Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5412 5407??

Sun and moon alternate.


After the arm fiction, it is a thousand hands.

It's just that it is a magical power, it can't be said to be a thousand-handed Guanyin, now it is a thousand feet.

These are not important, strong people, never tangle the positive devil.

The strength is weak, is the biggest evil.

Power is also the largest evil.

If you want to go forward, don't exist this world.


The Tian Dynasty has applied it to the extreme, and thousands of hands just increase the power, and the eight arm is the magic, is the increased population.

Now his body has increased from 35,000 times.

Beyond his limits.

Dao Jun has achieved more 30,000 times, he can break through so much, or because of the power of the flesh, you can hold it.

The same is true, because the power of the body will be so strong.

Today, the sword is unparalleled to his original plan, and now it is the result.

Since the departure of the big downtown, step into the water, witness the body of the old age, and feel the power of the indigon era.

Then go to the lanter temple, the original star.

The knowledge is rising, and it has made plans after they have a new understanding of the body, the source, and the flesh.

I walked out of the big downtown, and he rightened from the Deman to Dagan, and now he is from the Taojun to the emperor.

boom! ! !

The breath broke out again!

The eight arm is the magical magic, which has become a ten arm.

The body is still climbing.

36,000 times ...

35,000 times .......


Finally fixed at 40,000 times.

If it is a twelve arm, it may reach an amazing 50,000 times.

Twelve arm Tianmia is a complete day.

The sword is unparalleled, I am really afraid that the current flesh is unbearable.

His arm is slightly, he can hear the skeleton.

40,000 times the body!

The appearance on him.

Although the basic body is only 15,000 times.

But there is too much in the field of beasts.

In the case of combustion, the basic gods increased to 20,000 times, followed by the direct growth in the field of beasts to 30,000 times, plus the increase of angry in school to 40,000 times.

The growth of the beast god soldiers is to calculate the growth of the population.

It is usually, not burning, he can grow more than 10,000 by the beast soldiers, this time only increases by 10,000 times, obviously because of the power of the body, weaken the increase.

Although it is reduced, this also shows that the increase in the beastists does not overlap, which is equal to the increase of two times.

Increases the treasures of the population, and there are still a lot, but they are overlap with the sheds, so there is a little less than the increase.

40,000 times of the body, let the sword have changed the whole body.

The body of the body is close to the limit.

Black hole!

Now the sword is unparalleled, it is a black hole.


In a moment, the two moved.

The strongman handed over, especially the melee war, and a trace of opportunities were enough to let the opponent seriously injured.

Every palm of the sword or every punch, all the scores, a blink, can play millions of boxes.

Ten arms are 10 million punches, and the fullness of the 40,000 times, and it is imagined that the fourth-order episode will not hold.

"How can his body be so strong?" Kun Tai is difficult to resist.

His five-order emperor, only barely achieve 30,000 times, or burned the body.

Even if the other party also burns the body, it should not be so powerful!

The origination is very outlined, and the body is still so strong.

Is this the inheritor?

These years, the inheritor's news is too much, and he can only think about this.

If it is a heritor, you can don't do it.

On the side of the ancestors, one is the best eternal to treasure.

One side is the mysterious emperor, the strength is still so strive, it is not the five-order episode, but there is such a powerful battle.



The sword is unparalleled, the more fierce, and the fist is in the feeling of flesh, I haven't experienced it for a long time.


Just hit the other party's punch, then I was twisted by the face of Kun Taiyu's knee.

The blood flowing out is gold, which contains powerful power.

Under all the arms of all, the sword is unparalleled.


Kun Taiyu was awkward.

A touch of thought, the hometown and the white monarch have escaped the range he perceived.

Even if he is a strong Kun too want to catch up late.

The sword has no double leaks a smile, he resists it.

Although the body is strong, the power is very weak, and he has no way, the gap between power level is too big.

The bumbler was shocked by Kun, and the body has fallen to 30,000 times, and the loss is very serious.

Kun is not good, and the flesh is broken.

Only one congenial best to Baofa is now broken.

The sword is unparalleled with candle dragons, eased great impact.

As for tatting, it is not so easy.

The ancient times, the beast god soldiers were not broken, just decomposed.

I want to break the beast soldiers, I am afraid that there is no one in the world to be able to do it.

"People are gone, you still have to fight!" Kun Tai voice was trembling, this time lost, treasure did not get, he was also injured.

The sword is unparalleled, "people have not gone, don't believe you!"

Said, referring to the back of the fingers.

Two people are also a short stop.

Just in Kun Tai just separated a thought, when I saw the rear, my head came from a pain, just like being taken with a stick.

Injury is not big, but in the eyes of outsiders, the insults are large.

Especially in dozens of emperors.

Many of them are in the hands of Kun Tai.


Luochuan can't help but laugh, and he has to laugh.

In the face of Kun Tai, it is still to give some face, but leave here, he has to spread this matter to the magic country.

Let everyone know, a fourth-order episode, on the head of Kun Tai, took a slap in the head.

The sword is also bold, and it will run.

The figure appeared in the edge of the universe, leaking a trace of evil on everyone.

These people are lazy to kill, but they will not let them be well.

"One year universe!"

The sword is unparalleled with a big drink: "Explosive!"

! !

Kun Taiyun, the Nakata of the reaction, the whole body was again rising again, and today he did not kill the sword.

It is necessary to have a moving, but it finds that the vortex is very violent.

Next, a powerful suction, sweeping around hundreds of millions of millions, and turning all people.

In the face of violent seawater, Kun Taiqiang endured resistance and rushed to the sword.

It was late at this time, and the sword didn't want to go, a five-order epidermur can't stop.

It is just a furniture left at this time.

Kun Tai just touched this picture, it was scored in an instant.

The power of self-explosion is very small, but it has been sprayed out of a black ink, dyed Kun too.

That is the ink of the sea demon, the eight-claw king, it is difficult to remove, need a sea emperor's saliva, can be cleaned, this is the sword is not a double killing the sea demon, did not expect this time, can also send it, Nausea, Kun.

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