Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5420 Chapter ?? Underwater Beast

Here is the depths of the black magic sea, we must go deep into the last time.

"In the following!" Green Mang didn't read a jade simple.

The jade is tip based on their location.

Just starting, this jade slip, only one news is to convene all swords and white monarchs on Qingmang Island.

When people, the second message appeared, it is an address.

Black Lord.

In the black magic sea, the second message is displayed.

Sink to the sea.

The sword is unparallled, and the dark clouds are pressed on the top of the head, and the body is taking a breath, and the figure directly sneak into the bottom of the water.


Everyone started dive.

The sword is unparalleled is like a sword, and it is not reached the lowest.

The pressure of the sea water is enough to compress the explosion.

The sword is unparalleled with a gloss, which is the force of swallowing, and the power of squeezing is being swallowed, and the roots are not unparalleled.

The weakest of others is the five-order peak, and there is no one thing.

Just after the millions of miles, I still didn't reach the bottom, which made the sword were very surprised.

This is not too deep.

Continue to dive, the resistance is larger.

Start, they can also meet some sea demon, but now it is a sea demon.

The sea demon is also a mission, so deep sea area is too uncomfortable.


When you continue to go up, the sword is unparalleled to hear a very wonderful voice.

When you look down, a million miles of blood are open, you are swallowing everyone!

A row of sharp teeth, people watching are shocking.

"Don't panic, it is already falling!" Zi Mountain is the first to enter the mouth of the huge sea demon.


The blue jade is old and the palm of the palm, and a lot of light illuminates the entire sea. The huge sea demon will leak the body shape, and the appearance seems to be the deceased in ancient times.

The blood of the blood is generally.

But when I live, the minimum is also the six-order peak level.

I have never been corroded for so many years, this bone is worth a lot of gods.

Although there is an idea, the sword is unparalleled, and it will take a slap in the face.

They are people who do things.


He does not take, but the white monarch is not polite, the body has a slogan of millions of miles, directly pulls the deceased bones from the sea.

Although the rest of the people are a little surprised, they don't dare to say anything, and even go to help.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Help, help me swallow up the above things!" Bai Junwang waved.


He knows that the idea of ​​the White Jun, wants to take this bone, and improve the body again, let the strength rise.

Now the power of the Bai Jun is comparable to the six-order top, but it is not enough.

It is a little better to improve.

After blending the beast, the Bai Jun king felt that the flesh still felt enough, and the cough said: "Do you have treasures on your body? Improve the treasure of the population!"

"It's enough!" The sword was unparalleled, and the Buman Jun Wang, took a lot of things on his shoulders, then transferred a mass of all things.

Then I said: "It's almost, hurry to open the remains!"

Everyone dive again and went to the sea.

Green Mang is old and looked at the jade, and there will be a message again above.

"Military in the north, there will be a ground passhouse!"

The sword nodded and said: "Go!"

There is no nonsense, and you will directly let the green maiden will take the way.

Sure enough, there is a low-end cave, only about the high.

The people are shaped as usual, slowly enter it.

This time is the front of the four , they will take it to the treasure light, shining the road in front.

The sword is unparalleled to look at the nearby environment and feels a sense of hidden Senson.

They seem to be looking for a ruins, more like a tomb.

"It's not wrong here!" Qingmang long pointed to a stone monument in front.

There are some old text above.

These words and swords are unparalleled, they are not a text of ancient times, or not the text of the people.

"Bai Jun Wang, let's take a look!" The sword was unparalleled, letting the White Jun played up.

Anyway, the Bai Jun Wang once lived in several times.

When the mission is in the world, the Bai Jun is the emperor.

The insight is definitely more than they.

Near the white Junwang, remove a worn clothing from the mustard, gently wiped the green traces contaminated on the north.


After a long time, the Bai Jun Wang finally understood the first font size.

The stone monument is full of 10,000 fonts, which lets the Bai Junwang translated, and the half load is not completed.

"Let's understand these words first!" The sword did not finger a few font numbers on the stone monument.

Bai Jun Wang continued to study.

It took a long time, it was finally squeezed out a few fonts.

"Fygo!" Bai Jun Wang continued: "The top right, it should be recorded in the beginning of a strong existence, the vowed vow, the existence called Fygo!"

The sword is unparalleled, although listening to the clouds, but at least I know the name of the other party, and these people are coming to fight, I don't know anything.

The crowd first tried to test this tombstone, and later found it after it was useless.

"Wake her away, first, say it!" The sword is unparalleled to throw the uterine in front of the tombstone.

His body has stopped being swallowed, according to the hometown, it can be seen, and it is not like installing, 80% is not.


The old man is old, takes out a soul light, and raises the top of the uterine, starting the spell spell.

This voice is not isolated, almost died in the sword.

It is good to endure it.

After a while, the hometown is relieved, and the scorpion is slowly opened.

"this is?"

The sword is unparalleled: "You can wake up!"

Miyongyi is like a loss of some memories. It can't recognize the sword and unparalleled, but it is very trusting to the long and growing the mountains.

"the host!"

The sword was unparalleled, and then understood it, and the Miyongyi was completely controlled this time.

Just at the moment he relaxed, a weak mental force torn the void and passed to the distant sewed seafood.

That time I finally fell into the hands of the four emperors of the Mono Region.

"Black Devils, coordinates ..." Luochuan was full of gods after the news, and quickly got up to the main hall of Turtle Island.

Just see the big brother is also in the face, and the face changes.

In addition to Luoxsha, there are several brothers are also in the fifth-order emperor. This time the fourth-order episode is not qualified.

The threshold has increased to the five-order episode.

Luochuan identity is special, and it is the first found, so it will be here.

This time, he has set a great effort.

at the same time.

Zhenwuyang and others are also anxious in the main hall.

The three people have given the high-quality, and ultimately the Tongtian Buddha makes the small count, let the true Wutai zone to find the true spirit.

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