Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5425 5420 Chapter ??? Ancient Battlefield


It is the backbone of Sanyang Ting. When the Bai Jun Wang became the five-order episode, he also met the Tianjun of Sanyang Ting, the lowest strength is fiveth order, and their arrival treasure has a unique breath, which is different from these corpses.

The power of this corpse is disproportioned to the power of the soul.

The power of the stock, let them very uncomfortable.

Just like swallowing, it is an evil force.

"Static and see it!" Bai Junwang did not act rashly with the people of Qi Shi.

What is the people and the veteran palace, how to say it is a person, and it is also a gathering together, and there is no move.

Turtle Island Lord's miscellaneous army, nothing to know, even more dare to act rash, have been staring at the Situ South of the Yuan Hao Palace, and the White Jun King with Queens.

Not a fool, who dares to attack those corpses at this time.

Countless corpse siege, the sixth-order emperor may be buried here.


Standing with his father Bolki in the last Brole, a punch will score a skeleton close to his father, this punch is very powerful, absolutely the five-order peak.

"Do not!"

Although Bun Kun's strength is not, people are not stupid!

If you want to block it, it is useless, because the nearby corpse has turned away.

Turtle Island Lord also reacted, and found that his disciples took the lead in attacking, and the biggest air waves did not hesitate, and the two powerful air waves were directly bombarded near Trushes and Bai Jun.

Suddenly attracted countless autopsy, starting to be siege.

Bai Jun Wang : "Damn!"

And the sword has quietly retired to the people, let himself in the center position, ten five-order peak emperor, is very safe.

Boom! ! !

The corpse began to attack, this time, no wonder, you have to take it again.

"This place can't stay!" Zhenwu Yang is high, looking to the distance.

Arrived around, it will be dying here.

Turtle Island Lord and others have long narrowed the body, and the sketches of the corpse began to escape.


Who gave courage!

Even if you can resist, you will not waste your strength!

There is no good place to kill these corpses.

It may even be contaminated with the soul.

"We are also walking, follow the Lord of Turtle!" The sword is unparalleled, shouted a white monarch, and I have forgotten the Miyongyi to escape.

The emperor of the clothes is guarded, and he can escape at this time.

If you have a corpse, you will let the Emperor Jacket.

This battlefield, saying that he is not small, and it is worth a high world.

It can be comparable to the secret of the universe in the outside world, but this is the distance, the emperor let go, and you can escape.

The sword is unparalleled, the body is also changing, turned into the same skeleton as the corpse, just the color of the bones is colored.

Soon, they escaped out the vortex of the battle, the skeleton of the front, has been like them, all rushed toward the battlefield.

He went to see what the battlefield had existed, so many skeletons, regardless of all rushing.

Leaving the last true Wuyang and the Situ South a group is miserable, the vortex of the corpse is getting bigger and bigger, they are hard to rush out.

The business of the company is more surreasy to make hundreds of millions of miles, and they will destroy those corpses and have no harm.

After this business is broken, the true Wuyang and other talents have followed it.

"I am evil!" Zhen Wuyang rushed all the way, chasing the people of Turtle Island, but also killing directly.

No matter what these, Turtle Island, he fled with several six-order emperor.

This time, several disciples he belled were around, and she had a few six-order emperor. For example, Tian Tian Yujun was miserable, and many of the five-order episodes were all killed by Zhenwuyang.

It is obviously the things that Turtle Island, but let him have a pole.


On the depths of the battlefield, a stitching body blocked them.

After seeing the existence, Bai Jun Wang took a breath, and he took a highway: "It is the owner of the universe, scattered!"

The breath of the white Jun Wang is very familiar. He is the master of the universe, although this is no in front of this court, but the atmosphere is constant.


This time, they understood that the murder of the other person told them that it was a death.


A huge light column broke out, sweeping a strong in front of the straight line.

Whether it is a bone or they are these emperors.

In an instant, a number of five-order episode, and a six-order epidermus was broken by the body and was seriously injured.

It is the end of the end of the old palace, because of the slowness, it has not been able to react, and it is in the middle.

Instead, in the forefront people, they found embarrassment and hurriedly escaped.


After the sword is unparalleled, he is straight and cold, just the light column, he will not encounter death.

It's good to run.

At this moment, he didn't dare to go, the field of the beast was quietly broke out, and the body began to climb.

The Tianguo is also driven to the ultimate, and the body has reached 40,000 times.

The sword is unparalleled and asked: "What should I do?"

Suddenly, everyone has no main view, I don't know how it is good.

This relic is exceeding their expectations of everyone, the entire city, or the four secret memories have never had such a powerful remains.

The Sen of Wanzang, there is no corpse of the owner of the universe!

I have already taken away by the four temples.

Turtle Island is the master and others are gratifying.

The land, or all the six-order episodes of the four major secrets, the pursuit is not a top, but the Lord of the universe.

Now I actually encounter a flesh of the owner of the universe. Although there is no source, it can be enough, as long as it gets the body of the universe, it is also developed.

The white monarch is even more eye-catching.

The flesh, the people present, no flesh is more than him.

Green Mangou took the jade lottery that the God was coming, and he handed it to the white monarch. He said: "The god has made it!"

Bai Jun Wang took it, the secret article above only did him understand!

After reading it, I crushed the jade lottery and wandered.

The above information is very short, "" Wanwu's power is suppressed, capturing the body of the universe. "

The sword is unparalleled to listen to the rumors of the white monarch, people are stunned.

Let him swear, to crack the body of the universe, if the other party will not move, he dares to try it, but now, don't say him, let a six-order peak emperor, you can't go!

"This is my biggest opportunity in this life. If you have a double, you will be all, I will share the entire boy temple in the future, I will be your caregiver!" Bai Jun Wang made a promise, he really want to recover The peak, even a step forward.

He is a walked road route, although the source is restored, but he understands not much for the practice of the source.

If he gets the body of this universe, he can go to the old way and break through the body.

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