Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5424, 5419????

It is also a thickness of thickness.

Since entering the big weather, the real time is only 10,000 years, he will come from the Deman to now the fighting power of the five-order episode.

You know, the most stronger of the original universe is just a five-order emperor.

This time I opened a huge remains, the road to the Breakthrough of the sword and the road, just in front.

He wants to hold it.

The sword is unparalleled to follow the people to enter the door of a space-illusion.

Just when they entered the remains, they have went deep into the Xihai Sea, according to the guidance of ginger to the small island of the smoke.

This island has a lot of mortals, and it is a living in the sea.

Huiqing Masters arrived, so that the mortals on the island is very respectful, because there is a legend in the Inner Sea, and the extreme is the same in the West China, there is the existence of the San Buddha.

This time I went to the inner sea, Hui Qing also wanted to go to Xi Tian to enlighten.

Just halfway, Jiang Yu suddenly realized a hint of air.

Jiang Yuxin said: "Master, I can push it, the breath is related to you!"

"Is there any road?" Hui Qing was surprised, he went to Xitian this time, it was going to arise, won the way, and lost it back to the Tomb.

But I didn't expect the halfway to make the apprenticeship the opportunity to perform the hand.

But he still has this confuse scene!

"Is me wrong?" Hui Qing whispered.

He has a grasp of anything until the emergence of ginger has broken everything.

Now Jiang Wei has the spirit of the grass, and there is no bottleneck in the realm all the way, and he has exceeded him to become an emperor.

Jiang Wei waved, the grass of the grass made a child, squatting on her shoulders, the little guys floated with a radioplavi, ginger.

"Little guy, you grow up again!" Jiang Yan teased children with his fingers, except for the master, this is her second loved one.

After seeing children, Huiqing also leaked a smile, faint: "Let's take a look!"

The two then disappeared on the island.

When it appears again, it is already a black hole in the sea.

The Zen Machine has reached a successful Huqing, and it has also reached the star realm on the space.

I know a lot of black holes.

"Just here!" Jiang Wei pointed to this micro black hole.

Hui Qing did not hesitate, step out, directly entered the black hole.

The colorful rays flashed from the side, Hui Qing didn't know that he was going forward, or these lights were rushing behind him.

"Master, I seem to feel a simple and evil, just in front of us!" Ginger is colored.

That breath, let her be familiar, she thought that the puppet.

Have the same breath with the murderer killed her brother.

Hui Qing brows wrinkled, this place can have a magical, there is still someone in it!

The two velocity is not reduced, but it changes faster.

"Fast, just in front!"

Close and closer, Hui Qing is leaking out a strange expression, and the stock is also very familiar.

Is it?

Until I saw the back, Hui Qing stunned, the back is very familiar, but there is a little change in the breath, but the fierce sword, explains everything.

It is the sword and no pairs!

This mottled colorful space of the sword is unparalleled, it is the body from the magic border into the black hole.

Hui Qing can find that the sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, but he can't see Huqing.

Their space has a lot of gaps, although it is, in fact, it is far away.

Hui Qing also found that it is impossible to close to the sword.

"Unparalleled brother!" Hui Qing shouted a sentence.

There is no double in front of the sword.

Ginger is hesitial in the eyes of God, and eventually no opening.

And the sword in the black hole is unparalleled, not only didn't hear Hui Qing's shouts, but even if someone is close, he is still floating to the black hole.

"Is this the universe?"

The scene of the sword is unparalleled and the scene of Huiqing looks at all.

After entering the depths of the black hole, the sword is unparalleled to discover the depths of the black hole. When he is approaching the source, he can understand the strength of the universe.

That is a realm of high altitude than Black Caves.

The universe of causing the universe of this is the same as this.

"Master, we don't belong to a universe with him, but this black hole is born in the universe, there is a mutual link.

Between the universe, the space may be similar, but the time is different.

They saw the swords and unparalleled, not the sword in the world, very likely to be the sword in the millennium.

These rules, Hui Qing also wondered, after a while, Hu Qing bite his stest, and broke through the color border.


The two spanned into the edge of an ancient battlefield.

Jiang Yu Ming has a highlights, "it is here!"

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled with the public, and it has also arrived in this ancient battlefield, but the two sides are very far apart.

After walking into the ancient battlefield, everyone glanced over a circle.

The broken wall, the body of the beast is everywhere, the lost golden skeleton, and even the colored bones.

There are also a large number of weapons, those or long swords, war hammers, cold spear, have already lost the above power, turned into waste copper rotten iron.

Everyone looked shocked.

Even the white monanders who have a wide excitement couldn't help but shook their heads. This is the emperor of the ancient battlefield, and it is a strong in the emperor.

Such a huge battlefield, countless corpse, how much is it falling?

This no one knows.

Even the treasure lost the gloss, obviously the battlefield of this place, I am afraid to be traced back to ancient times.

Suddenly, a five-order emperor shouted, "is eternal to treasure!"

Then, the hand disaster is fast from a corpse, and it is going down.

"Don't move!" Bai Jun roared, but it was late.

The corpse of the trusted, the original dim, suddenly started to flash.


Two, three, 10,000, countless corpses, in an instant, wake up.

This scene scene, even if the six-order peak emperor is watching.

Click at.

The singular corpse, slowly got up, roared with a language they didn't know.

What is even more strange is that these corpses do not attack them, but rushed towards the battlefield.

This makes everyone loosen.

Turtle Island, who have seen this scene, almost have to do it.

It is also better to be stopped by the white Junwang.

They stood in the gaps of those corpses, and they looked quietly to their assault.

This is what a big will force, false countless years, the flesh should go to the assault.

The sword is nothing to see, it is very confused. When I went to the White Junwang, she quietly asked: "These corpses are the people under the Fygo or the three Kings?"

"It's not the Tianjun of Sanyang Ting." Bai Jun Wang shook his head, then said: "Sanyang Ting has recruited countless days, which is the emperor, but these corpses, with those Tianjun's breath."

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