Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 547 Older

"Seventeen Temple Lord?" The sword was unparalleled.

The existence of the main level of the temple, what is the status of the Demon Alliance, and if you want to move, it is very simple, and it is still a seventeen temple.

This Golden Snake God is afraid of exhausted all the houses, and it is estimated that it is impossible to invoice so many palace.

The most important thing is, even if he pays a price, the main people will not agree.

"Of course, this is just a statement, but if it is in a dark, this Golden Snake God can find a chance to kill you." Qinghu said.

Some means in secret, as long as the hands and feet are clean, there is no trace, then no one can let the golden snake god.

"The soldiers will be shocked, and the water is hidden. No matter how long it is still in a dark, I will then." The sword is unbolded, and he has already made his hand with Jin Zi Shenjun. He also barely has a bottom.

Perhaps the front is killing, he is enemy, but this is just a life, but there will be no problem.

The sword has not put the threat of the golden snake God in the heart, but at the moment, the golden snake gods sat in front of the book.

"General, this is what you want, all information about the sword", all in this. "A sergeant handed a piece of information to the Golden Snake.

Golden Snake God took information, but the brow is a wrinkle, "So thin?"

This information is only a few pages, and the golden snake god is open, soon browsing it.

"What is going on, how can I only have these months?" Golden Snake God asked.

"General, according to the information we find, this sword is being saved by the people who have been held by the mutual tribes a few months ago. As for the previous thing, it is a blank, it can't find it." The sergeant said.

"Oh?" Golden Snake God is showing a surprised color, and immediately look at the information again.

"Well? He just started to contact the blem method when he was the tribe of the Wuyi." Jin Snake God's look.

He had no pair of hands with swords, but it is very clear that the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled.

"A strength is so strong, can you just contact the blem method for a few months? And in just a few months, I will cultivate the bullous door to the sixth floor ..."

"His origin is full of mystery, even if he can't find the demon building, he can't find the experience before entering the tribe ..."

"He is strong, the means is quite in order to get it, so can, how can it be a little famous?"

Jin Snake God frowned.

"There are only two possibilities, and you can explain this!" The Golden Snake God is bright.

"The first possibility, he is a demon!"

"However, since he became a god, it will inevitably have a demon soul person to identify, and can be excluded."

"In this case, then only the second possibility, he is a foreign person!"

Older people, people from the demon spirit continent, said it is called out.

On the demon continent, there are some things like a hundred and eight gods.

At the beginning of the Wuyi tribe, the green fire is just a first-level god, but it still guesses that the sword is unparalleled is the identity of the outside. This golden snake is still high than the green fire. Naturally guess.

"Haha, heaven and help me, it is really a helping me too!"

"This sword is unparalleled, it is a foreign person."

Golden Snake God is excited.

How did he kill the sword without double, revenge for his son, but he knows that the sword is unparalleled is the identity of the outside.

As a foreign person, it will inevitably be contradict in the Demon League, after all, they are outsiders, and the Demon Alliance is most likely to help them themselves.

It's like a mother, no matter what your son did, it will be generally in your son.

If the sword is unparalleled, there is no foreign person. This Jin Zombie will raise the death battle to those temples. In the case of the patriarchal, after all, the sword is unparalleled, and the contest is strong. The world, the weakest is the top god, and even becoming the thirty-fourth temple of the Demon League, the possibility is very large.

The Demon Union will never see a peerless genius like swords, and die in advance.

It can be replaced with a foreign person, then it is different, a foreign man, there is no big dry system with their demon alliance, the talent potential is big, not by them, what is it?

In contrast, although the Jin Snake God will be weak, but it is also a god, which can be exhausted for the demon alliance, and it is more useful.

"Isors that he is the identity of the outside, it will kill him, it will be simple." Golden Snake God smiled coldly, and then left the account immediately.

Using space wormhole, this Golden Snake God has not long before the holy place.

The temple of the Holy Land is full of mountain palace, with a magnificent blood palace, the owner of this bloody palace, is the owner of the Demon Alliance, the Hall of the Ice Peak.

Inside the palace, glory.

A middle-aged man who is wearing a loose robe, a middle-aged man who is two eight beards, sitting on the foot.

"Seniors." Golden Snake Shouting shouted with his head.

The same is the master of the temple, and the Jin Sni will face the Lord of the Temple of the Temple, although it is also humble, but that kind of respect is just a good fortune, it can face this middle-aged man, the golden snake God is from the heart. Respect the tricks.

"Golden Snake, you come to me, is it for your son of Jinling?" The middle-aged man's ice peak hall overlooks.

"Yes." Jin Zi Shen Jun solemnly nodded.

"Your son, I can't help you." The Hall of the Ice Peak shook his head.

"Seniors." The golden snake gods.

"Golden Snake."

The Hall of the Ice Peak is once again. "I looked at you step by step. I went to this God of Today. I barely calculate your half a teacher, you have something, I can help you, but The Demon Alliance has the rules of the demon league, the person you want to kill is the second-level god of the alliance. You want to kill him, only give him a way to die! "

"The most important thing is that he is just a holy border ..."

"A context, there is a second-level god war, this is in my demon continent, there is no appearance, such a peerless genius, the hometown of the league will not allow you to kill him."

"They not only do not agree with the request for the life and death war, and even may send the strong to protect him, so that he grows up and become a great force in the Demon Alliance."

"Seniors, the sword is unparalleled, is a foreign person." Jin Zi Shen Jun suddenly.

"Well?" The Power of the Ice Peak Temple could not help but move.

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