Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5445 5440?? God of War

However, since the other party can speak, he has a consciousness, he has to be serious, the other party is the ultimate way, and there is still payive attention.

"In the following sword, there is no parallel, please advise!" The sword was unparalleled, and there was a long sword in his hand.

The silver armor is a proud head, the war is high, the cold channel: "My Goddess is high, remember my title!"

After the words, I finished directly illusion, I suddenly rushed.

The momentum is unstoppable.

At least four-term top warrants.

This level, the threat is not the sword is unparalleled, but he doesn't dare to go. If there is any means, he has turned over the boat.


A fierce claw is torn, and the moment is in front of him.

However, in the face of the white tiger and beast, the sword has seen this respect of the brigade.

This fierce offense, you want to crack, you have to defeat your front.

The sword has no double one sword, and it is straightforward. This sword is at least the battle force of the fourth-order peak. The other must stop, to resist this sword, otherwise it will be fallen.


He didn't expect the other party, not only did not stop, even more efforts, and the breath has repeatedly increased.

The sword is unparalleled first, and the robe of the appearance is pulled, leaking out dark red inner armor.

The hard claws have touched soft armor, did not make a big sound, swords unparalleled chest, want to break his armor, it is impossible, but huge impact, he can bear a lot.

However, the strength of the other party is almost, he has not injured.

And now it is turned to him.

A sword thorn, finger eyebrow.

The next white tiger helmet was wrapped directly.

The sword is unparalleled, the impact is small, no pungement, natural damage, but even if so, up to the slight injury.

The fullness of the fourth-order peak, did not break the helmet, the armor on the opponent, at least the imitation of the eternal tobao, and it is still the top of the top.

The congenial best to the treasure, the sword is unparalleled to break, and it is possible to block him.

As for the real eternal to treasure, even if the strong strong is not can't break, don't say him.

The other party can block, and in his expectation, the first Jun of the Sanyang Ting, there is eternal to Bao, he is not unrest.

Up to it, after being hit, I lost my shock, surprised: "Are you also aunt?"

"Otherwise!" The sword was unparalleled.

Although the other party is the first Jun of the Sanyang Ting, the status is not too high, and it will not have the eyes of the three kings.

Even if the combat is rebounded against the sky, the talent is strong, but maybe it is nothing to go, let alone become the Lord of the universe.

For these talents, there will be a lot of cultivation, and there is no exaggeration in the Divorit Temple.

The former is cultivated else, the latter is screening the inheritor, not the same.

On the insight and the realm, the sword is unparalleled than too much.

The other party's space is not stable in the stars, and the two stars are very small.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power of half a black hole has been mastered.

What is powerful.

"You are too close!"

The sword is unhappy, the ancient sword is rising, and the heavens have come.

After the punishment, it is the town!

"Falling!" Numerous swords rose, the town is out, then this ancient times, the top name of the ranks, the number of the names of the number, and directly stored.

The polarity expansion, the mental force is moved, the sealed poppy is broken, and the source is in the dark hole of the sword.

It seems that it is easy to defeat the other party, in fact, the strength of the other party is still very, about it is four-step peak.

Especially when I finally resist his sword, the breath broke out, it was very strong, this kind of road to the ultimate road, it is not a simple, no one is simple.

The first true king is hot.

The potential and strength of swords beyond his expectations. It was originally thought that the sword was unparalleled.

A Dao Jun, strongcoming this, and he did not be so powerful when he was in Daojun.

"Seniors, this is done?" The sword didn't double the long sword, and the sky was up, and the big official.

The big official does not say much, this space disappears in an instant, and the two will reach the board.

"Not bad, but I want to get my inheritance, not so simple."

After that, the first true king began to explode, but the power is not strong, just the realm of Daojun.

Sword is unparalleled!

What does it mean.

The big official is light: "According to my original intend, beat up, you have the ability to become my successor, but I have changed the idea now!"

"Defeat me, is the only way out now!"

The sword is unparalleled, "What?"

Defeat the first true king!

how can that be.

Although I know the breath of the other party is just a road, it is a bit too much!

The other party can be ancient times in ancient times, and the hegemony strong in Moro, even if he presses the strength to Dao, he is never opponent.

His space realm, in the end of the space, embark on the power of the time, nothing.

Half a black hole, dealing with others, dealing with an old monster, too cold.

The big official thought that it was so scared that the sword was unparalleled, but he did not know that the sword was not scared, but it became very excited.

The more difficult, the more he receives.

As for failure?

He didn't think that there is no suspected of failing yourself.

If you want to defeat the first true king, he does not require a realm, it is necessary to surpass the war of the first true king.

The realm of the first true king is very high, but the origin is the limit of the Daojun. It is also the ultimate way. Even if he is the ninth floor of the ultimate, he is not imaginary. He did not defeat a ultimate in front. The road is successful.

As for the body, the sword is unparalleled can only feel the vain of the vain, and the flesh is general.

Even if the realm of the space is succumbed, the time is far away, but these transformation has limited power.

A Dao Jun, I want to play so much war, I don't realize.

The sword is unparalleled, and he is strong: "Sin!"


Full outbreak!

Without any hidden, he doesn't have to hide what is in front of a dead.

The body has begun to expand, from the foundation of 15,000 times, directly soaring to 30,000 times.

Subsequently avatar.

Thousands of people!

The sword is unparalleled, and the Secrets of the Episode of the Episode of this source can actually have an effective effect on the Tianguo.

The body and the origin are climbing, and the flesh is tough and has no signs of signs.

Originally I didn't bear the powerful strength, I could see the back, the big official was stunned.

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