Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 545 Life War!

"Hey, if you do me, you still want me to save the second time? I don't kill him on the spot, it is already good." The temperament of the gods directly said.

"I don't save me, I will not save."

"The fool is saved, I want to say that such people can kill them directly."

Other gods have also said.

This is a little ugly.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The Lord of the Moon is once again opened, but the sound is not the cold. "You just said, just by you, someone proves that you have just said, true?"

"Of course, there is." The sword is not a hyper point, "the scene, my seventh collar and the many sergeants of the sixth collar look in the eyes, they can testify!"

The main gaze of the Mingyue Temple is coming.

On the battlefield, those sergeants were also facing each other, and then the seventh collar will lead the only cold, the first opening, "the temple, the gods, the world is the seventh collar, I can testify, what he said Everything is true. "

"I can also testify it." The tie of the sixth collar also said.

"We can testify." The many sergeants in the green fire and the scene have opened, and Qi Qi is a sword unparalleled testimony.

Today, this battle, the strength of the sword has completely convinced them. Many of these sergeants have a worship of swords, and before the sword is unparalleled to save the Jinling, the result is that the scene of Golden Ling has, they also It is clear that there is a unparalleled testimony for swords.

"Golden Snake God, if you don't believe it, you can ask those sergeants under the golden Ling of the scene, they are the belongings of Golden, should not lie to you." The sword said unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and the captain of the pilot of Jinling, even if he really said: "The adults, the sword is not the fact that the prior to the prince of Jinling is surrounded by us. The sword is unparalleled, and the party will save me. After saving, the captain of Jinling did not let us flee directly, and the sword is unparalleled. There is also a hundred people who have been in a desperate situation. "

"Say, the movement of Jinling Captain did somewhat the taste of the enemy."

Even the people of Jin Lingzhao's lower teams have a unparalleled testimony for the sword.

This makes the face of Golden Snake God become more sinking.

"Golden Snake, have you heard?" The Lord Temple of the Qing Moon, "Your baby son, doing this, but also think about it, don't want people to see it?"

The Jin Sni will bite his teeth. It is a scarlet, and the golden snake gods will take the head. "Ling Linger, Ling Est, there is a mistake, but he, after all, I am a gold snake. My son is the only loved ones in this world! "

"My Golden Snake is alive for so long, for the demon alliance, for the entire human group, Herfon!"

"Now, my only son is dead, if you don't kill this sword, I am not willing!"

"What do you want to think?" The monette of the Moon Temple.

"I want to apply to the main hall, with this sword, there is no pair of life and death, and I will die!" Golden Snake God snorted.

"Life and death war?"

A piece of among the people, even those who gods, and a horrified DPT Snake God.

The life and death battle of the Demon Alliance, the rules are full, and it is completely designed to solve the unsatisfied hatred.

This is a dead battle, regardless of the level, that is, you can act as a goddess, and you can launch a life and death in a newborn baby. It is only necessary to be considered by those temples, and the difference between the strengths of the two parties, the difficulty of recognition The bigger it.

Once it is recognized, no matter whether the other party is not accepted, this life and death will have ordered it, and they must die.

"According to the rules of the Demon Alliance, I am a goddess, I want to have a second-level god to die, I can only have to agree with the five temples."

"The five temples, I don't believe in the credit of my demon union, will I don't ask for the five temples to agree to this life fight?" Golden Snake God said coldly, look at the sword unparalleled It is a resentment of the poison, just like the true poisonous snake.

"No, golden snake, you are wrong." The Lord of the Moon Suddenly opened.

"Well?" Jin Shu Shen Jun immediately looked at the Temple of Qing Moon.

"The rules of the demon alliance, if only the general second-level god will be, you have to die with him, it is indeed enough to agree with the five temples, but this sword is unparalleled, but the moon is the same.

"Different, is there any difference?" Jin Sni Xun asked.

"This sword is unparalleled, or if you imagine, or say that you are imagined ... so strong!" There is a little quirky.

"What do you mean?" Jin Sni Shen Jun was confused, and the gods next to him were very confused. I don't understand what this is the meaning of the Moon Temple.

Only the sword is unparalleled and the green fire next to it, knowing the reason, the sword is unparalleled to touch the nose, and there is a little quirky.

"Golden Snake, I tell you, you want to have no double life fight with this sword, at least half of the patriarchal sways, 33 patriarch, that is, Ten The seven temples agree, the reason is simple ... "

Speaking of this, the Temple of the Moon Temple will die, followed by the eyes of everyone who are puzzled, slowly: "This sword is unparalleled, he is just a small guy in a holy."

Silent, the whole battlefield is quiet.

There are many sergeants present, and even those gods are standing there, they have some sluggish.

"The Lord of the Temple of the Moon, what did you just say?" A Shenjun, who is standing next to the Lord of the Moon, I asked it again.

"I said, this sword is unparalleled, just a sacred country." The Moon Temple once again.

Everyone listened to this.

After listening to clear, the whole battlefield is sounded, but it is unprecedented.


"This sword is unparalleled, just a holy border?"

"A second-level god will be, and the battle is strong. Before, I was in hand with Jin Sni, and I was not in the wind in a short time.

"Are you kidding?"

Everyone is in an unprecedented shock, especially those sergeants, before they have seen the swords and unparalleled outbreaks, the war, the force, there is no worship.

But now, the Temple of the Temple of the Moon tells them that the sword is unparalleled. Is it just a holy?


"How can I?"


All these sergeants have a desperate shocking, and their heads are shaking.

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