Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 546 is incredible

"Sacred?" Jin Sni is also staring at the sword.

He just fought with the sword and the sword, the sword is unparalleled, and if he is not because of the existence of the road, he may not have to be able to defeat the sword, and now, the Moon Temple tells him. , Sword is unparalleled is just a holy border?

A holy border, can kill two rounds, don't fall in the wind?

A holy border, can you forced him?

"That little child ..." even the wind is full of God, but it is full of mistakes.

He before he was in Tianyu City, seeing the sword unparalleled god will be assessable. At that time, the strength of the sword was only quite surprised. But he didn't think of it, the sword was just a hord!

"The sword is unparalleled, you won't think that your concealed man can pass me?" Overlooking the sword.

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled, and then no longer hidden.

When the sword is unparalleled, the many sergeants around them are immediately noisy.

"Good guy, it is really holy!"

"It's really!" Jin Sni Shenjun stared at the sword and unparalleled, and the face became cloudy.

"Golden Snake, now you understand?" The Lord of the Moon Temple and the Jin Zombie came over, "You a goddess, life fight with a sacred sacred, the gap between the hierarchy is also more demanding, you put forward The life and death war, at least in the seventeen temples, the same thing can be carried out. "

Golden Snake is a big white.

Seventeen patriarch ...

Insightly, the whole demon league is also only thirty-three patriarics, and some of these thirty-three are in the mainstay, unless the monsters are in the case, and the human ethnic encounters the crisis, this part of the palace Will go, do not ask the world.

There are still some palays, it is in the monster territory, it is rare to come back, and it will not pay such a thing to live in life.

And the rest of the temple, although there is still more than 17 people, who will agree that he agrees with a small guy who follows a sacred country?

God's death is dead with the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred

"The sword is unparalleled." Jin Snao will bite to teeth, "You don't have to be proud," Don't be proud, the 17th Temple, I will find a way to agree, no matter any price, even if you are afraid of this Life, I will have to revenge and hate for Ling. "

After that, the golden snake goddess is the mainstay of the Qing Moon, and immediately waves the sleeve and falls.

"Okay, things have been, it is scattered." The Lord of the Moon said, and the body shape quickly disappeared.

As for those gods, they also left the beginning of three or two.

When leaving, these gods look at the swords and unparalleled eyes are still full of weird.

"The Holy Genting has such a power, interesting."

"This sword is unparalleled. If he makes him break through the clouds, its combat is afraid that it is better than me."

"Jin Snake can only be broken into the belly, I want to find the seventeen temple to agree with this sword. There is a unparalleled life, it is impossible."

After many gods left, the fourteenth area was again calm.

Not long, Fang Han came to the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled." Fang Han has a bit of complicated swords and unparalleled, and immediately took out a Qiankun ring. He said: "This is a beautiful dress that many sergeants cleaning the battlefield, and in this battle For force distribution, you have the greatest, so it directly takes up. "

This battle, the sword is unparalleled.

Like the area of ​​the domain, there is also a lot of swords and many monsters. Finally, they will block the movie alone, and they can say that they can kill so many monster in this fourteenth region. And the sword is unparalleled.

He directly occupies a beautiful demon dress, and no one will have opinions.

"Thank you." The sword nodded.

After the battlefield cleaning, the monsters were handled, and many sergeants have returned to the camp.

Inside the account, the sword is sitting there, sitting there, where to pay attention to the demon danda obtained by this war.

The more tragic crazy wars, the bigger the chance of the demon Dan, and the number of the demon don that is unparalleled in this battle is even more amazing.

Just for a moment, the sword is unparalleled.

"Eight-section demon Dan, 13"

"Seven-level demon Dan, thirty-six."

"Sixth order demon, one hundred and forty."

"As for the beautiful dress below sixth, it is countless."

Looking at the many demonans that have been all concentrated in a Qiankun, the sword has a strong light in the sword.

These demontes, a large part, is that when he is crazy, the monster is killed, and the other part is a consecutive demon, the value is extremely amazing.

"Sure enough, the war is the easiest to get the demon Dan." The sword is unparalleled and smiled.

The demon Dan, the role in the demon alliance is great.

Whether it is the heart of the country, there is also a lot of treasures of the demon building, you need to use the demon to exchange, and you can't replace anything else.

The number of demon suts that the swords are unparalleled in this battle, even if they are those gods, it is estimated that they will be eye.

"With these demon sorrows, the next few layers of fingers have fallen." The sword is unparalleled.

In the evening, the sword is unparalleled with the green fire, and after the camp, after a fierce battle, the camp is obviously more desolate than before.

A large number of sergeants fall, and the demon alliance has begun to supplement, it is estimated that it takes a few days, and Dongying's various people can all replenish it.

"Look, that is, the sword is unparalleled!"

"it's him?"

"Hey, I heard that today Jin Zombie God is personally shot, why can't he, and his realm, it is said to be just a context."

"A contest, strength is strong, it is simple."

Many of the sergeants around saw the sword unparalleled, and the eyes were exposed to the color of the worship, and many sergeants were still stigting.

"Musou brothers, you are now in the Dongying, you can be big enough, many sergeants are talking about you." The green fire said next to it.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is not concerned.

"Musnal brothers, are you still worried about the golden snake God?" The green fire is unparalleled.

"Fortunately." The sword shook his head without double.

"In fact, you don't have to care about the golden snake god. Although he is God's Jun, you are also the second-level god of the Demon League, at least, Jin Sni Shenjun never dares to you, as for the life and death, then I have to agree on the 17th temple. What is the identity of those temples? Although this Golden Snake God is also difficult to see one, I want to invite the seventeen temples to agree with your life and death, will not Maybe. "The green fire said.

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