Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5423 5418 ??? Law Enforcement

Just when the atmosphere is again solidified, a terrible breath comes from the distance.

Among them, the six-order episode is not a few, and the strength is more surpassing the Queens and Turtle Island.

The veteran palace!

"It's not too late. You haven't played it yet!" Come on calm, carry your hands.

Really Wuyang is aware of people, because these people follow a batch of inheritors.

This time the inheritor sword is not a double understanding, the wind and rain is also, the same is the five-order peak emperor.

After her, the sword has also seen an acquaintance.

Wanxing Tianmili! "

It's really the emperor now, it is already the fourth-order peak emperor, Wan Dao is united, and it actually became the emperor.

It is not very strange. When the original source of Woods, the original source is almost full, and the time to achieve the emperor is normal for thousands of years.

Fourth-order peak, speed is still fast.

In terms of war, I am afraid that it is not better than the general five-order peak.

"Forgot to introduce, this veteran" "Situ South '" said that the voice is just that the turtle is the Lord, even the long life of the Qi Shi, can't help but take a bite. Cool.

Blue jade is explained to the sword unparalleled and the Bai Jun Wang rumored.

The law enforcement hall of the Yuan Hao Palace has this disturbed name in the north of Tianjie, especially the deputy of the law enforcement, "Situ South", can be said to be a scorpion.

In recent years, there have been a few battles of the Tianjie, which is dominated by Sites, and the six-order emperor who died in his hands has a number. The five-order episode is more very much.

The Tianjie Shaodong is not dare to go to the Ningjing. I only dare to stir the wind in the world. Dadi is not dare to show, I am afraid that I was caught by law enforcement.

"There is still this kind of thing!" The sword was unresolved.

He remembers that when he was in the north of Tianyou, the veteran is only Yuanyang Lake's vision, and later, after he left, the veteran palace took over the entire North Ajing, but it became this in just a few thousand years.

To put it, this is still all because of him.

It is really a confrontation.

Others are afraid of Situ south, but the chollars are not afraid, they have asked directly: "Situ, what are you coming here, are you still a treasure?"

"Haha, who will disappear with yourself! And say, you are too unique, secretly touch, but other people still in the vortex sea, this I don't look down, I don't want to put the wind and rain. Bringing it. "Said refers to the healing inheritors behind it.

Red Solid is not dare to look at it, and it is not saying anything.

Situ Nan saw Chifeng to eat, and then said, "I have to thank me for you!"

Said that I took out a small print, came to the front of the tombstone, gently put the small print into the tombstone, and a stream of stream began to spread, many people were stupid.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is leaked.

As a Queon side, they follow the guidelines of the god to here, and the opportunity is coincidental to get the blood loss.

The people of the Elder House did not have any premise to get the key to open the remains, and the last party arrived.

The veteran palace!

That is the truth of the true spirit.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled not only after the cold sweat.

One party is true, one of the gods.

Two are people who can't afford.

He feels that he is a piece of chess.

That cave, how to appear in the vortex!

He and the White Junwang will be so lucky, and it is afraid that someone is in the dark.

The flow of flows, the sword is unparalleled, and the gods are swayed.

Before the pre- or those six-order emperor, the sword is unparalleled this time, but the old man stands behind.

I looked at the palace, he leaked a smile.

I originally thought that someone else's fate was just a piece of chess.

The white monarch king in front pulled his neck, a pair of things, but also to make swords unparalleled ridiculous.

Used by people, still spelling it!

Who is fighting!

The enthusiasm is falling, and it falls.

But there is still ten five-order peak emperor followed him, responsible for protection.


The sword is unparalleled with a breath, and the eyes turned to the same standing in the last.

"It is him!" The sword is unparalleled and a bit surprised!

A naked man, a strong man wearing a strange trousers, a middle-aged man with a hair whitening.

The two are the five-order episode, the naked, the one is five-order peak, and the breath is very powerful.

"Bun Kun father and son!"

At the beginning, I have seen it once in the Qing Dynasty. The other 's own source is very strange, and the sword is unparalleled.

I didn't expect to meet these two people here.

In front of them, there is still a person he has never seen, but it is a long-awaited figure.


The big emperor of the Mono, his side followed a lot of strong, and there was strong and weak.

The sword is unparalleled, staring at his hand.

The surface can't be seen, but the power contained is the same as the beasts on his body.

It is the arms of the candlelon.

I don't know if I have seen an eye by the sword, but because of the candle dragon in the sword, the big emperor of the magic rival is also seen to the sword.

Two people look, their nodded.

The sword is unparalleled to expose the attempt, so that the other party is guarded, but Luosha feels that he is not in general, there are ten five-order peak to protect the world, this is a very powerful force.

More than him is big, the West Sea can't find it, maybe it is the peak forces of the sea, or the consecutive generation of a big figure in Tiannan Dinchu.

This kind of person, the background, the sky, just in front of everyone, it is obviously not a common person, can not be sinned.

He is not like the stupid brother.

"It's a bit mean!" The sword didn't smile in the bottom of the heart, and the characters who could command the army. Sure enough, although the strength is poor, it should not be underestimated.

Rosha now broke through the five-order emperor.

Although he has the record of the five-order episode, he can be too weak, and there is no one in the forefront. It is a single pen.

The momentum is also very weak, and Luosha can't be comparable.

Candlellar arm!

The sword is unbreaking in the bumper.

If you can collected more beast gods before the coathy, you can use the power to improve the level, and his body is really hope to reach 50,000 times in the Taojun level.

He is a bit daren, there will be many breakthroughs when it is.

The poorer is full, the ultimate sword is successful, and the body will reach the 50,000 times of the anti-day. After the success, he is probably the five-order episode.

It's really nothing to stop him.

Things who haven't dare to think before, just for thousands of years to the Division for thousands of years.

Of course, this is also related to Time House. He cultivated countless years in the stars, although there is no accurate record, it is a hundred era.

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