Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5439 5434 ????

Tianchai is on the change channel. It is actually removed. It is obviously unlikely to come to the end, and the greater reason is too long, and the understanding is not removed.

The sword on the two channels is unparalleled, starting to reduce time, seeking faster speed.

Especially in the soul.

Didn't rising a layer, he has received a lot, if it is moved, it will be great.

Soon, someone was moved again.

The six-order emperor of the Turtle Island is, except for the Lord of Turtle Island, all moved away.

Then some of the five-order episodes of the Elder House.

On the steps of the Soul, the sword has already gone 20,000 steps.

On the varying tract, I also got eight thousand steps.

But I still didn't see Brole.

It is estimated that it is over.

Mastered the change of the change, I can't finish the order, the sword is unparalleled, and I can go, let alone the special change of Brole.

The key or soul.

After walking 20,000-order, I finally saw Hui Qing's back with ginger.

From the back, the two are walking side by side.

One step, the pace is very stable, obviously has not reached the limit.

Look at the position, it should be around 207,000 order.

Now he has not seen Tongtian Buddha, and the other party is likely to pass 30,000 ladders.

There is a 10,000th order, how many steps in the soul is unclear.

At least the first position did not see it.

Tong Tian Buddha, walking Tongtian Avenue, can surpass them so much, sword is unparalleled is still a bit surprised.

If you know the inheritance of the Buddha, the sword will not think so.

This is also why I really care about Wuyang and Red Water.

Tong Tian Buddha is on the tomb mountain, I got a secret method of the universe, the soul has gotten up, and even the soul is inlaid into the origin of the universe, I will understand the power of the universe.

This kind of opportunity, naturally let Tong Tian Buddha benefits endless, beyond the true Wuyang and other people.

This time, he is one of the most competent people.

Brole is not to say, the changed trao is a rare special source of the truth than the ultimate way, and it is also a great gas transport to the Sanyang Ting.

It is the most promising emperor who will inherit the change of the king, no one, the sword is unparalleled with him, there is not much hope.

Others don't hope.

On the soul, Tong Tian Buddha is a seed.

The rest is Hui Qing and ginger.

The sword is unparallled by the two people, and suddenly I feel that this ginger has a inexplicable attraction.

very powerful.

The power, it seems that it is not her!

He remembers this person.

When I was in a chaotic domain, I have seen it once, I didn't expect that I was emperor.

It's just a mortal, this hasn't been there!

There is also a thousand years of time, from the mortal to the emperor.

This is some exaggerated.

At that time, he was comparable to the third-order Emperor, and now it is comparable to the four-order peak, all means use it, he can also fight with the five-order Emperor.

It seems that there is no much anti-day comparative comparable to the other party.

Thousands of years from the crowd into the emperor.

He didn't even hear it.

He can be better than the better, one is because of the power of the road, it is in advance, and it is far away.

The second is because the beast will be tested.

Let his body increase to the limit of the Daojun, you can fight the five-order emperor.

Otherwise, it will not be tried to fight against the five-order emperor.


The sword is unparalleled, and I don't know when the true Wuyang actually chased him.

Originally, there was no opening too much, and it kept about two hundred steps.

It has been different from tenth.

He didn't want to think more, the ultimate enforcement, and the whole way forward.

Immerse, the time flow is faster.

Enthusiasm, 100,000 years.

Distance they entered the Three Kings Hall, have passed by 100,000 years.

At the 500,000 years, Brole's first passed the change, finished the tens of thousands.

In terms of 10,000 years, the sword is unparalleled.

Just when he finished, no one was, it was taken away.

After walking, the peak looks different from his imagination.


There is only one void stairs, and the upper plate is sitting one person.

When the sword did not double-see the other party, I saw a woman, but a blink of an eye and a vicinity became an old man.

The opponent's appearance is as his thoughts change.

What happened when he wanted? Even he saw the other party as a mysterious one.

Shake the head, the sword was unparalleled, wake up, there was no figure in the steps.


Step by step.

Getting into the 10,000 zero one order.

Everything goes!

This order, let him experience what is called against the sky.

After walking, he felt that he had already mastered the essence of change, but after entering this order, he felt that the 10,000th order that came in front was white.

The Second Secretary is even more in this moment.

The sword is unparalleled, and the momentum is changed, and the roar "Age!"


His all the treasures are all in this body. The beast gods broke out of the power, the candle dragon wings opened the biggest, slightly lifted the arm, the sword was unparalleled, and the red skin of the candle dragon was burst. .

The ancient changes, the increase is the source.

His origin is very strong, this increase, it can't help him.

I quickly drove the gods of the wilderness to more than 30,000 times, and I barely supported it.

Now his origin, has already had half a black hole.

There are countless stars in the body.

More than 30,000 times to support the source.

You must know that the five-level emperor's poppy can also support the source at will.

He has more than 30,000 times of the body, and the origin of Damu is to support the population, which has to be.

However, the stronger is better.

No one will give abandonment of the secret law.

If there is, it is too weak, and it is impossible to support the secret.

He has not yet shown a day magic. Once he is present, he can reach more than 40,000 times, this is enough for him to use it.

I thought it was difficult to practice, I didn't expect to go to this level, he can directly enter the small-scale realm, and directly cultivate it.

Arrived at the small level.


Don't wait for him to have any reaction, his body disappears above the steps and is moved.

The change of the truncation is cleared.

It's just a flash in front of you, he went to a bright hall.

At this point, many people are gathered here.

But the only familiar, only Wanshen Tiandi.

The rest, there are five-order episodes that can't have a chess game, and of course, there is a six-order episode of the Turtle Island.

Red water!

The red potent is also here.

The sword is unparalleled to restore the true capacity, no matter how it is said to be the people of the East, or you have to say hello.

"I haven't seen it for a long time. I heard that you were killed in the sky, I thought it ........."

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