not sent.

The bottom of the heart is informing the sword, unparalleled, "was found!"

The sword is unparalleled, I have not been all right, not the palace is in the ghost, but the four emperors of the Mono State are not simple.

It is actually discovered that there is a special thing in the uterus.

Since I was found, I will understand the truth of the truth and the sword.

One of the power of everything was injected into the courtyard of the house, and the Miyong was restored to the peak strength. Subsequently, I entered the Baijun King.


The sword is unparalleled!

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