Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5421 5416 ???? True himself

In the end, the true spirit told them, waiting for it, the opportunity will naturally come.

Sure enough, in a few days, the true spirit gave a position.

Turtle Island is quietly moving, and true Wuyang and others are quietly sneak.

And the people of the Elder Palace have arrived in the black magic sea.

Tomb god mountain, eighty-eight layers of peaks.

The true spirit is there and visited everything.

Some of the Xuanwu Temple behind him, "Adults, no need to take risks, it is better to go straight to the Qinglong and others."

"Hey, even if you go, you will not let you go in, I have been suspected, you are still not the original refining, in case you are, the treasure is got by you, then I It is a big loss. "The little eyes of the true spirit look at Xuanyi.

He has always thought that there is too much secret on this person, let him feel a little.

Why did the predecessors will pick a king?

Don't go to Qinglong?

Qinglong is not reliable, but also to find Zhu Yi!

Biased the mysterious one.

This is very strange, since the predecessors have introduced the protests in the original universe, but also agreed with the principle of this source, and to pay the realism, the original universe screening is strong.

In addition, the name of Xuan Yi is scattered in the original universe, and attempted to find the future of the future.

Although I can't find it, who knows it true.

Xuan is known, say more, it is useless, he doesn't have a lot, but he doesn't do this, you can't keep the bodges in the future.

If you say the most loyal hall, he is loyal than anyone.

Because he has this people.

The true spirit smiled, and then said: "Things give me, you go back, here you don't welcome you!"

"Yes!" Xuan Yi shadow was a little lonely, and the short-term vicissitudes of life disappeared in the tomb mountain.

Looking at the back of the departure, the reason is soaked.

"Hey, I really want to be people!"

In turn, a square small print in subverstrum, he stepped out and came directly to the Black Eva.


"True Spirit!"

A group of people in the veteran palace, I am busy.

"Holding this thing, no you can't enter, remember, everything is respectful as the inheritor, but cannot be perceived by them."


Then the true spirit disappeared.

He has never thought of selfishness, and the establishment of the veteran palace is also a service for the inheritor and intends to make everything in the future.

It's just those who don't understand his heart.

Only Mystery is one understanding, but Xuan Yi can't be a person.

No matter how the other party is faithful, the heart is changed, what is used, he will not believe.

The people in the Yuan House took Xiao Yin, started to dive, but did not prepare to go first, but ready to wait for someone else.

This is the waiter, waiting for the true Wuyang business.

At this time, everyone of the sea.

The Miyong is remarkably, and countless bloodline lines are wrapped in tombstones, so that the tombstone begins to sink.

"Is it?"

After the sword was unparalleled, the tombstone fell, and he rose a tombstone.

"what happened?"

Before the Bai Jun, wipe the tombstone, with the last deduction, this time I recognized very quickly.

"Sanyang Ting!"

This is a place name!

A name in the ancient times, the Weikou Nai.

The Bai Jun Wang also scared a jump, said: "Three kings? Is it three?"

In the eyes of the temple, the white monarch king recalls the ancient times.

Moro River!

Moro hourly river.

The disagreement is an overlord, and the forces spread throughout the entire time and space.

Just like the Temple of the Temple, is absolutely invincible.

In addition to the people's temple, there are several major potentials.

These forces are not as good as the Polysman, but also to the famous, like hidden Queens, shadow.

I didn't dare to be enemies in the temple, but there was this kill in private.

Sanyang Ting is such a super forion.

That is the super forces established by the strong, there are many people in the universe.

These three people teamed up with the discriminant, but unfortunately, the disobedience is not stable for the long-term long river, and there is no three people.

Yuan Yuan, a robbery, ruined the Moro River, the whole long-term long river is destroyed, and the three Wang Ting is naturally destroyed.

At the beginning of the white Junwang, just stepped into the long-distance River, just a small person, no matter what the three Kings or the Buddhist temples were a super power.

So when I see these three font, it is also shocked!

After shock, it is doubts.

The text on these two stone monuments is different from him in the ancient ancient times.

There is also the Fygo, he has never heard of it. If he is weak, he has never heard of normal, but will be a unknown generation?

Obviously not.

And the god is born, is the gods are the three Wang Ting?

The sword is unparalleled next to it, and the opening is asked: "How?"

The White Jun Wang will know all, the sword is unparalleled to listen to the cries.

After listening, he went to the long river of time and space.

Ancient brilliance is indeed seen.

"Moir River? How many space long rivers in the stars!" The sword is unparalleled to think of those rivers that are seen in the stars.

Nine broad rivers, and hundreds of tributaries.

The long river of the original universe is very dark, which is the weakest in the tributary.

"Let her try again this tombstone!" There is this lonely in the eyes of Bai Jun.

After returning, he felt the depressed.

For a time, I have a little miss, but unfortunately there is no one in the four major secrets of today's four major secrets.

The people of the vitality have also been known in the four major secrets. Although he was plundered to the four secrets, he can be killed by the gods.


The bloodline has not been contacted, it is never short, and the palace is also sulking, which is obviously anti-anti-anti.


Sword is unparalleled, this is not a fool?

No, let them do it!

Just try again, a powerful breath of the outside world is approaching, interrupted them.

"The strong is close, stop them!" The sword was unparalleled, and the figure was retired to the end, with the white monarch.

The Bai Jun Wang took a step, I don't know if it is stimulated, it is still what is going on, and suddenly somewhat tragic.

The sword standing behind is unparalleled, the white monarch shook his head, and the path was straight to the forefront.

"Haha, a group of small, dare to swallow!" The person who speaks is the Lord of Turtle Island, and a strong strength show is undoubted.

The other also came from an anger: "Years!"

Listening to the sound is two gangs.

Another group of people is also unparalleled, and it is really Wuyang and others.


The Dongfu is directly opened, and everyone is suspended in half, and the sea is exit.


The whole black magic sea is shaking.

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