Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5416 5411 Chapter? Battle Five Order



No, the sword has shaken his head without double.

Coalgate, the sword is going to be fierce, suppressing is too embarrassed, can be stranded, crackdown!

town! ! !

The sword is unparalleled, and standing around the white Junwang, staring at the fourth-order peak emperor of the air, leaking a smile.

I haven't waited for him yet, and the sea is a group of people, which is a common five-level emperor.

More than Kun is much weaker, look like, is a poor ghost that even eternal to Bao.

This kind of five-order episode is also very shameful in the same order.

The four major secrets have abundant. The results are mixed with this, not just a breakthrough, just don't want to take risks.

Even if you don't want to take risks, just like the Kun, give people a dog, you can get a eternal to Bao in a few years!

Don't want to adventure, don't want to be a dog.

I still want to have stronger, then there is only a tart.

Don't say, I really dropped the pie today.


When he received a rumor, he was first bursting, and he took people directly, and the momentum would not stop.

It can be seen that the sword is unparalleled with the White Jun, and it is stunned.

Isn't it just a few four-order peak?

How can these two people can't see the other strength!

For a time, the thoughts in my mind, compare appearance, accurately.

The first one who found the young emperor of the White Jun Wang, pointed to the two people below: "Mo Premier, I found it, I said there will be people here!"

Said to see others.

This time he remembers high.

But I haven't waited for him happy, Mo Co, a slap, directly put the youth emperor.

Mo Can is unsolicited, and then she took the sleeve, then leaked a smile, seeing the white monarch, I am embarrassed: "Home outside, I don't know the number of gifts, I also hope to see you forgive."

It's fast than the book, and everyone can understand although everyone is surprised.

Even Mo did not see the strength of the other party, these people can't see it.

Don't say to the other side, I am afraid they are not opponents.

The most stable method is now the entire position.

Moqi has a tannite, discovered that moment, I passed it to the Lord of Turtle Island.

One hundred billion is stable, the key is to seize the other party.

It seems that there is no chance, the strength of the other party can not see, beyond him too much.

The younger who was hit, some are somewhat, when they want to speak, the back of the hands of the eyes, and the palm of the hand is a palm of his head, and it is directly disachened.

The sword is unparalleled to see a white Junwang, they are also very embarrassed.

This group is obviously what is in concealing and is related to them.



The sword is unparalleled, and a sword scores the low dark clouds of the sky.

In an instant, I killed a fourth-order episode.

His swords have become stronger.

The strength of the Bai Jun king recovered, and if you press it, it will be fixed in the air.

Looking at the sword without double slaughtering these people.

The youth who was dizzy was still around the sword. "This person stayed!"

These four-order episodes, the strength is too weak, and the sword is unparalleled and too lazy to fight. All kills.

Only left the five-level emperor called Mo Gan.

At this time, the other party almost kneel.

I don't want to take risks, I cherish the life, I don't want to be a dignity.

Compared with dignity, it is still heavy, or you will not undress.

"Daoyou is forgiving, I will know all of it!" Mo Kai, looking at the sword without a double eyes full of fear.

The sword is unparalleled, and I don't know how this person is cultivated into five-order emperor.

In the case of it, maybe the other party once is also a bloody, just after the emperor, it has not been able to break through, and slowly fall.

It's too love to live, nor well.

The practitioner, wants powerful, first giving up is your own life.

The sword is unparalleled and very vivid. You can go to a critical moment, he dares to fight, all this, it is not spelling.

At the beginning, he almost came back.

After the flesh, he went out of the ten refining after the nine refining, and it was almost falling.

If you don't desperate, there is no strength, no strength, no dignity.

The order should be paired.

Obviously this five-level emperor has forgotten the pursuit.

"Stand up!" The sword didn't be ambuda, he saw that others were wasted.

Especially the harmful practitioners are more disgusting.

I have been yelled, Mo Co's first is to read a white Junwang.

He saw it at a glance, that is the strong, in his eyes, only strong people.

The sword is unparalleled, although it is now threatened to his life, but this is because of the white monarch, he feels that as long as the Bai Jun king, he can live.

"You can't get up, I will kill you now, stand up, fight with me, win you, lose your life!"

The sword is unparalleled to sleep, and the eyes are deeply looked at each other.

Fifth-order emperor, ordinary level.

No powerful treasure, this is a good grinding stone, just verifying a sword.

I am too careful, I still don't want to get it.

The sword is unparalleled: "You don't want to shoot!"

Let Bai Jun Wang gave a means.

I heard this sentence, I murdened, a fourth-order episode, actually ordered a strong person who was suspected of six-order Emperor.

Sixth Order Emperor, in his opinion is the peak, no one dares to threaten, don't give it to the dog, you are a big force, don't need to see anyone's face.

The trembling stood up, Moqi voice, hoarse: "How do you guarantee me?"

I heard this sentence, the sword couldn't help but laugh.

"You are so confident to defeat me?" The sword was staring at each other.

Mo Gan eventually active, look at the sword is unparalleled, there is not much fear in the eyes. According to the means of just sword, the other party is just the fourth-order limit, it is not a five-order episode.

How can he lose.

It is true that there is no fifth-order emperor, but now, he is not up to the fifth-order emperor, and he has been a pit five-order Junkun.

It is not difficult to deal with a five-order ordinary emperor who is afraid of death.

Mo Gan is not hate to Bai Junwang, only awe.

But the sword is unparalleled, there is a dislike, a fourth-order emperor, dare, not because there is a strong support behind it.

He didn't dare to say it.

"This ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword goes, and I'm angry: "Just as you, it is also equipped with oath, no matter what you lose, you will die!"

This person has not been saurated, and the sword is unparalleled is not when he is a person.

I heard this sentence, there is this desperate in Mo.

"You are not shameful, if you have no home, you can destroy you with your hands!"

It can wait until it will find that it is really difficult to come.


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