Only on the board, his upgrade is the greatest, for all things, exceeding the things in the changing ladder.

Sure enough, he guess it.

Among the murals, a red-haired old man came out and scared everyone.

"Little guys, don't be afraid, my old guy I didn't know how many years." The face of the old man is a bit rough, the skin is red, the belly is like chess, all are round.

Compared with the previous two, this first true king, more good.


A chessboard is vacated, and there is a sentence in front of everyone.

"I am the opening of the three Wang Ting. Even if the name is, it is a virtual name, you call me is the 'big official' ', and I like to watch chess, becoming my successor, is very boring, you can Don't regret it! "

This paragraph is the previous record, the same as the front.

But now the first true king big official appeared in front of everyone, obviously different from the previous two.

Looking at the remaining people, I finally chose the soul and change.

I don't have time to think about it.

In front of the first true king's chess game, they are very puzzled. There is no shortage of clues at all, and the improvement is not big. It is better to try the soul and change the way.

Hui Qing's sword nodded, did not say more, with ginger into the copper furnace.

Most of the remaining portions have chosen the road before, not too much hesitation.

It is a swing on the left and right red water.

He is a special life, and the changed trip to him is really no big use.

A increase source, an increase of soul, these two are not special.

Special life, special is the structure of the body and the body.

The inheritance of the practice is not too big to him.

The official official also saw the hesitation of red water, actually open a reminder: "Your skin is thick, it is very similar to the guy with a single eye."

Said, the finger is out, a lightning has made a bridge.

"Here, can only go in you, let's go in!"

The red water walker is big, and I almost kneel on the spot. After I am busy, I will take it in one.

The people of the hall, let alone, there is no sword unparalleled.

"Little guy, come with the old man next game?" The big official waved, the chessboard flew over.

The sword is unparalleled, respectful: "Praise the arrival!"

Subsequently, two reached a fall.

This time the sword is unparalleled, and finally shaken his head.

Start him, I thought I had a talented person, and now he is in general.

"Haha, don't be lost, I am like you, the talents starting are generally, and I haven't figured out the mystery of this chessboard."

The sword is unparalleled: "Seniors, your own source, it seems that it is not compliant with the chessboard?"

"Yes, I am the head hard, because one is a treasure, delay your life, you can give up premature, I am very happy! Is it a first level, a small guy wants to be my successor?" The official is slightly interested in the sword.

This time, the sword is unparalleled, there is no one hesitated, and the moment is directly opened: "The late generation!"


He also left the hall and entered the board.

In the space in the chessboard, it is very stable. When the sword is unparalleled, it is from the sky and does not want to make spatial conversion in the past.

Obviously he didn't leave the main hall, but the chess board is in the main hall, he is still in the main hall.

The big official will then come here.

Looking at the sword is unparalleled, the voice is also modified, it has become a bit serious, "the sword is unparalleled, the name is very good, there is a killing!"

"Thank you for praise!" The sword was unparalleled.

The big official is swaying, two people directly entered a huge futer.

"How, it's really true!"

The sword is unparalleled: "Space changes, seniors strength!"

This space is very real, some of whom have no difference in living things.

"Haha, you will look at you next, the second level can be difficult, the brighter!" The big official pointed to a huge behemoth in the lower cage.

Looking at the power should be the emperor level, regardless of ancient heterogeneous, than the ordinary practitioner emperor, to force a grade.

The giant beast, the second order of the episode, but it can be comparable to the third-order emperor.

In ancient times, I want to fight against it, it is more difficult than it is now.

Because the emperor of that period can be too much in the four major secrets of the four major secrets.

He can kill the fiveth order in the four major secrets. In the real ancient times, you can compare the five-order.

Will be low, but this is enough.

The first true king's consciousness should be left before leaving, there is no resolution, and I don't know the true power of Xiaolian's unparalleled.

Otherwise, you will not take out such a huge behemoth.

It is only comparable to the third-order Emperor, this is what it looks.

The sword is unparalleled directly, falling into the center of the beast.

Falling down, sweeping dust.

The beast also put it out of the cage.

The sword is unparalleled, it is just a sword, and it will fly out. Directly pierce the beast eyebrow, and the sword is in entering the beast. 100,000 faint meat pieces.

The big official of this scene is shocked.

For a time, he was a little unparalleled with the sword.

If it is a simple kill of the beast, he will not be too shocking, you can kill the beast, it is too incredible.

The information passed in the three Kings Ting, the sword is really just a way.

"Seniors, how!"

The sword is unparalleled, and a thin piece of transparent meat is grabbed, and it is handed over the official official.

He can see the corners of the opponent in jitter.

I have fallen countless years.

Can memorize yesterday or ancient times.

The big official recalled him to the Daojun, as if the most reversed sky is also a road to the fourth-order episode.

"Cough, not bad, but this is just a small dish of the appetizers, you are not the emperor of the battle, but like you, just a Daojun, but don't mind, this Dao Jun is my three Kings. The first one! "

Said that one point out, a person appeared in the beefield.

That is a teenager wearing a silver tai armor, with a tiger's helmet.

British, powerful.

This time the opponent is not general.

A Daojun, can be strong, it should be the ultimate way, and still arrived at the ninth floor of the ultimate path.

The sword is unparalleled in the field, and it is ready to spread the audience.

The other party is the ultimate road, but I don't know what the ultimate way is.

"Do you want to challenge me?"

Silk armored teenager looked at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled. He did not expect the other party to talk, and it was originally thought that it was only illusion.

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