Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5422 5417 ??

The huge turtle shell appears, and the sea is rounded in a moment of evaporation.

Zhenwu Yang does not have to show weakness, directly exchanges the heavens and the earth, and the cloud is sinking to the sea.

Originally, everyone is in the depths of hundreds of millions of miles, and suddenly it seems to become on the ground, even the clouds appear in the foot.

No black cloud, the sky is white, slightly blue, the sun star Chen Yao is eye-catching.

Since then, the Black Emperor is not there, this sea area may have disappeared.

The sword is unparalleled to stand in the end, swallow the mouth, the heart is dark: "Is it like this?"

This type of warning means is it used to scare people?

Which party present is not a few six-order emperor!

I don't need this to scare people.

"The knowledge points, the blood loss!" The red poter is more overbearing, directly leaking out the body, turns a colorful four-piece beast.

Turtle Island Lord is a cold snoring, and the Bai Jun Wang, which is headed by the first, is close to the next: "Taoist, I am waiting for the people to cooperate, can't be cheaper."

"Ask you?" Bai Jun Wang looked at these people, leaking out the disdainful expression, then said: "If you have all the shackles, I still want to get the treasure of the three Kings, is an idiot."

A smashing force suddenly broke out, and the people lived directly.

Bai Jun Wang is forcing strength, and the body and the flesh are ruptured, but he doesn't care.

The merchants following the Zhenwu Yangmang are very low. I haven't planned to do it, but I found that the strength of the White Jun King was more than an accident, slowly took a step, stood up.

He stood there, that space was his.

The sword is unparalleled to die at each other!

The feeling of familiarity, let him understand that the other party is the ultimate way, and is the ultimate emperor.

"Don't do it, the other party is the sixth order episode, the sixth order ultimate emperor!" The sword is unparalleled crazy rumors, blocking the Bai Jun Wang head heated to find death.

Although he can't unclear the specific combat power of the other party, the four words of the Emperor Jun Jun are unfair.

Indeed, no one knows the end of the end than the sword.

If it is this respect, the merchant can crack them, even if the white monarch recovers the peak, it is not an opponent.

This is the ultimate powerful, let alone the realm of the people in front of them, have been highly imagined.

Zhenwuyang and others are very relaxed, there are companies, who can block them.

Bai Jun Wang smiled: "It's a fidelity!"

Under the transmissions, in this area of ​​the heavens and the earth, the merchant is far more than him and the Lord of Turtle Island.

Although it is a fidelity, the gap is still very large.

The business of this manner has only a battle of the book, but it is also comparable to it.

Not a six-order peak can be resistant.

Sixth Order Emperor, together with three levels, ordinary, top, peaks.

And it is, it represents the limit of space, or the body is on the limit.

Six-body breaks from 60,000 times, it is already a strong powerful.

It's just in the ground, there is a lot of demands, just like Nalan's family, it is not worthy.

Only the Guangmu Tianzun in the heavens, there are several palace owners with the Emperor Palace, is the complete stronger.

When the Bai Jun Wang is also a complete, it is still the top of the top, and it has undergone a wide range of Body storm.

The gap between the junction and the sixth order monarch is still very big.

Just like ordinary local channels, like the ultimate path.

The ultimate path of the sixth order, it is already comparable to the strong people.

The main bus is the secret law of the universe. I didn't pursue pure war at all. He wanted to go to the top and would take into account the war.

Others, with his ultimate way, first cultivate space, the whole blessing hall, except for the true spirit, no one is his opponent.

The five major magic owners of the four major temples have to rely on the side station.

The gods under the disorders, all of them were ultimate emperor, and they went to the hierarchy, but there was no thinking of breakthroughs, but they can only be God, not God.

After feeling the ultimate path, everyone is calm down.

Turtle Island Lord saw some shallow, it is the same generation, although not understanding, but it also understands that this is probably the top-level strong in the inheritor, really hard to hurt, fight.

The sword was unparalleled, and she took the Palace to the White Junwang, Lang said: "Give the predecessor, to say a word, when it is a relics, it is necessary to play in the treasure."

"Your little doll is interesting, the old man likes it, then open again!" Turtle is the main leakage, ease the stalemate.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is also a breath. Now the situation is no longer able to master, turning to look at the white Junwang, shakes his head, and not to do it.

Once you have, you can't intervene in his current strength.

There is also a possibility of falling, even if it is reported to the identity.

He didn't believe that the true Wuyang and other people will give up the opportunity to fight for treasures, and then, he is now mixed with the talents of the Qimen. After the time, the other party also has the reason, and he will give him a slaughter.

Tongtian Buddha's eyebrows, then come out when it is a good person, say: "Little friends, you are so long, shouldn't wait for us!"

Then refer to the tombstone.

"Seniors, this place originally have two tombstones, blood loss can only open a tombstone, so I can't open it at all!" The sword is unparalleled, and there is a slightly concealing all said.

There are a lot of six-order emperor present, and the sword is unparalleled, but there is no more than that of the above words, other things, all said.

I can't open it, everyone's face has changed.

"Hey, this person is very embarrassing, the predecessors don't believe him!" Luochuan's disgusting look at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but the breath has skyrocketed, and the road is said: "The fourth-order episode of the district is not your voice, and I dare to speaking, I am welcome."

The breath of him has reached the five-order episode, and it is a threshold.

A fourth-order emperor, it is not qualified to come here, but also dare to call the sword. It is simply looking for death.

Haven't I thought about the other party, do you come in?

The sword is unparalleled, it is not a threat, a little reminding a few six-order emperor around him, and when you shoot, you can have a small movement, you will have to have Luochuan's life.

It is not as good as the big emperor in the Magic Region, which is very unsuitable in the Dynasty.

The closed customs will be crowded.

People who can contact in a lifetime is not as good as selling cakes in the Valence Township Street.

After all, it is the disciple of Turtle Island, and the sword is unparalleled. Under the schematic of the Lord Island, Luochuan closed his mouth.

Rosha standing in the rear is a laugh.

After Roha, I still stand in two people. It is a pair of fathers and sons, and the sword is not discovered yet. If it is seen, it will be surprised by the terribleity of fate.

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