Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5415 5410? Is your home?

The Nalan family was copied, but also because of touched the anti-scales, and privately got a blocked Wanzang Sen, and dared to disclose the quota.

Is this not a blood of the temple?

Such a bold big bag, and it is not enough to die.

At the beginning of the day, the same thing is the same!

A strong man, slaughtered, and plunder a heritage, this is also looking for death.

Although they are six-order emperor, but the five-order heritage is dealt, everyone is almost.

Even if you kill each other, the Temple will not be stupid to find them to revenge, this can only say that the inheritor does not work, maybe others.

If it is protected, it is not dangerous to let the inheritor.

The phrase of Tianyu is, I wake up the Lord of Turtle, and then I will understand the truth.

As long as it is not too much, the temple should not do it for them.

After discussing it, starting to send people to find the fallen of the uterine.

It is also a high price.

The light is reported to the place of the palace, you can get one hundred billion gods.

It is even more likely to get a few six-order emperor's shelter, and countless treasures.

This news directly allows the high sea and the west coast.

In particular, I know that I have only five-level peaks of the first five-order peak, and even the fourth-order episode is also looking for the fallen of the palace.

This thing is sensational with a hundred years.

The whole sea is boiling, and what the sea demon is also arrested, it is doing a dream of making a fortune.

Zhenwuyang and others, know the feet of the back.

It's good to help, the emperor of the tomb mountain can go.

However, in the dark, it is informing the veteran house.

As for the people of the Temple, it has been strictly or not to go, and even let the people of the Temple to inform all the strong powerful people, this matter, who is going to die.

White is almost mad, there are any remains in the past, they are eating meat, others drink soup.

It's okay now, not smooth, soup is not divided, this also makes him bring people.

He also threatened the powerful strongest before he had to fart.

He has finished sin, and the benefits have not yet available.

After receiving the news, the Elder House received the news, directly let the lawn of the Wu Zhi, and of course Wu Zuo is responsible for sitting in the town, others will compete before.

Treasures are small things, mainly in the ground in the ground.

This time, it is the most reasonable reason.

For a time, the entire West Sea is chaotic, and countless strong people come in.

In a chaotic domain.

The old ancestors of Big Summer also dispatched.

There is no one with the old man, and it will leave the flaws.

This news, he is still known in the Elder Palace.

The people in the black belt have quietly settled in the field.

It is still unparalleled in the black magic sea, and it is unclear, and now I still have a hard work!

There are hundreds of millions of miles away from this ridiculous island.

There is a team of strong leadership leading to the five-order episode, and it is sneak in the sea.

Among the team, a fourth-order peak emperor suggested: "Mo Pre-generation, there is no island in front, it is better to go there!"

These people are all temporarily formed.

Today, a five-level emperor can easily recruit a dozen four-order peak emperor.

After all, the goal of finding is the fourth-order peak, but it is necessary to make so many big guys to look for, will be an ordinary person, ordinary fourth-order peak emperor, I am afraid that it is not an opponent, or there is a five-order emperor leadership.

Even if you are not enemy, you can start your life, and you will earn a position.

One thousand billion god!

If you can catch, you can get one hundred billion, and there are several six-order emperor's promise, and the whole West Sea is not walking.

"Hey, you are afraid not to be a brain, do you think that others are stupid, will you hide in the island?" This sentence is out, many people are laughing.

The first five-level emperor, broke: "Okay, we are looking for people, not to play, but since I have encountered, I will go to the individual, I can't miss any opportunity!"


"Mo Pre-generation, really, the heart is like silk!"

The first four-level peak strong in the comments, but it is a powerful benefit of strength.

The words said, it is all, and the responses get the difference.

If he is a five-order emperor, he!


He proposed the requirements, naturally, when you go out, when you break the water, many people still ridicule.

In this regard, he doesn't matter.

In case it is on the island!

At that time, he can stand up.

When you break the water, the sea water has not fallen, and a powerful breath has spread the sea, and then the sound of the sound burst, rushed to the wasteland.


Bai Jun Wang stunned, then stood up.

He has already stopped cultivation, enhances the body, and needs treasures. Tens of billions of god treasures are used to play, and naturally stop.

Today, his body barely breaks 30,000 times, and cultivates the sword unparalleled, and now the gods have increased to 50,000 times.

It is a small peak.

Nowadays, the combat power is directly comparable to the six-order level, plus the origin, and it is already able to have the six-order emperor.

He has been pressing a sigh of relief, from the source, want to release, the result is hung, or the sword is unparalleled, and he escapes.

This power recovered to the sixth episodes, he fixed to Kun too much to revenge, not to slaughter each other.

Now I have encountered people, and I am looking forward to it.

"Fourth-Order Emperor!" Bai Jun Wang shook his head, found that it was a youth, and it was still very ugly, but also couldn't help but sigh.

The coming people are somewhat surprised, then leaking surprises, really let him meet live people.

They entered the Black Evil Sea for several years, and they encountered practitioners for the first time.

The youth is surprised, then some surprised, wrinkled the eyebrows, the heart is not good, can't see the opponent's strength, I am afraid it is an idea in this land.

As for the palace, he is not clear, because he can't even see the other side.

Bai Jun Wang is a bit impatient. It has been staring at a ugly eight misery. Some are somewhat uncomfortable, evil.

When speaking, the Baijun Wang broke out.

When I saw someone, the eye hole suddenly shrunk, and I took a breath.


He is even excited to forget the rumors.

Thinking of this, quickly rumors to the mother, then forced to calm down.

Bai Jun Wang smiled and thought that the other party was scared, and then found that someone rushed over again.

In the sword in the time of the house, there is no double, and I feel a powerful breath is approaching, and my heart is a little irritating.

The ultimate way, has reached the seventh floor peak, he has a premiere, add a word behind the town, you can break through, I can't think of it, what is added later.

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