Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5414 5409? ??? One is true, Yuyang

Among the three, strength is very blurred.

But in terms of opportunity, Tong Tian Buddha is more winning, Tong Tian Buddha will win in the tomb of the tomb, and become the most inheritant of the moment.

At the tomb mountain, I got the inheritance of the three gods of the Discrimination Temple, and the treasures and secrets were not lacked. This time, it is necessary to travel to the mountains.

The red water is not bad. This is a special life, and the special life that is born in the gods is still strong.

He is an appearance of a must-have of the body, and it is lacking so far, it is the treasure and the body of the body.

On the tomb mountain, I have given him a complement.

The body is climbing, the practice is the most smooth, and I have received the secret law of the body route. Nowadays, the strength is very strong, on the tomb mountain, also the character.

It is true to Wuyang, and all the capabilities are very strong, but it is not a special.

In general, the strength is very powerful, as the inheritor is excellent, but it is necessary to say against the sky, not the side.

One is no place!

This is the evaluation of true spirit.

With the sodgy of the Chi Shui, Although Zhenwu Yang has a true Wu's body, it can be a tomb mountain, which is only 30,000 times, and now the base gods are around 40,000 times, plus the soda of the body, with a maximum of 50,000 times.

In the four secrets, it is a counter-day, but it is generally in the tomb.

The infrastructure of red water is broken 50,000 times.

This is already the level of six-order peak.

Tong Tian Buddha's space, has reached the realm of the black hole, with perfect inheritance, is not going to pursue the other, now create his own secret law, and it is more advanced route.

The future is to go to the top of the top.

One is to walk body, one is the source of orthodox.

There is no goal for true Wuyang.

This time, the charm is a thousand years, it is absolutely impossible to miss, otherwise it is too much behind others.

Fortunately, it is also quite equivalent to the flow of Tongtian's red water, and then he will work in the future.

Also shameful for the practitioners of the East Universe.

The current tomb mountain is also a mountain forest.

Wind and rain, red water, Tongtian, true Wuyang and others.

But now it is the strongest of them.

The junior is not lost.

Especially the Huiqing in Tongtian Buddhism, in the ultimate Taojun, has been in front of the top, strong strength.

On the tomb mountain, these years have a batch of many big dermations.

Although the end of the world is much less, it is a thousand people.

They all know that in the future, they can have a back-to-generation, they are just a guide, so they also value these versions.

Although there is a gap in the source, they don't want to give up.

The road to the future is not so good.

Everything is relatively, the ultimate path is very strong, but it will be a batch of a batch, and it is more difficult.

For the strong people of these non-final, they are difficult, but it is much simpler than the ultimate way.

Ten thousand ultimate emperors, it is good to go to the top, this is still the leader of this temple, which is costly, and resources are countless.

And there is no 10,000 ultimate emperor to cultivate the Buddha temple.

So will it be relaxed, let the true martial arts of Tunang also entered the tomb mountain, consider it later.

Really in the main position of the main hall, thinking about the good opening: "Our opponents are not in a state!"

He won't forget the trust of the true spirit.

Even the opportunities are valued, and this machine is not subject to true spiritual control, and it is possible to fall.

Don't have this kind of play!

In the me, a turtle island, nothing to do.

Three people can suppress it.

"Zhen Wu brother, is not as good as it." Tong Tian Buddha said: "We spread the news, inform the people on the tomb mountain, and notify the whole four secrets, how many people don't care, but the alliance of our three people will not change!"

The red water walker is somewhat unwilling, so, I am afraid I will lead to a lot of power.

If the charm is very big, I am afraid that those who are inheritance will come, and they don't have them.

Red water quickly reversed: "Millions are not, this is to pass out, do not say people on the tomb mountain, the temple and the veteran palace will come to come, plus those indigenous monsters, how do I grab these people. "

"No, the red siph did not understand what I mean." Tong Tianfu turned, then turned to see the true Wuyang: "Where is this opportunity? That is the true spirit, we decided I have to inform the true spirit first. "

This is a gambled to the mouth of the red water.

Three people have a fidelity in the tomb mountain, and they will change late. Three people discuss it, decided to ask for true spirits.

On the other hand, Turtle Island is also very entangled.

A true Wuyang is enough, and the result has come to two inheritors. The strength is not weak, and a strong body is strong. If you don't die, a source of this source is higher than him.

He is really panic now, and the other strong people who are observed in the outside world have been invited.

Several six-order episodes in the West Coast, Turtle Island Lords are not very much.

However, people in the core waters can't see the sea, please have to work with him, it is better to not ask.

On the west coast, the strength of the truth, the first nature of Turtle Island, the top six-order peaks have been a year, if not this, the army of the Mono Guo does not dare to fight in the West Coast, this is the blessing of this Turtle Island .

"Turtle brother, this thing is actually very simple!"

Turtle is looking forward to the sound. It is a young youth, of course, his life is essential, the people who open the mouth show that the jade tree is biased, and a white dress is like a snow.

Looking at someone, in fact, it is on the west coast, and a stinky ditch.

No wonder these people can't see these people in the west coast.

The body is not willing to admit that each person will be a family.

But now everyone is sitting together, there is nothing high and low, Turtle Island is lifting up, saying: "Tianxiong, you will then say!"

"Turtle brother, what do you say, how do we go to open?" Tianqi arch!

Turtle Island is somewhat embarrassing, this is the idea.

Now open the treasure of the relic, have not yet been.

It is necessary to be "Blood Whole"

Tiangu is actually the same, it is similar, knowing who is taken away, and now send people to search.

"I think, when we first find blood loss is the key, don't go to the inheritor, we get the way to open, just go in, it is good to do it, it is not a sin, the people of the Temple What can we do! "

I have been dealing with the Temple for so many years, and they also figure out the practice of the temple.

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