Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5434, 5429? Stone steps

"Since you don't worry, then I will go in."

The sword has no double leaks a smile, returning to the appearance, hides the identity.

However, it is not good to look at the gods of the cloth.

Bun Kun recognized him, but this old guy was very smart and did not see it.

Can't let go! !

"After I entered, you can't kill all the people who can't enter, especially the old guy!"

The sword has no double-sided smile, but private is the order that does not remove all.

If you can't explain that the strength is general, these five-order peak emperor should be able to sweep these people easily.


The sword is unparalleled into the comic.

That stone statue is stunned, and the body shape is constantly narrowing.

It can be stamped to a small, after a word, can not be small, but it is different from the unparalleled realm. The final sword is unparalleled, and the stone statue did not shoot.

This makes many people surprised.

The father of Bunkun made a breath, and the voice said: "I can't accompany you, remember to follow the island owner, can't provoke others."

"Well!" Brolen nodded, then it was rare to say more, "said the father, I am going!"


After Brolen entered the combo, the stone statue returned to the five-order drama, and the two sides were only a moment, Brole was easily broken.

Even more than really Wuyang et al.

Bun Kun leaked a happy smile.

From the sky, it is difficult to go to the ground, and it is successful in the Western Sea Brole, and it is very moving and very moving.

After a big reached the mountain, Bun Kun was also satisfied. He has been in the heart of the practice. Brole's strength broke through, and his realm would be like Brole, the stronger Brole, he broke through The faster.

However, it is very strange. When he was in the third-order Emperor, there was no second-order peak, and now it is a five-order emperor. His battle is not as good as some fourth-order ordinary emperors.

The realm is going up, but the war is getting weaker.

The weaker the war, the stronger Brole, which is like a fate.

This is the change!

When the outside world can enter, a war has happened. This battle all people happen, including Brilli's father, Bukun.

In the Sanwang Temple.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is a passage in front of him. This channel is narrow.

Countless step links, leading to the destacge.

The sword is unpaired, you can only see the tenth steps.

Some accidents, but there is no much thinking, directly embark on the stairs.


One information began to pass to his mind, it is a strong scholar!

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled with brows, a small short and short, the sword can be seen, it is very simple.

The sword is unparalleled, and after the mastery, it will embark on the second step.

With the just one, there was a message in my mind.

This time is more difficult than last time, but it is also cracking.

Both can also be linked.

This is the source of the airway.

The sword is unparalleled to continue.

When I just stepped into the third order, one person came, one step, two steps, three steps, and the portals disappeared.

"Is him?" The sword didn't think of Brole in the Shangqing Palace.

Direct disappearance?

This is too fast!

Even if it is simple, I have to stop!

The other party rushed straight, more than tenth, could not see the front, and I don't know how fast the other party is.

Anyway, this ten order is just a blink of an eye.

The sword is unparalleled. Some self-doubts.

It is too fast that the other party is too slow.

This is also too bad!

Is this changed?

The sword is not a buddhism.

The pole envelops Wanlao, but when these roads are transformed into the power of all things, he also feels incomparable, but there is a rule, he has no level to understand.

Maybe you can find the answer from Brole, the sword is not a double eye.

Continue forward.

After a quarter, he saw a shadow appeared in front.

It is a six-order emperor, and it is a strong person in the Lord of Turtle Island.


The body is a sea lion, which is quite famous in the West Sea, but the strength is a lot, belongs to the high-profile but powerful power.

It is just a sixth order.


The sword is unparalleled soon catch up with each other.


The white emperor turned his head and found that the sword was unparalleled.

He is very embarrassing in the end.

Bri Balley, the disciple of the Turtle Island, surpassed him, and now there is no double by the sword, so that his face is slightly changed.

The sword is unparalleled, and he has passed by him.

In this body, there is no power, it is impossible to shoot others.

Otherwise, I really have to be careful.

The first nine hundredth order.

The sword is unparalleled, and a six-order episode is still a strong person in the Lord of Turtle Island.

After walking so far, the sword is unparalleled.

Walking here, it is more like understanding a secret law.

This secret test is their soul.

The strength of the sword is not weak, and now, I also realized some of them.

Soul this source!

This relatively special source, the sword is unparalleled or the first time.

Moreover, it is likely to be a strong force that is the ultimate way, because the origin is too powerful.

Have the ultimate meaning.

The sword is unparalleled, this existence is definitely the main level of the universe.

The more you go up, the sword is unparalleled, you can stronger.

He has begun to master a part of the soul in combination with the previous extent.

In his sea, the strongest is still a sword, but the soul of this source has evolved from a drop of water.


Two thousand steps.

Finally, he felt a feeling of stagnation.

It's time to stop.

The growth of the soul is very important for him to enhance the realm.

The sea.

The more you strengthen the big sword is unparalleled, and you will start melting the shattering of the origin of the sea.

A block is like a crystal.

Constant integration is released, he is also more powerful.

The last three floors of the path, there is no bottleneck.

The only difficulty is how to digest these native crystals that are not integrated with the sea of ​​this source.

Start them or debris, now they have already condensed into the submarine reef.

It broke through the stumbling block.

These dark reefs do not extent, he wants to eat this above morning and evening.

The cultivation is like a leaf boating floating in the sea, and the huge waves can resist, and finally the touch can be big.

So I want to go more smoothly, I have to melt these reefs.

But now he fuses less than one layer, and there is still 90%.

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