Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5433 5428?? Murder

After the dog head stone appeared, there was a junior in front of the hall, and there were a lot of texts above.

Every line of words are different.

"One entry?"

Finally, in the text of countless rows, they see a kind of empty text.

It is probably, everyone needs one-to-fight stone statue, winning, and can't lose.

And the sixth order, you can go in.

No wonder that the chest of the stone statue will appear five words. It turned out to stop the five-level emperor.

Everyone is looking at, no one dares to take the initiative.

Turtle Island main gaze is oblique to sword unparalleled, and there is a cold: "Let you try it!"

"it is good!"

The sword is unparalleled.

I will try it with a five-order peak emperor.

The five-order peak emperor, stepped into the junior, and the two sides did not drag the water, and broke out directly.



The five-level emperor, it was directly torn.

Blood donation is on the spot.

Everyone nodded and was satisfied.

Stone statue is general.

In the fifth-order episode, Zhenwu Yang et al.

The rest can not be so easy.

However, the sixth-order emperor is still unassay.

It is said that you can go in sixth order, no one can guarantee if there is danger.

This time, not only the Turtle Island is looking to the sword and unparalleled, and even the firm saw it.

The sword is unparalleled, it can only say that the long saying in Zi Mountain: "As the old man is old, you go in, since the top six-order emperor can go in, there should be no problem."

Then I also joked comfort: "Everything is for the gods."

"Followed!" Zi Mountain is old and strong, directly enters the comic.

That stone statue stunned, and there was no old man who was old.

It's almost a breath, and the shape of the Zishan disappeared directly, it is obviously going in.

Situ South and others loosened a sigh of relief and then started to go in.

Situ south is not anxious to go in, first let the two six-order emperor will go in, and then let the true Wuyang and others will enter.

I don't have to let the Turtle Island owner go in.

"You!" Turtle Island's mainstay.

Situ South Cold Laughing: "You are in a hurry, I haven't come in, wait for these little guys to go in, I will stay with you again."

The strength of true Wuyang and others is not weak, it is easy to go in.

But the Turtle Island is difficult.

In the inheritor, there is no Wan Xing.

When the fourth-order emperor enters, the stone statue will display a four words.

This makes the four emperors of the Mono National Sagawa very surprised.

The five-order Emperor wants to go in it, but the fourth-order emperor will be relatively easy.

At the same time, he also looked at the big emperor Luosha, leaking a little laugh.

Luosha has just broken through the five-order Emperor, and the maximum force of the five-order peak is not hoped.

Soon the inheritors will go in, the Situ is the bottom of the South, the last entry.

He is also afraid that the Turtle Island is the old man's dog anxious to jump.

Even if you don't dare to kill the inheritor, stop there is no way!

So he stayed in the end.

I looked at the Lord of Turtle Island, and I immediately got into the juncture and then disappeared.

Turtle Island is waiting for a long time, it is not going to work, just like a dumplings, there is not a few breathing.

Now staying in the outside world is the five-order episode.

The sword has finally come to the forefront.

The strongest thing is the top now.

He now is now in nine five-order peak emperor.

And the Lord of Turtle Island, staying in some emperings of the Magic Region, there is also the disciple of Turtle Island, and some other six-order emperor.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is not a difficult thing to kill all.

Special other party also grasped the palace.

He gently held his punch, and the uterus behind Luosha wrinkled.

"Kill him, or you die!" The sword is unparalleled in the husband's body.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

The Miyongyi is late, but the sword is unparalleled, the body is directly swallowed.

The pain in the past is deeply painful, so that the hometown has a cold sweat.

The five-order episode of the scene, also relatively high, but he didn't have much confidence, so letting others first try, find that the uterine is wrong, turn the head to the uterine, low voice: " ? "

The palace is leaking out a smile, shaking his head, soft saying: "Nothing!"


But I haven't waited for Rosha to turn, and the gods in the hands of the blood pass through Luosha's chest.

Luoxsha glanced at the scorpion, looking down to the blood vest, when you want to turn, the sword has appeared in front of him, a hand knife, a 40,000 times of the body, directly put Luosha's head Cut down.

The body's body is directly broken, there is a source of the source, the sword is unbengent, and it is directly swallowed in the original source.

All this is only completed in a blink of an eye. When everyone reacted, the nine five-order peak emperor has been standing around the sword.

Click at.

The taste of the origin is still wonderful with the past.

These are nothing, the arm of the candle dragon he dreamed of, is the key.

A arm, or a armor.

The sword is unparalleled in the right arm, huge attraction, from the beast native.


The candle dragon arm is integrated into the sword unparalleled right arm, which broke out in addition to a powerful breath.

His poppons rose again.

A unhappy force came from the right hand to make the head blue gluten.


The sword is unparalleled directly out of the original look.

The white face, the white hair floating.

The candle dragon wings are opened directly.

The right hand is slightly guilty, and it is difficult to press the power.

The whole right hand arm has become dark red, and the bloody paw can tear the space.

His arm, actually unilateral body is 50,000 times.

The overall population is 40,000 times, and it breaks through 405,000 times.


The sword is unparalleled, and the view is directly rushed to Luochuan.

The four emperors who have just been surprised to kill their priests have never responded, they are directly packed by swords, and the source is also swallowed by huge suction in the palm.

The tricks of the rabbit are not understanding, and they don't understand.

The remaining fifth-order emperor leaked the fear.

After the sword is unparalleled, the body has skyrocketed, and the strength naturally has risen.

However, in these people, he is not the strongest.

"You are relieved, I am just with the magic country, you have to go in the light!" The sword did not doublely made an instruction.

Brole's father "Bun Kun" is something that I can't believe, it has been standing in Bolori, pulling Brole, does not let him go in.

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