Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5443 5438 Chapter ?? Resurrection

The five-order episode is also unlucky, which is fallen.

Although Situ is not knowing about what is going on, but Tian Ji moved to kill the Emperor's emperor. He didn't take it anyway, otherwise how to bring people in the future.

Bold! "

Just when he shot, the body suspended over the sky was falling down.

It is the five-order epidermid that I was previously killed by Tianyujun, the dead body, a shook, and then actually resurrected.

This stopped the original prepared, Situ, surprised, looking at the people lying on the ground.

"You ..." Situ South did not dare to believe.

After the body was restored, the ground was returned.

After the busy retreat, he went to see the eyes of Tian Yuchai, leaking a fear.

He has just killed once, and the memory is very profound.

In an instant of falling behind, his soul was in an instant to tear two points, a false, a returned flesh.

Although it is resurrected, his soul has been hit hard.

Everyone thinks about what happens above.

Feelings, their current body is soul, the flesh is floating!

" , you are looking for death!"

Although there is no real fall, rush to the strong people of their vital palace, Situ South will not easily let go of each other.

But Tianqi Dijun, now the power of the sixth-order peak, only better than Situ, is not afraid of each other.

What's more, now Turtle Island is also there.

The inheritor is not ready to do it.

Everything is heavy in the room.

Now I have to die, I live, I really have to inherit, I need to compete for it, I need someone to work, they will kill themselves.

But what is unexpected is that the Turtle Island Lord did not help me.

With the rest of the person, he did not pay attention to the eyes of Tianchao.

This makes the sky are very embarrassing, although not afraid of Situan, but this narrow hall, he fled, and it was a risk of falling.

Situ south, hit the god of the gods, falling directly from the sky, and to suppress the Tianyu Jun.

Directly forced Tianjun's monarchy, tough resistance.

"Don't deceive it too!" Tianyuijun anger.

But in the south, if you don't score each other, you will put it in the face.


The creation of the god bells a burst of humming, a sound wave attack, and the sound of the sound makes the soul are thrown.

Under the blow of a wave, there is no fetcher, and it is ultimately calmed.

Suspended in the top of the main hall also dropped down.

Situ South wanted to completely kill each other, at this time, Turtle Island took the initiative.

Tianji Dijun reappeared from the six-order peak to the top of the sixth order, and he had no threat to him. Naturally, he could not give Situ South.

Anyway, it is also a powerful force.

When the La Tao is a hand, it is straightforward to stop the means of Situ, and the sound is low: "Almost can, Tian Xi first, you are not right, you have a big enough!"

"Hey!" Situ said in the south, angered: "Ara, you are not enough, killing you is not enough, a group of but also dare to compare with me!"

Although she said, but she was slow because he found that the Lord of Turtle Island at this time was a little less than the head. She just intercepted, she was very casual, but she contained a great power. It was already able to threaten him.

It stood up at this time at this time, and the opening of the mouth: "For the Situ, everything is heavy!"

In the end, Situ is in the middle of the south.

In the face of the three kings, they are indeed heavy.

Now the flesh is floating above, the soul is walking below, quite funny.

The sword is unparalleled and looked up for a long time.

I found that the old flesh of Zi Mountain is also above, but the soul is not here, it should be completely fallen. As for who is killed, he doesn't know.

But there is nothing to worry, now he is exposed, just with the veteran palace and the inheritor.

The Bai Jun Wang is falling, and everything vows is also attributed to the front line. He is completely from the gods.

In the future, the well is not committed to the river.

He also disgusted to give someone as a piece.

Bai Jun Wang said that the fall is falling. This is a big powerful, saying that it will give up, he is just a Dao, I am afraid it is nothing value.

Still getting out early.

After all, it is a district of the district and is the foundation of the disagreement.

Even if the god can pass through the sky, there is also true spirits.

Although a small episode has occurred, the main hall has been shaking.

At the northwest corner of the main hall, the terminal of the mural.

A small copper furnace rose, there is a large vortex in the middle.

Just look forward to the front view, the hall sounded a heavy voice.

"I am the third real king of the three kings!"

This voice allows everyone to shock.

The soul of the soul!

It is the power of the soul.

The ladder of them is that the strong is created.

The third true king should be one of the three kings.

Then, the heavy voice sounded again. "Enter the copper furnace to receive the inheritance. You only have time, one time, after a time, the whole three king court will fall into the time and space, never open."

Everyone listened to it.

Drop in time and space.

That is not a spatial chaos.

In time and space, the owner of the universe will fall, it is a terrible place.

After this heavy voice falls, the northeast corner of the main hall has risen, which is a hill, nominated above "Fang Mountain".

A harsh voice came from above, "" , the practitioner of the changed tract, the speed enters the square. "

"I am the second real king 'thousands of true Jun', remember the name of this seat, not forget!"

The last, especially fierce, which is very unwilling.

Although just a few words, the sword has experienced a lot.

There is desolate, and there is also the feeling that wants to break all rules, but there is no power.

These two sounds represent the soul and change.

This is also the most contact.

Two channels, especially the origin of the soul, many people have gone, although finally changed, but now the transformation is not too late.

But look, some people are not prepared to change.

Turtle Island is not hesitant, directly entering the copper furnace.

Tianyu Jun went to the square.

Bolley, who is sitting in the corner, recently from the square, as if he will know that there will be a general mountain, and the figure also went in.

The sword is not waiting, he is waiting for the first true king.

That chessboard, he did not forget.

The soul and changing travelers, for him is the left.

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