Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5440 5435 Chapter ??? Mural

After a few words, I talked about the Tomb of Tiandi, and then I started talking about this big temple.

These people have been tens of thousands of years earlier than him, much more than him know.

Just some people have been sitting in the main hall, there is no payment for his arrival.

Wan Star laughed: "There is no double brother, there is no more complicated here, you see murals on this wall!"

The sword is not a fool, and I understand it.

The description described in the painting is clear.

Sanyang Ting captured a giant egg in a secret.

It is said that it is caught, it is better to fall from the sky, falling into a secret in the three Kings.

In the secret, there is a Tianjun team, take the leader is the six-order emperor, and the breath of the breath is unparalleled.

At least a six-order peak strong.

He took ten teams, all of them were the five-order peak.

Such an elite squad, when the first encountered this egg, it was turned into the murderous rules of the surface of the eggshell.

The false is inexplicable.

Good in ancient times, most of the strong people are outside the body.

At that time, there was enough treasures and time, with a number of era, put countless treasures, which can refine the fidelity of the real thing.

So there are several people in these people that have not fallen, but the fallen faders.

Their presents quickly reported this news to the top.

The Lord of the universe is not paying too much, just let the powerful power of the squad.

This is going, but it has attracted natural disasters.

The first picture is finished!

Wanxing also pointed to another way to let the sword continue to look down.

The second pair of murals described is a huge eye.

That is leaking from the eggshell.

The strong struggle broke the eggshell, leaking a eye, and cracking the strong, but he could not kill.

The next is the main shot of the universe.

Put the giant egg to the Sanyang Ting.

I felt that it was lucky, I got an alien egg, I want to have forced it with treasures.

But I didn't expect to be counterproductive.

The giant egg has not been incubated, but the other beast is almost dead.

On the occasion of the beast weak, a message was passed.

This message is incorporated into the stars.

A strong appearance is taken out.

The Lord of the universe has also suffered a diagnosis, and the rules of the eggs have lost their minds, and they have begun to slaughter their own hands.

This scene caused the king of the three Kings.

The king, swords have seen, or people who entered this place have seen it.

It is a chessboard elderly that is scattered, dark red skin.

His arrival, suppressed the owner of the universe.

Unfortunately, the fallen Tianjun is almost countless.

A universe of the universe, but there are countless people.

In addition to Tianjun still there is Dao Jun, hundreds of millions of people's fall, let the long river of the whole time and space are shaking.

At the corner of the mural, a head of a head of the head is still leaking, and the word "is embroidered on his jarmeters.

It is the hegemony of the long-term long river, the power of the disagreement.

Bending the old man, representing the Diva Temple is also reaching out to intervene.

The sword is very unhappy is very curious. This time does not wait for Wording Word, and looks to the third mural.

The third parallel painting did not describe the giant egg, but the collision with the bending old man.

The bending old man has been involving the three Wang Ting, depending on some kind of thing.

However, it can be seen that the Sanyang Ting is very jealous of the old people.

In ancient times, the three gods of the Polyson Temple can pack the three Kings Ting.

The Lord of the universe is also strong.

Strong imagination, one person can suppress the entire Moose time.

Weakly, the second murals are disturbed by the universe of giant eggs, obviously don't work in the same order.

It is just that the sword is unparalleled, and it is not possible to calculate how big the strength gap can not be calculated.

The bending old man in the mural, finally retired, Sanyang Ting began to study the giant egg.

It can be followed by a terrorist.

Just when they put the giant eggs into the three Kings Ting, the Star Airbus came.

It is "Fygo"

He led the army.

Or one of him is a monk army.

Countless twisted reptiles, separated from his body, and attacking the three Kings.

At this time, the old man came again, just this time, he has been in the corner of the mural, no top.

Ferigo attacked the three Wang Ting, all the way to deviate, no one can stop.

I have been hitting the three kings.

It is the bones they see outside them.

Those facts are all part of the Body of the Fygo.

If he is now seeing the scene of the outside world, it is more confident.

Because Fygo is swallowing those bones, the strength is also climbing.

The business of the company, from the beginning, it is possible to compete with the other party, and now it has fallen into the following.

The outside world has become a group.

The city broke out unprecedented chaos, and the creatures of the Nansin were collapsed, and there were countless powers.

At this moment, Qiou has set off a war.

This step is the results of the gods of hundreds of millions of years.

In the big temple, the sword is not double, the more shocking!

The three kings she went, and there was no anti-anti-Ago to be calmed by the corner of the old man.

That giant egg has also been completely hatched, but it is only previously hurting the foundation, only the power of the main situation of the universe, but the realm is the Lord of the universe.

This is comparable to those who have gods in the first day, born is the Lord of the universe, powerful.

The huge egg is incubated is a dark gold dragon, no protection of Fergo, and the corner of the old man will suppress it.

The final picture is a desence.

The Emperor I entered the three Kings Ting.

There is really Wuyang, Tong Tian Buddha, red water, and Situ South and Turtle Island main people.

The sword is unparalleled and shocked!

This is a predicted future mural.

In addition to these people, he also saw three people without face, even gender could not be separated.

Who is these three people?

The sword is unparalleled.

Subsequently, he didn't see himself.

There is also Hui Qing and the ginger!

There is no three.

These three people who have no face should be their three.

Just why there is no face, the sword is unparalleled.

After reading the mural, he could not be able to calm down.

This scene is the same as others.

"There is no double brother, you have no appearance with Huqing, I haven't seen this opportunity, I am related to you. Sanyang Ting can just have three kings!" Wanshen pointed to the top three no face The portrait, some feelings.

He walked, naturally contacted the change of the change, I chose changed, but in the talents, there was no way to say with the sword and the brilli, and now it is only the fourth-order peak, I have never been there. The arrogant.

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