Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5449 5444 ?? Goodbye Xuan Yi!

The sword is unparalleled to think that this ancient boat is in this time and space, so it is not too surprised.

The big official is stunned. He is the master of this treasure. He can never know this river, in addition to this reef, there are other things.

The sword on the side also saw a embarrassment, and I found that the face of the official official is not right, and I will return it.

"Little guy!" An old man on the ancient boat, turned against them, standing on the ship, and the simple robes lined with some single body.

This sound?

The sword was unparalleled to hear this voice, leaking a shocked expression, this sound is too familiar.

"Is you? Xuan Yi teacher!" The sword is unparalleled. Some can't believe it.

The big official is also stunned, the back!

He is also very familiar, although he is only a ten-day contact, he is remembered in his life.

From the vanity to the peak, he has never been forgotten, the teacher.

A game, let him benefit life.

One of the treasures, let him go to the peak.

The sword is unparalleled, it seems that the ancient one is Xuan Yi. Today's meet, I am afraid I am planning from ancient times.

I don't know if I am in the gods, and I am planning this place.


The first true king of the Sanyang Ting, the official official is directly on the ground, and the old people on the ancient boat are respectful.

"Xuan Yi teacher!" The sword is unparalleled.

The old people on the ancient boat, slowly turned, leaking the familiar face, Wenya.

"Don't be surprised, this is just my kind of speech, my real body is not in this square time, this chess is a teacher left Mo Luo time space, just waiting today, it seems that you are really a natural selection people!"

Xuan Yi's words, let the sword are unparalleled.

The people of the selection, the planning of ancient times?

The big official squatting on the ground did not dare to look up, respectfully squat on the ground.

There are a lot of questions that swords have a lot of questions, but I don't know why.

"Everything, when you encounter me, you will know, this chessboard is the only treasure I left here, this is to prepare for you!" Xuan is a little.


From weak hours, he started to cultivate him and once again.

The sword is not doubles, and there is a bit embarrassed.

I remembered all kinds of things.

The mage of the west, and those who have been those things.

Everything seems to be clear now.

He is still a piece of chess.

But this is also mutual, he needs treasures to improve yourself, others also need him with this potential chess.

This board is good!

Representing everything.

"Xuan Yi teacher, where do I want to find you?" The sword is unparalleled or some can't help but ask.

"I am not in space, if you want to find me, let time chase!" Xuanyi left this sentence, the ancient ship began to faint disappear.

The sword is unparalleled, even if it is a chess, he can never forget.

Seeing Xuanyi disappeared, the bottom five flavors.

There is not sweet, and there is also an unhappy.

If you are unwilling, it's too weak to be a chess. This is the gap between him and the strong, and it is stronger.

It is a memories that have been boring in the heart.

Since the strength is getting stronger, the station is getting higher and higher, he is getting farther and farther away from the emotions, doing things are not part of the wrong, only to see the pros and cons, everything is the truth of the strong, but these years, he Suddenly some disgusted their own practices.

Maybe it will change.

Well, feelings, everything must be equalized.


It will change everything, but changed his sword where his sword is nothing, the road to the heart.

If it is calculated at time, he doesn't want to meet Xuanyi at the end, and it is willing to pass the way to the other side.

"Already gone!" The sword was unparalleled, and he bowed his head to the first true king of the squat on the ground.

But I found that the other party had already lost their knowledge, and the big officials who were in the ground have become an empty shell.

It seems that it is taken by Xuan Yi, or it is self-destroyed. If you fall, you will go!

Now there is only one person left, unprecedented.

The knee is sitting in the pavilion, and the eyes are closed.

In his own source, a chessboard appeared.

"View the Chess"! "

The mini chessboard is central, there are four big characters on the long river of time and space.

On this mini board, there have been a lot of chess pieces.

There is also a piece of chess, and the sword is unparalleled, it is a sword, which contains a complete ultimate sword.

This makes the sword unparalleled very happy.

When you try to participate, you find that you can't touch it.

"It should be the reason why there is no control!" The sword is unparalleled.

Although the chessboard is in his hand, it may not be able to use it or a matter.

He is now a Daojun, you want to drive this view of the sky, it is too difficult.

Even the chess pieces above can not be used.

In addition to the sword, there are other chess pieces.

The sword is unparalleled to pick a piece of breath, although it is not the ultimate way, but it contains a strong soil.


After touching, he unconsciously entered the chess pieces.

In the chess pie, he has improved the power of the past, and even some of these sources.

These chess pieces contain all the objects, if each one can enter, isn't it a big fortune?

Breakthrough, just in front of you.

If you think that the first true king said, here will collapse the space chaos, he really wants to practice here, until the road is successful.

"Or just right!"

The sword is unparalleled into the chess pieces, and at the same time, it is divided into countless mental power, one by one to try the chess, and finally entered a few pieces.

Too strong, you can't enter, the weakness is able to go in and enhance your other native.

This board is simply cultivated to treasure.

In addition to this, there is a more powerful role in the watching chessboard, but he is now too weak, and it is still unable to refresh the mystery.

Want to use, at least after it is emperor.

I can only look at the eye.

He remembers that the official official will make time to speed up the trick, it is simply incredible.

If it is fighting with the enemy, I am afraid I will reverse the occupation in an instant.


The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is left.

The watching the game has gradually disappeared. It does not have a sword to collect, it will return to the source.

Re-return to the main hall, here is extra cold here.

Don't wait for him, he suddenly rises, and it is also a black in front of him, just in the blurred time to stand a lot of people.


The sword is unparalleled only feels unparalleled, and the movements are very stiff.

This time it is completely recovered, and the soul will have this situation after entering the flesh.

After he recovered, a white jade reel also entered his mind.

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