Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 548 agreed?

"Older, you are sure?"

"Can't confirm, but at least 90% are grasped." Jin Zi Shen Jun solemnly.

The Horizhen Temple will sink for a while, but still shake his head. "Even if he is a foreign person, you want to die with him, it is not easy."

"I know, so I will come to find your predecessor." Jin Zi Shenjun looked over the Hall of Ice Peak.

The eyebrows of the ice peak, but it is silent, there is no first time to reply.

"Seniors, I have won a jade slip under the opportunity." Jin Sni Shenjun deeply sucking, slowly said: "The jade is simple, there is a message, that information is mentioned ... Age."

"What did you just say?" That has been sitting on the throne, and suddenly stands up, and it also flashes a singular color.

For the loss of the hometown of the Ice Peak, the golden snake goddess did not feel unexpected. He is very clear that the attraction of the Horizhen Temple is great.

"Seniors, you didn't listen to the wrong, the information of the jade order did mention the ages." Golden Snake God.

"Fast, I will give me the jade." The Hall of the Ice Peak.

Jin Sni is not hesitant, waving a jade simple, handed it to the hometown of the Ice Peak.

After the Yingfeng Temple took the jade simple, the consciousness was integrated into the jade, and when there was a message delivery.

The Jin Sni is still waiting quietly, but the face has a confident smile, and there is not long after the Peak of the Ice Peak is coming, but the face has already widen a surprise that cannot be hidden.

"Golden Snake." The Hall of the Ice Peak overlook again, "This jade, I want it, as for the life and death battle ... I will immediately send it to the other hall, let them sell me, I personally come, they don't Refuse."

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Golden Snake God is now big.

"Well, you will go back to go." The Hall of the Ice Peak waved.

"Yes." The Jin Sni should have a sound, then turn around.

Inside the palace, only one of the hometown of the ice peak, but the Ice Peak Temple at this moment is a trunger.



Time passed, blinking the monster, has been over ten days.

During this ten days, Dongying has been completely stable, and many of the many sergeants who have fallen in that battle have been added.

At this moment, the voids near the camps in the seventh collar are slowly brushed.

These two people have given the fourth floors of the city to the sword, the wind, the wind, the sword, the singer, the other is, the opening of the Jindan Shenjun.

"Hey, I have brought the golden snake God to kill the sword, but now, I will arrange me to declare this matter." The Xi Xian Shenjun sighs, and the face is somewhat.

"I didn't expect that the golden snake actually had a magazine to let the seventeen temples agreed with their life and death." Feng Yibao is also frowning.

"With the golden snake, there is no such thing, according to me, it is definitely he has come to the Ice Peak Hall behind him." Xi Xi Shen Jun said: "The Hall of the Ice Peak is the top three of the top three. Existently, his face, other palaces generally give, and the most important thing is that this sword is unparalleled, it is a foreign person. "

"Yes, if it is not the identity of the outside, it is useless to come to the Ice Peak Hall, and it is useless." Feng Yan god king.

"Okay, don't say it, already arrived." Sunset God overlooks the camp of the seventh collar below.

"The sword is unparalleled." The Xunxiang Shenjun stood in the wind and gods, and the sound of the Xunjun's voice has spread.

The sword of the six-heavy building ban is unparalleled, and he heard the sound of this voice and immediately got out the account.

"Wind Yong Jun, Xun Xiang Xun Jun." The sword was unparalleled to the two people respectfully.

These two people have helped him, and the sword is also grateful.

It is quite complicated to see his eyes at the moment.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The Xunxiang Shenjun is slightly opened, but the last, suddenly suddenly, and the last time sighed, this continued: "I am a command of the Qing Moon Temple, the golden snake gods puts forward with you. There have been a seventeen temple owners agree. "

"What? Agreement?" The sword was unparalleled.

Originally in his opinion, the golden snake God wants you to let the seventeen temples agree with their life and death, almost impossible, result ...

"It seems that I have a little bit of this golden snake God, which can let the seventeen temples agree with this life and death, and he can not be small." The sword was unparalleled.

Na Xijun continued: "According to the rules of the league, since there are seventeen temples agree, then your life and death will be set, but considering that you are just a context, the gap between the golden snake gods is too big, so Will be prepared for a month, after a month, just in the holy place, you will live with the golden snake god, and will die! "

"One month?" The sword was unparalleled.

The Demon Alliance is not too much, at least give him a month preparation time.

"The command has been conveyed, I will go first." The Xun Xiang Shen Jun said, and turned directly to it, but the wind is not in a hurry, but it comes to the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled." Feng Yongni took a touch of smile and looked at the sword.

"Feng Yong Jun." The sword is unparalleled and humble.

"When I was on Tianyu City, you will surprise me, but now, you are surprised to me, but bigger." The wind is god, "how, know how to follow it after a month Golden Snake God is a dead battle, is there stress? "

"It is a bit." The sword is unparalleled.

Life and death, can be different from the general killing.

If it is normal, he is not worried about the golden snake God, after all, even if he is enemy, he can escape.

It can be killed and dead, and once the strength is not as good as people, it will only be dead.

"There is no way, the alliance finds that you are a foreign person, and those who are naturally nature nature," "Feng Yong Shen Jun said.

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

He finally understood, why did those temples agree, and feelings are related to his origin.

"The life and death war have been determined, then you can't change, you will be too late, unless you escape into the territory of the monster, you will always return to the human territory." Feng Yongnao.

"There is a golden snake god in the district, and it is not qualified to make me escape." The sword is unparalleled but a smile.

Jokes, in China, facing the super power above the clouds, it is equivalent to the power of the Mono-League of League, he all has passed.

The golden snake is hinge, but an ordinary god is still there, it is not qualified to make him not fight.

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