"The sword is unparalleled, I will give you a wake up, don't be too small to kill the golden snake God." Feng Yan god suddenly.

"Well?" The sword walked in the past.

"Golden Snake God, in the 18th God of Jun, has been very low-key, and the low-key makes everyone feel that he is in many gods, it should be a bottom, but his real strength has more, but no one is said. Qing, after all, he has never been with a person, or the monsters fight. "Feng Yongnao said.

"I also have some conversions with him. Although I have never been handed, I always feel that his strength is not as simple as it, before he has handed hands with you, but I dare to be sure, at that time. Not useless at all. "

I heard this, the sword was unlikely, he didn't expect that the evaluation of the golden snake gods will be high.

"No matter what to say, a month later, you can see your own energy, I have two things, I should give you some help." Feng Yong Shen Jun said, but I took out a jade. And a purple grain fruit.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled to watch the jade is simply purple gold fruit, and the face is puzzled.

"This jade is my own experience, but also many of the mystery of the dripping swords I am, I can have some borrowing effect on you in the future." Feng Yan God said, "As for This fruit, named soul, is that I got a coincidence when I was in the wearer of the monster, I got two, I swallowed one, the remaining one was. "

"Soul, is a very unique genius, can be used to enhance the 'soul'."

"Like me, I just woke up two swordsman. After swallowing this soul, I woke up the third sword soul, and your sword soul ... very strange, or very terrible, but also With great growth space, this soul is also used by you. "

The sword is unparalleled, but the heart is a movement.

The Feng Yizhen is the feeling of the "Tao '", and some of the souls of the dripwalk.

These are not used by him, but it is simply used.

It can be so precious, this wind is willing to give him?

Just like the fourth layer of the Tarten Palace, the value is equally extraordinary. Even the gods will pay attention to it, and the wind is giving him a no condition, and the sword is unparalleled. There is no meguge before before, why is this wind? Take care of him this?

"Hold it."

Feng Yubi god Jun will give jade emperor to the soul of the soul, smiled: "If it is not the case of God, see you to show swordsmanship, so that I have a lot of touch, I have been worried about the sword Trick, I don't know when I will be able to master it, and there is a bottleneck that is still trapped in the sword, and it is impossible to break through. "

"You helped me busy, these things, I have given you."

The sword is unparalleled. It turned out that he had a sword that will be displayed at the time of God. It has made a little touched when he has gone, so that he is very busy. It is no wonder that this wind will take care of him.

"Thank you." The sword has no pair, and it is no longer to be confident, and the jade is simply briefing the soul.

"You still have a month, let's get ready, I hope you can have a rider." Feng Yan god king looked at the sword, no more, no more, the sound moved, it has left it directly.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has been in the bottom of the ground, just falling into the ground, the green fire will welcome it.

"Musou brothers, what happened?" The green fire wrinkled.

"After a month, I will fight with the Jin Sni Shenjun." The sword has no double.

"How is it possible?" The green fire was shocked. "How can the Golden Snake God can invite your life and death?"

"It is the master of Jinfeng Demon, and the Demon Alliance also I was an outsider, so the monette of the temple agreed." The sword has no double.

"Golden Peak Temple?" Gunfire Face Colored.

"Green fire, I am going to leave Dongying." The sword has no double.

"Well, you only have a month, you must be prepared." Green fire seriously.

The sword nodded, and then immediately applied for leaving Dongying. The process was simple, but the second day, the sword had already explained everything in Dongying, and then he left Dongying.

"For a month, although it is not long, it is not short, this month I have to think about the law's strength is more powerful." The sword didn't double, you did it in the first step, but found a secluded The ground, go to the kind of jade leaving the gods.

This is quiet, the sword is unparalleled to choose in the sunny mountain range.

The Tianlun Mountain is wide, the rare people pass, the sword is unparalleled in one of the mountains in the sky, sitting on the knee, and then takes out the jade of the wind and the gods, starting to browse the message.

In this jade simple, some concepts of the recorded wind gods are in the same concept, and there is a lot of feelings on the dripping sword.

There are many messages and more relatively relatively.

After spent for a long time, the sword is not browsed by the information in this jade simple.

"Tao, is this this?" The sword has a lot of emperors.

Before he gained, he has been full of doubts. After all, he did not get in touch with it. It didn't understand what it was. He only knows that it is very wonderful, like when it is in Shenzhou, the skeptive sword of the sister, the heart of the blind, is very mysterious.

Until now, I saw the feelings of Feng Yubi, and the sword didn't understand.

Road, is the source of this source!

This source will be derived from a higher level when the sentiment is a certain level.

This velion, the process is very complicated, and it is necessary to have a unique understanding of this source.

Like the wind of the god, it is the source of dripping, which is derived from the drip sword.

The sword is unparalleled.

"According to Feng Yizhen, he combined the sword and dripping this source, which evolved the dripping sword, although it was also a way, but I always feel a little quirky." The sword is unparalleled. Frown. "

In his view, the source is the source, the sword is a sword, both of which are completely different.

Since it is a source of origin, it is purely from the source of the source, the dripping sword of the singer, is not purely relying on the source of the water, but joined the swords in it. This path is coming.

"Drops of the sword ... It seems that all the essence of the source of the drip is all." The sword couldn't bear his head.

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