Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5411 5306? Please

The sword is unparalleled, and now the five-order emperor can't see.

Even the six-order emperor, can only see a probably.

Although I can't see the unparalleled realm, Kun is too understanding that the sword is unparalleled is just a fourth-order peak emperor. It is not a five-order emperor.

For his five-order top emperor, he burn his own body, which is indeed very counter-day.

I am afraid it will have the legendary inheritor.

He also saw it.

The big emperor Luosha is very counter-day, now in the fourth-order limit, you can do it with the ordinary five-order emperor.

This is enough.

The sword is unparalleled far more than Rosha.

He can now still reach the limit of Daojun!

Daojun limits, need him to reach nine floors.

Now, he can hold hands with the five-order top emperor, and it is still forced to burn the origin of the origin. Although the reason is that Kun Tai didn't want to fight with him, I want to chase the palace as chasing the palace.

But this can also explain that Kun Tai shortcomings don't think about him, otherwise it will be directly killed.

The sword has no double handle, saying that a word "please"

The calibration of the town has been illusion.

He is going to be invited to enter.

The vortex of the vortex, the dark, like the gap of the world.

The sword is unparalleled, the better is the black hole.

This proves that he is not far from the realm of the black hole.

And when I just exported, his sword was also jitter.

There is also associated with the kewway.

This time, I am afraid it is the double opportunity for his swords and polar breakthroughs.



The sword is unparalleled, and there is no melancholy.

In your own universe, he has this enough confidence, and the body climbs, the source is burning.

Not only others can burn, he can.

Moreover, he is directly burning 30%.

With the blessing of the universe, the strength broke out, and then burned the source. His combat power directly approached the five-order episode.

Although the enemy is strong, it can be in his universe.

The simple sword in hands is like a dragon, and the roaring rush is too.

Kun Tai's brow picks up, I didn't expect the sword where there is no double will take the initiative, and I don't think about him.

A spear thorn out with purple Thunder.

Purple Thunder, encountered a dragon.

The law is fighting, representing two people.

If the dragon is surprised, it is more powerful, and the purple thunder is extremely fierce, and the road is lightning, and the dragon is pressed.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no, there is two, three, or 10,000.

Kun Tai's dumbfounded, the fight against the fight is the source.

He didn't think that the source of the sword was so powerful.

"You are an illusion!" Kun Tai was not believed, and his hand-held spear has broken the law and rushed over.

I don't know the strong people who often fight, do you like to use spear, and the big Daman in the gods is also like this.

But now, the five-order emperor is now the existence of the original universe.

Although the four secrets of the emperors have a lot of relatively weak, there are many treasures!

Purple spear, in Kun too in the hands or thorn, pick, sweep, and break the sword unparalleled law.

Kun was not surprised, and it was found that these laws were true.

Still good, I can sweep.

So much differentiation, the source of swords is also weakening, only the effect of stopping.

This is enough, as long as it can be dragged, let the Gong Miao are enough to flee enough to flee the king, he didn't think about the fight with the other side.

Kun Tai was killing in the dragon, and it was told.

The sword is unparalleled, and these dragons can't stop how long it. He is so strong, which is so fast, this practice is not earned, so killing, his native will soon consume light.

Looking at the rise of Kun Tai, the sword did not think of the body's body, the subsequent bias that originally selected it is true.

Body limits, ten refining, and even the source is injected into the bones.

Today, he will try the strength of the flesh, there is much more.

There is also his body, and it is already 30,000 times under combustion.

The base god is 15,000 times, doubled.

30,000 times of the body, if stability is not a game with the five-order emperor.

Many five-order emperor also will 30,000 times.

Again, the treasures that need are not sold, need to be equal, and the average person does not have the financial ability at all.

It is necessary to be more powerful, and the six-order emperor will not go in the source, and will go toward the body route, and the power of double repair is more powerful.

The origin is very fast, but the body is constantly solidified.

The dragon will no longer resist it, and the sword is unparalleled, and it has appeared in the edge of a universe again.

Here, his speed is faster.

Pold the long sword, the eyebrows are flashing.

Beast god field!

Not only to make his gods increase, the power of the candle dragon is not underestimated.

The , climbed from the vortex.

The sword is unparalleled, and the long sword is also collected, the body is made up.

That is a special life of a smooth and transparent skin, the ear is a groove, the eyes are elongated, the wallpaper is high, and the lips are red.

The foil is white, and it is smooth on the head, no hair.

The sword has no double step, and then arrived at Kun Tai, and there was also a black inner armor with candle dragon wings.

"Today, let you see, the flesh reaches the limit, what is like!" When he opened, the beast god from the vortex was also roaring.


Today, he completely integrates the source into the beast soldier, and feel it.

Kun Tai also laughed and took directly to the spear in his hand.



As a five-order emperor, it is an army of the magic Ronor, and the body is 25,000 times, and it has also cultivated a gods, which can increase to 30,000 times.

It is reluctant to achieve the normal level of the five-order episode.

Even if the five-order episode is poor, the resources are all on the source, and the body can squeeze 20,000. Obviously Kun Tai is like this.

But his own origin is too weak, and it is a lot than the sword.

A five-order emperor, but it is more than Dao Jun in space. If he knows, it will be mad.

The sword is unbearable, and who doesn't care?


This practice is very famous, and Kun Tai is also recognized.

"Six arm!"

Kun Tai was angry, it can be followed, he is stupid, and I don't know if it is a blossom. I have seen the sword without two after countless arm.

That is the thousand-hand Guanyin of the Buddha.

It is the unpartopic school of Tongtian Buddhism, it seems to be created by a Buddha, as for the sword, no one, but he has seen the first use, and later studied it slightly, but it is very suitable with the sky.


Eight arm Tianmine!

Eight arms, controlled palms, is eight dazzling light.

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